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These 41 comments are related to an article called:

Rooney Smokescreen

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posted on 31/8/11

Does Young, Jones and De Gea really amount to building a new team and spending lots of money?


No one ever said that United were going to spend lots of money.

50 million is lots of money by the way.

posted on 31/8/11

Manchester United have denied every report, a few players said 'yes, he's a great player', but why wouldn't they?

To be honest not a single source has been credible.

posted on 31/8/11


posted on 31/8/11

Hence the Snieder deal was nothing more than a smokescreen to appease the fans and make out we are interested in big stars when we are not.


Gets my vote for the "utterly most stupid" comment today.

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Could you quantify the "Utterly most stupid" comment? I find the sanctimonious one line put downs abhorent when they aren't backed up with some depth. I am a Manchester United supporter and could discuss anything about their current side and history with the best of them. My opinions are as valid as the next person and I firmly believe that United don't have any more money to spend this summer. I'm not anti Glazier but if I was in charge and I had millions of fans on my case I'd consider putting an offer in for a player I knew I had no chance of signing to appease the fans. Look it up. It happened with Snieder last July. An official approach from United was snubbed by Inter and Snieder signed a new contract.

On a seperate note I'm proud of the way United run their club. How they give youth a chance. But after two embaressments against Barca I think we all know that given the opportunity Sir Alex would splash the cash on the midfield. The fact that he hasn't speaks volumes. What we have is exciting but it won't be enough against Barcelona or Real Madrid

posted on 31/8/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

posted on 31/8/11

My opinions are as valid as the next person and I firmly believe that United don't have any more money to spend this summer.


Our manager, Cheif Executive and account books beg to differ.

Our announcement coming up expecting to take us over the 100 million profit for the year mark, that does not include the two new sponsorship deals, beg to differ.

If you are willing to ignore evidence that is in front of you, then you really should not get upset if you get called stupid.

posted on 31/8/11

Exactly the guy is just stupid. How can a team which has spent near 100m since Ronaldo left have no money. This guy clearly has little clue about Utd. If he did he would know as a club we are making a lot of money and will show a record turn over this season, not even including the new deals. He would also know that Utd have over 130m sitting in the bank account, even though 50m has been spent this summer. In what world is this not money? The guy is clearly lacking brain cells.

Another thing is Utd will raise plus 600m with the IPO and a large sum of that will be used to make us debt free. Will we still have no money then?

Ask yourself something, since Ronaldo left 100M has been spent, however, why has none of that 100m been spent to buy a midfielder? Also why did we not sign Sneidjer for a low fee when we had the chance?

The answer lies with Ferguson not wanting to spend in that area, fans like you just have to deal with the hard facts. Facts are facts, so stop trying to convince yourself their is some sort of conspiracy theory to us not signing a midfielder.

posted on 31/8/11

U10436) I agree generally with what you say and the poster who Vidichin puts down so readily!
I am anti-Glazer and can't see why anyone would be pro Glazer to be honest. Luckily for them they have the greatest manager running the ship and continuing to produce teams capable of winning trophies. £450+ millions taken out the club in interest,consultancy etc.
Who likes this ? Some of this could have kept ticket prices down,produced bids for players such as Schneider and other club improvements.
They are business men and intend to make a lot of money from Man United. This would be ok to a point if they were putting this money forward but they patently are not.
Off the wage bill and some monies from these players departing: Brown,Oshea,Hargreaves,Scholes,Neville,Van Der Saar and a few other youngsters.
In Young,Jones,De Gea... so yes a fair amount spent you could say. But tomorrow we see record profits announced. Everyone knows to compete with Barca we need a midfield player.
What if we met them for a 3rd final and lose again ? Is this good enough? It seems so.
I am delighted with the strat we have made and SAF's injection of youth. Exciting times for sure and we all want Wellbeck,Cleverley,Jones etc to do well and feature and the likes of Pogba and Morrison to get chances but we also want to be able to be in a stronger position to beat Barca next time we play them and I am not sure we are. Anyhow it's not a rant and I hope we get number 20 in the bag. Anything else is a bonus but I would ahve liekd to see us push the boat out for the Champions league.

posted on 31/8/11

People need to be patient and Sneidjer was never the answer and thankfully we have not bought him in. Clearly he would hamper the development of Cleverley and Anderson and Pogba. Ferguson knows what he is doing and just have some faith in what our manager says. Losing those players this summer was great for the club on the pitch and off it. Young players will get a chance and our financial situation improves.

You anti Glazer fans are as ignorant as the come, just because some are not anti glazer it does not make us pro Glazer.

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

I'm with the previous poster. For me it's about challenging Barca and not being taken apart for a third time. It's about quelling the very real threat that is Man City. If we have money we should spend more than we have. I'm happy with the start to the season but am dubious how long it will last and how long the young lads can keep up this form. When that form dips we will be in a position where we could have strengthened but didn't. And why didn't we? Yes we have lots of money but that doesn't mean it's there to be spend on players? When a business makes profit that profit doesn't necessarily go back in to the club. It can go to other places. Like the owner. Or sit in a bank for the owner. Being a well run business doesn't mean we have money to spend.

