Is there an era you wish you were able to go back (or forward) to?
Do you have a skill or passion that makes you think you would be a perfect fit for that age?
I think I would love to go back to the 50's and record all of the hits that we know now. Thereby cementing my legendary status in music for all time.
"From the artist that brought you Stairway to Heaven, Hey Jude, London Calling, and Money..."
'When' would you want to live?
posted on 20/11/15
Dinosaur times
posted on 20/11/15
I believe in dinosaur times I would become one with the dino's, Live amongst them as some sort of God. But i would be kind, teach them the ways of compassion.
Of course my best friend would be lil billy, the runt of a litter of velociraptors, we would have such big adventures together until he is tragically eaten by a rouge T-Rex who wants to take over the world.
We found this out when he burst into a delightful but devlish song where his allies sung backup vocals.
The rouge T-Rex sought to murder me, by consoling me about lil billy and acting like he was my friend, somewhat filling that void that billy left. but it was a trap!!!
Just as he was about to murder me I managed to get away and ran towards the exit of his lair he and his allies quickly cornered me and the rouge T-Rex started his evil monalouge, something about dirty humam, dinosaurs will live for ever bla bla bla.
But wait
Just as he was about to gobble me up,behind me emerged a larger group of Velociraptors ....BILLYS BROTHERS AND SISTERS !!!!!
the launched into an attack and killed all of the Rouge e T-Rex's Cronies.
some lessons were learned about love and friendship that transcend the ages.
no matter if you are black white, muslim or Jew....or dinosaur.
Love conquers all.
posted on 20/11/15
You dirty, double-crossing rat
posted on 20/11/15
I'd like to live in the here and now, I'm a legend of my time now and fear that in the past there was little or no banter.
You had no sIutty 21year old blonde freshers strolling the street waiting to be destroyed at home in a way that makes 50 shades of grey look like an episode of the podington peas.
I wear leather skin tight suits and the amount of knowledge my cranium has exceeds even the smartest people, Einstein and Simon Cowell to name a few but also the leadership capabilities and man management of winston Churchill and a modern day legend Katie Holmes (the one that married tom cruise)
This time is now, this time is me, this time.... It's Ronny Van B.
posted on 20/11/15
A rouge T-rex? Rouge or Rogue?
posted on 20/11/15
Love may indeed conquer all, but my conker conkered all comers. What a great time that was to be young and in possession of a 266er. Way way before binary systems. Nothing lasts not even a champion conker.
posted on 20/11/15
Pol Pot was the king of rogues. He went back to year Zero. Restart. And most Khmers did not even possess a watch.He was into a bit o rouge was he not?
posted on 20/11/15
I wouldnt mind going back to the times of knights and swordfighting, people only lived about 40 years or so, but I'm good at most sports, and my hand eye coordination is really good so believe I'd make a good knight, i'm a pretty good boxer and kickboxer so...but then again, the famine, diseases and chance of someone killing me everywhere I went would maybe dull my enthusiasm
posted on 20/11/15
remember to bring a razor for them faannies
posted on 20/11/15
Not sure the future eras will be much fun if we're close to a post-antibiotic age.
Gene Roddenberry didn't foresee that.
Bacteria resistant to all known treatment would mean boldly going back to the 19th century......
....with the associated mortality rates.
At least it would check the global population rise.
Haven't we already discovered that nature always find a way in the end?
We're the top predator so will be taken down by the smallest organisms.
Just as HG Wells speculated....