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Out vote doesn't mean you're out

If the people of the United Kingdom vote to leave Europe next week it doesn't mean you will leave immediately. It will Trigger the negotiations with the EU to leave. It will cause a crapstorm though if the EU won't allow you to leave.

"Article 50 of the Treaty provides a legal framework for EU member states seeking to leave the Union. Once a Head of State has notified the Council of its intent to leave the EU, a negotiation period begins during which a leaving agreement is to be negotiated outlining the country's future relationship with the Union.[37] The country seeking to leave the Union will be required to secure support from at least 72 percent of the continuing member states representing at least 65 percent of their population, as well as consent from the European Parliament.[36]

Because of the need for a negotiation process, the 2016 referendum does not directly bind the government to specific actions"

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Insert random username (U10647)
posted 12 minutes ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 23 seconds ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 2 minutes ago
How many Brexiters on here have arguments that don't involve immigration?

I'd genuinely like to hear them!
You don't fool anyone KFC, if voting brexit meant millions of Muslim Syrian's and Iraq's where allowed to live in the UK you'd vote out.


Which Muslims will be entering the country by voting in?
If voting brexit meant Syrian's and Iraq's where allowed in would you vote out?
dont they have a right to get away from the war we created and has devastated their country and citys...

now where would it be reasonable for them to go?

I don't care where they go as long as they don't come here. People voting remain claim they want to stay in EU as it benefits the UK. Letting in millions of unskilled immigrants would not benefit Britain.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 3 minutes ago
Hillary Benn made a passionate case for bombing too, and he is at the forefront of remain.
I'd vote Labour again if he became leader.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 33 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 1 minute ago
comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 5 minutes ago
comment by Kung Fu Cantona *JeSuisPalestinian* (U18082)
posted 2 minutes ago
How many Brexiters on here have arguments that don't involve immigration?

I'd genuinely like to hear them!
You don't fool anyone KFC, if voting brexit meant millions of Muslim Syrian's and Iraq's where allowed to live in the UK you'd vote out.


Which Muslims will be entering the country by voting in?
If voting brexit meant Syrian's and Iraq's where allowed in would you vote out?


Now answer my question.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Alasnomoresmithandjones (long live Israel) (U15157)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 3 minutes ago
Hillary Benn made a passionate case for bombing too, and he is at the forefront of remain.
I'd vote Labour again if he became leader.

What if he let in the Syrian families he voted to bomb, would you vote for him then?

posted on 18/6/16

Comment Deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 18/6/16

If this man does turn out to be a Nationalist terrorist, what do we make of Corbyn crassly inviting Nationalist terrorists to the House of Commons shorlty after a previous attempted mass assaniation in Brighton?

The hypocrisy is astounding on this issue. Seen discussions on these boards where people actively wished they had succeeded.

Dehumanising people because of their beliefs, despite being a champion of the opposite

Again, funny old world eh?

posted on 18/6/16

Term, far be it for you to call anyone else an idiot, or a fecking idiot.

Yet only yesterday you were denying using this event to point score. Yet here you are.....

Here I am what?

Calling a terrorist a terrorist... what's your problem with it? The fact he is a 'Britain First' fascist?

posted on 18/6/16


Was the Orlando bomber an Islamic fascist?

posted on 18/6/16

comment by HRH King Ledley (U20095)
posted 16 seconds ago

Was the Orlando bomber an Islamic fascist

He was a terrorist pure and simple

As is Thomas Mair...

posted on 18/6/16

It's ok to hate an ideology.

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