I too think that for Europe we need more and it's too much to expect this youthful squad to take on all comers. The league would be fantastic and I suspect any more than that will be a big ask. If anyone can do Sir Alex can but will it be third time lucky?

posted on 31/8/11

I am anti-Glazer and can't see why anyone would be pro Glazer to be honest


Show me a poster on here who is, because I can assure you, I am not.

posted on 31/8/11

Comment deleted by Article Creator

comment by (U10436)

posted on 31/8/11

Ferguson, I am totally behind Sir Alex, I'm just expressing an opinion that we should have spent more this summer on the midfield. I don't see anyone who can do the defensive side of things and agree Sneider wasn't the obvious choice in relation to what we needed. I'm concerned and curious by the whole Hargreaves saga because if he can play touching thirty games he would have been perfect for us. And I'm frustrated that Gibson is still being accomodated. All these points don't fill me with lots of confidence in the midfield but in Sir Alex we trust

posted on 31/8/11

FERGUSON (U10466) If you are not anti Glazer surely that makes you pro Glazer or do you just turn a blind eye or not care who runs the club ?
How much for a ticket would you happily pay before complaining or do you not go to games?
Are you one of the many slagging off Gibson whenever he has a chance? Or Fletcher before that ? All United fans that know anything about our history and club know youth is a large part of it and we love seeing youth players come through more than anything. SAF has played a massive part in this and of course we trust him. Infact I worry that the next manager won't have the same understanding of how important it is to the club and its fans.
It's just that we all know our midfield has not been the greatest for some time and needs improving. Of course SAF knows this but is he being constrained ? Cleverley looks very promising so far, Ando improving and there are some arguments for being patient but if we are happy to just win number 20 then ok. Most would settle for that, me too in a way but just feel that one world class quality midfielder takes us that much closer to Barcelona.

posted on 31/8/11

comment by (U10436)


If you can not hack being corrected go onto a telytubbies forum you big baby.

posted on 31/8/11

FERGUSON (U10466) If you are not anti Glazer surely that makes you pro Glazer or do you just turn a blind eye or not care who runs the club ?


Two stupid people on here at once. Good grief.

posted on 31/8/11

Vidicschin (U3584) -
explain yourself then before I start with one liners like you seem to specialise in !

posted on 31/8/11

Your argument lies with Sir Alex, he chose not spend more in midfield. He alone made the decision not spend at all in that area. Hargo play 30 games? City have better in their squad and only one naive would believe he will be anything like he was. There is more chance of Milner being named world player of the year than Hargo playing 30 games.

posted on 31/8/11

by If you must go to work tomorrow well if I were you I wouldn't bother (U6681)
posted 18 seconds ago

Vidicschin (U3584) -
explain yourself then before I start with one liners like you seem to specialise in !


Explain my self too what exactly? Be specific. And I only have 10 minutes before I finish work.

posted on 31/8/11

FERGUSON (U10466) - how do you know it was Fergie's choice ? You don't ! He may well have been told no..Schneider wants too much salary or something else ? After all SAF wanted him..he even said an offer has been made and it's up to the player or something like.

posted on 31/8/11

Explain your stance towards the Glazers and the midfield etc...! It's not hard to follow.

posted on 31/8/11

I am happy with how we spend our money and have a lot of faith in what Ferguson says. I believe the club is being run the right way and I am confident we will soon be near enough debt free after the IPO. I also confident that the glazers will continue to grow our brand and improve our finances like they are. I am also happy with the way they act as sleeping owners and allow Ferguson to run the club and they always meet Fergusons needs. If you want to say Ferguson lies through his teeth about being happy with the Glazers. That is your problem, however one thing for sure, the glazers are going nowhere and if you want any say in our club it is better to cooperate with them. If not you will just continue slagging them off with no real input or benefit to Utd.

posted on 31/8/11

Explain your stance towards the Glazers and the midfield etc...! It's not hard to follow.


It is when you ramble like someone who has been on the meths all day.

My stance towards the Glazers is very simple.

1. The debt levied against the club is bad.

2. The commercial revenues they have brought to the club is good.

3. They leave the football side of things to SAF and Gill.

4. SAF is happy with them as owners.

5. Their ownership coincides with the most succesful period in our history.

On the midfield, yes we could have done with a new signing, but I am not that concerned.

It is obvious to me that SAF is building for the future, not this season.

posted on 31/8/11

FERGUSON (U10466) - Why do you think thousands of fans and I mean thousands did not renew their season tickets and go found and support a new local team? Do you think they are all misguided or wrong ? I have not done that personally but I do understand why they did it in the main. Society is far too apathetic when it comes to important issues. The rise in ticket prices is scandalous as is the amount taken out of the club !!! They will no doubt make a lot of money off United which you seem very happy about. If we were 7th or something I suspect you would change your views dramatically!
AFter the IPO according to your logic we will be debt free then I would fully expect ticket prices to be frozen, United to go in for one or two world class players.

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