I have the utmost sympathy for this poor man. Owners of dogs that yap constantly should be prosecuted.
Yapping dogs
posted on 23/5/15
comment by redmisty (U7556)
posted 8 minutes ago
If you have ever had Chinese or Korean food; you have probably had canine meat
Perhaps but that doesn't mean I enjoyed it.
When I was in Shanghai I did see "Dog In Pot" on the menu in a few places...At least that was honest, if somewhat ambiguous!
Yep, i think the candour is what people appreciate.
The horse meat scandal was only a scandal because people were not au fait with what they were eating. Otherwise people rather enjoyed it.
posted on 23/5/15
The horse meat scandal was only a scandal because people were not au fait with what they were eating. Otherwise people rather enjoyed it
Yeah I do like to know what I'm eating. I have no problem with eating horse meat but I'd prefer to choose when and how!
If I was to (knowingly) try dog I'd also like to know the breed. I wouldn't like to eat a labrador, alsatian or husky but I'd have less of a problem eating a poodle, terrier or any other rat-like canine waste of space.
posted on 23/5/15
I went to Vietnam a couple of years back and on the way from Hanoi Airport,I saw a motorcycle pullling a cage full of live dogs heaped on top of each other that were off to be slaughtered.
Harrowing sight for an animal lover like myself.
posted on 23/5/15
If I was to (knowingly) try dog I'd also like to know the breed. I wouldn't like to eat a labrador, alsatian or husky but I'd have less of a problem eating a poodle, terrier or any other rat-like canine waste of space.
I am not a canophilist, so i don't really care either way. If anything, i'd think some fat in the meat who'd make it tastier.
Anyhow, speaking of other uses...wasn't there a report a few months ago that many of the clothing leather accessories (gloves, in particular) marketed as coming from cattle etc was in fact from good ole dog!
Cue scandal!
posted on 23/5/15
Yeah I'd prefer a bit of fat on there too but I couldn't think of a larger dog that I found offensive. I always imagined that dog would taste like a cross between rabbit and goat - and I'm not fond of either, especially goat. All gristle and bone.
Boris that's horrible!
posted on 23/5/15
Anyhow, speaking of other uses...wasn't there a report a few months ago that many of the clothing leather accessories (gloves, in particular) marketed as coming from cattle etc was in fact from good ole dog!
Haven't heard that one - might have to look into it.
posted on 23/5/15
Those Korean meatballs really are the dogs bollöcks.
posted on 23/5/15
I don't like dogs much.
They give me indigestion.
posted on 23/5/15
Bought some zebra steak from my local butcher earlier on. Looking forward to it.
posted on 23/5/15
Apparently the Queen's the only person in the country allowed to eat swan.
Yet another compelling reason for a republic.