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Rooney Smokescreen

Anyone remember when Wayne signed his new mega contract last season? The press and United were reporting how millions would be spend building a new team and the likes of Snieder and the rest were mentioned.

Does Young, Jones and De Gea really amount to building a new team and spending lots of money? I know it's not really the United way but a midfielder was surely a must and I wonder why we haven't acquired one? Attacking wise I think we are flush but a defensive midfielder would have been nice.

My personal thoughts are that United are run very much like a business and there isn't vast amounts of money to go and spend more than they earn. Hence the Snieder deal was nothing more than a smokescreen to appease the fans and make out we are interested in big stars when we are not. Seem to recall we did this last summer just before Sneider signed a new contract.

posted on 31/8/11

lol not being able to compete for certain players? You mean Ferguson not choosing to buy certain players. You act as if we have seen no silverware since the Glazers have arrived. Do I need to remind you how many leagues we have won under them and under them we have been to 3 finals in 4 years whilst winning one. This has been helped by the Glazers allowing Ferguson to work in a stable environment, hence our most successful period has been under the Glazers.

You fail to understand

posted on 31/8/11

Only a freak team have some of the greatest players ever has stopped us from winning the CL on 3 occasions under them.

Please give it a rest, anyways I am goin now

posted on 31/8/11

comment by (U10436) posted 1 hour, 16 minutes ago

Could you quantify the "Utterly most stupid" comment? I find the sanctimonious one line put downs abhorent when they aren't backed up with some depth. I am a Manchester United supporter and could discuss anything about their current side and history with the best of them. My opinions are as valid as the next person and I firmly believe that United don't have any more money to spend this summer. I'm not anti Glazier but if I was in charge and I had millions of fans on my case I'd consider putting an offer in for a player I knew I had no chance of signing to appease the fans. Look it up. It happened with Snieder last July. An official approach from United was snubbed by Inter and Snieder signed a new contract.

On a seperate note I'm proud of the way United run their club. How they give youth a chance. But after two embaressments against Barca I think we all know that given the opportunity Sir Alex would splash the cash on the midfield. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes. What we have is exciting but it won't be enough against Barcelona or Real Madrid

Its because SAF knows what he is doing

We do not need a DM

We have Carrick Fletch Ando Jones and Pogba

Give SAF credit

He is building a team that will beat Barca in the future rather than buying a team that will beat them now

You call yourself a United fan? Trust the gaffer.

Did you miss Sunday or something?

This squad is young, will get better, and is BLOODY exciting

Are u not happy?

posted on 31/8/11

FERGUSON (U10466) - Its all due to Fergie...before they were there and whilst are they are there. Nowt to do with them pal !
I guess you eitehr dont go to game or have plenty of money but I hope the day comes when you cannot afford to go and want to go and you may realise the problem. Scant disregard to the fans !!!!!!

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I am excited but Carrick and Fletcher in my opinion come out of that class midfield straight away because they are not closs. Ando the jury is still out. Pogba is not a defensive midfielder. Gibson anyone?

posted on 31/8/11

comment by If you must go to work tomorrow well if I were you I wouldn't bother (U6681) posted 3 minutes ago

FERGUSON (U10466) - Its all due to Fergie...before they were there and whilst are they are there. Nowt to do with them pal !
I guess you eitehr dont go to game or have plenty of money but I hope the day comes when you cannot afford to go and want to go and you may realise the problem. Scant disregard to the fans !!!!!!

u act like Magnier and JP were saints

The cost of entry has been moaned about by me for decades and we are not the most expensive

posted on 31/8/11

comment by (U10436) posted 1 minute ago

I am excited but Carrick and Fletcher in my opinion come out of that class midfield straight away because they are not closs. Ando the jury is still out. Pogba is not a defensive midfielder. Gibson anyone?
Pogba is an athletic box to box player
Carrick is class
Ando will be fantastic - he's only 22 and has suffered too many injuries. This season will be his breakout season according to SAF
You sir, are a poor supporter

Signing off

night chaps

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Well I'm looking forward to seeing this Pogba. Already a lot of expectation on the lad, let's just hope there is substance to what so many people believe.

I like Ando but his first touch is dreadful for a Brazilian. The tools are there though and he hopefully will forefil the potential Nani has.

Carrick does a job but seems to be fragile mentally.

posted on 31/8/11

Night chaps too. I beg to differ with a few.
All I know is I desperately want us to win title number 20!!

posted on 31/8/11

U10436) - They all do a job yes. But as I keep saying we need more than that when we play likes of Barca. We need a touch of class. Cleverley will get plenty of games and will improve. Ando has to improve this season. Parky,Valencia good back up for Nani and Young and Giggsy will be used sparingly. Fletch/Carrick used when experience is needed,away in CL games and when we want ti keep it tight but we are crying out still IMO for a 'special' CM. Noone seems to agree with me so be it. Perhaps we will lsoe our 3rd CL final to Barca partly due to this..who knows.

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