I assume we are now all in agreement that Trippier should be the first team right back after another nonsense display from Walker?
I am very happy with the win, but while it is fresh in my memory i think the point needs to be made. I actually thought we played quite poorly today (not in bravery and composure and effort, which were all outstanding, but in our technical football), we were very very sloppy in possession quite a few times and only good recovery tackles and headers from others saved us.
Walker was so so sloppy. the problem is that while he is on the pitch, i have it in my head that he could faaack something up at any given moment and the opposition could score.
brainfarts, whatever you want to call them, he just cannot remove the basic errors from his game. he gave the ball away so much, missed clearances, mis kicks, mis controls - he does my head in tbh.
happy with him as back up option but Trippier needs to be the main man now imo.
oh, i must say that Rose was a BOSS today… the improvement in his game is remarkable over the last couple of years.
Kieren Trippier
posted on 14/2/16
I thought Rose was close for MOTM, there was one great block into the chest from a Sterling volley
posted on 14/2/16
The FBs are attackers first defenders second in our formation
posted on 14/2/16
comment by Billy The Yidd (U3924)
posted 7 seconds ago
I thought Rose was close for MOTM, there was one great block into the chest from a Sterling volley
i would give Rose MOTM today, he was the overall boss for me.
posted on 14/2/16
I thought Rose was close for MOTM, there was one great block into the chest from a Sterling volley
Well if we are picking individual moments for MOTM contenders then Lloris should be in the running for that touch a couple of minutes from the end of the game.
posted on 14/2/16
Toby was my MOTM was quietly organising and talking throughout the whole match.
It's not luck that Wimmer come in and it's not looked any different to when Verts played its Toby.
Imagine if it was Toby that got injured and we had to rely on Verts
posted on 14/2/16
comment by ツ Hєи-G (U9129)
posted 4 minutes ago
Toby was my MOTM was quietly organising and talking throughout the whole match.
It's not luck that Wimmer come in and it's not looked any different to when Verts played its Toby.
Imagine if it was Toby that got injured and we had to rely on Verts
Dier would slot in and boss it
posted on 14/2/16
Dier would slot in and boss it
and be a terrible loss in midfield for us the job he has done is nothing short of remarkable and for me its one of the amin reasons we are no longer a soft touch.
Strange really cos for the first game of the season away at utd when MP started him there we all thought he had lost the plot totally
posted on 14/2/16
Grandspur, I think you are being harsh on all our full backs, all have had pretty good seasons. Trippier I was not sure of earlier in the season, but he has come on leaps and bounds, and so has Davies. I don't see any team in the prem with four much better full backs.
posted on 14/2/16
only calling it as I see it leys put it this way none of our full backs are a chris hughton or a steve perryman are they?
posted on 15/2/16
comment by *** TopGeezah - The Original and Best Geezah *** (U15856)
posted 4 hours, 39 minutes ago
"Walkers pace has covered his poor positioning and decision making for several years now:
"Trust Poch mate, he knows what he's doing"
Exactly. He chose Walker to win this game and that's what we did.
He chose to pick Trippier against Watford cos he saw a likely situation where we might need to get a goal against a relatively slow team that have parked the bus, and that Trippier's crosses might help in that cause.
As it happened, Poch chose the eventual match-winning goal scorer instead of Walker.
Trust Poch. You said it