and what does it actually mean to you?
I keep hearing the yessers say one reason Scotland should go it alone is to become a "fairer society". I question what this actually means! To me it would involve greater responsibility on individuals to take action to ensure they are financially viable. I hope should the yessers get their way the feral youth breeding program will be stopped. People will consider the financial implications of breeding and not think its their right to reproduce with no concern for the welfare of their offspring. ie if you cant afford it dont have it.
I hope peoples reliance on the state to solve their errors and or lack of effort to gain employment will diminish. I really cannot fathom why so many adults feel the need for a nanny state to fund them. The lack of self worth some people have is astounding. Lets see people attempt to better themselves not by breeding uncontrollably or feigning illness for yet more handouts. Take responsibility for your life and your actions and should you find yourself at a foodbank THINK HOW DID I GET HERE AND WHAT AM I GOING TO DO TO ENSURE IM NOT HERE AGAIN!
Time for some to grow a pair and take the responsibility adulthood brings seriously!
Why will we become a fairer society?
posted on 14/8/14
I think you completely misunderstand every point put to you. At what point did I say higher wages? That's correct, never. The point, if you would listen, is if you end up with more disposable income sitting at home than if you are going out to work then you will sit at home. The only thing that will help this is job creation. The only way to create the correct jobs for the people of Scotland is to take control of the fiscal policy of this country, the current situation hasn't worked up to now, why will that all of a sudden change?
posted on 14/8/14
Daily Mail editorial?
Maybe you could get employers to pay a LIVING wage? That'd actually save money in the benefits given to people that actually DO WORK but need top-ups provided by the State because employers prioritise profit!
How about the assault on welfare is stopped and those who fall on hard times are helped on their way back to work, rather than callously dismissed as scroungers and tossed on the scrapheap to help government figures?
How about nationalising essential industries so that people aren't exploited for services that they simply cannot live without? Demand for energy will never reduce as it is essential. Nationalise it and the State and its citizens would benefit.
Just a few changes to making society fairer.
posted on 14/8/14
Heres the thing. Reduce their sit at home money and they WILL work. Start on a rung and work up. Similar to how most progress. And dont walk into the foodbank nattering on your iphone. Jeezus you lot just want cuddled through life. Get a grip.
posted on 14/8/14
You really believe people go to food-banks with an Iphone?
It is a humiliating experience for a lot of people, in fact there are probably a whole lot more people who are severely underfed and do not go to food-banks because they feel there is a stigma attached to it.
Benefits have been cut. TWICE as much money is saved by the government from people who have an entitlement but don't claim, as is fraudulently handed out.
Stop demonising everyone as scroungers.
posted on 14/8/14
What about all the Tory boys?
Kvnts that make millions in minutes in the Stock Exchange.
Then tax dodge their gains.
As a Gers fan you've seen how these chancers operate.
Come in with nowt. Leave with plenty of swag.
It wasn't the fella who earns £6.80 an hour who sunk Rangers.
It was greedy Tory boys.
And they're still doing it to your club.
Never mind.
Let's just do the Mail Online utter shiiite.
posted on 14/8/14
What has my football allegiance got to do with this!
SHUT THE FOOD BANKS! they are just another excuse for your cuddle loving mentality! I hardly think the bus owners are tories! Craig Whyte lives in monaco therefore doesnt have a vote!
Seriously can you imagine your folks tolerating these pathetic excuses? Yeah they would have stopped working and sat on their erchies Find a job work hard gain the rewards That is life! Want a better job? Try night classes!
Seriously cut the mollycoddling and people will get it!
posted on 14/8/14
Getting a job does not automatically mean you do not need to use a food-bank. The likes of zero-hours contracts and employers who deliberately do not pay the national minimum wage coupled with a very high cost of living mean that for many they are still in poverty.
Your individualist theory is all fine and well, but the harsh reality is that a job does not solve everything.
posted on 14/8/14
Marcelino - if its soooo bad?
posted on 16/8/14
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posted on 16/8/14
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