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We ARE Premier League

We are Premier League

We are Premier League

We ARE Premier League

posted on 17/5/15

Arro put that bone down or this is just going to remove focus on what we should be doing enjoying staying up

posted on 17/5/15

It's harmless fun Nev, I backed us before the season kicked off and I was proven right. Having been called deluded and repeatedly told that our inexperienced players wouldn't be able to step up, any decent person would apologise and give me and the players some credit but that kind of behaviour is beyond some people!

posted on 17/5/15

I've given you credit. 2 months ago, even the most positive leicester fan would've been fearing the worse.
And potentially the experience of Pearson being at the Albipn during our remarkable escape may have put you in good stead

The reality is, both suggested we would be ok. And both were. Over the course of the season the points tally suggests the teams are fairly evenly matched, as do the results between the two clubs. All 4 midlands clubs have stayed in the premiership, and all 4 have looked good in the past few months.

Just a shame none of our compatriots (forest, derby or the dingles) could join us

It's anyone's guess who will win the battle for 13th though
About a million pounds on the line

posted on 17/5/15

Tbf arro, you did suggest our players weren't of the required quality

Massive summer ahead for every club as always
For your sake you've got to pray you hold onto Cambiasso

posted on 18/5/15

I never lost faith, never at any point did I think we'd go down because our performances were good, we just had a ridiculous amount of bad luck which I was sure would have to change eventually, and it did.

We haven't played better in the last few games than we have all season, the difference is we've learnt how to win games now but arguably we've played better in many games and got nothing.

To be honest though, I still don't rate your team and I've seen nothing to suggest that my opinion at the start of the season was wrong. You grind out results in typical Pulis fashion, you don't play good football, you're not exciting to watch and I still wouldn't want any of your players. Berahino scored more than I expected but I still wouldn't want him, way too arrogant for my liking and doesn't have the right work ethic to play for us so no thanks. That said, with Pulis in charge I'd expect you to finish around the same position next season and wouldnt be fancying you for relegation.

I have no doubt we'll finish top 10 next season because we're already good enough and have proven it. A few more additions and we'll be well set and signing players is also going to be much easier now we've established ourselves.

I predicted 11th to 16th this season and if you lose to Chelsea and Arsenal, as expected, and we beat QPR, as expected, then we'll finish 13th so bang on the money I'd say 😉

posted on 18/5/15

Dont get ahead of yourselves. One good run doesn't mean you are established.
Second season is almost always tougher.

Good luck though. Like most other clubs, you could finish anywhere between 7th and 20th

posted on 18/5/15

Tbf to Berahino. No way would he get in our team if he didn't have the right work ethic

Regardless of this. Ultimately a fantastic season for you, and a solid one for us

posted on 18/5/15

OOA - you fold me not to get ahead of myself at the start of the season when I said I thought we'd be good enough to finish 11-16th 😉 and to be fair, our performances over the course of the season have deserved at least another 6-9 points.

Robbed of a stupid amount of penalties and had ridiculous penalties given against us too, things could have been very different with a bit more luck. We were dubbed the unluckiest team in PL history too earlier in the season.

The important thing here is we haven't played like a relegation team all season and just had a good run, we played like that all season but eventually matured into this division and we're now getting the resulte our performances deserved. Massive difference to just sneaking a few results and scraping 17th on the last game.

Not one Leicester fan will say we've played better in the last eight games than we did in the previous 29 and the players and manager can't pin point a difference either. we simply learnt how to win.

The biggest difference in my opinion is we're playing like we did last season now with the belief that we can beat anyone and its allowing our players to do what they're good at. They played like this at the start of the season but seemed to lose confidence after the draw with Burnley and losing to two set pieces at Palace in a game we dominated.

I'm not getting ahead of myself, I just see how good we are and in my opinion, we are without doubt good enough to finish top 10.

I said this at the start of last season too but our players are only going to improve and we'll inevitably strengthen sufficiently to mount a serious challenge. Next season won't be a relation battle, I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever about that.

I don't expect you to be in a relegation battle either for the record 👍

posted on 18/5/15

Unfortunately you can't finish above us though now Arro haha

posted on 19/5/15

Well done mate, credit where it's due 👍

Next season 😉

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