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These 283 comments are related to an article called:

Out vote doesn't mean you're out

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posted on 18/6/16

Out is out son...no matter what that crp says. How the hell can they stop us leaving if we vote to exit?

What..point to a few words and say u cant leave?? Yeah whatever, it will take a few yrs to leave but we will leave

posted on 18/6/16

it'll be a narrow 'in' victory & then it'll all be forgotten about by next week....like Scotland

posted on 18/6/16

If the politicians don't want to leave, they'll rig the voting.

It doesn't matter.

posted on 18/6/16

Out is out son...no matter what that crp says. How the hell can they stop us leaving if we vote to exit?


Yeah that's not how the law works son.

Crap written down is kind of important in courts.

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Got_Better (U6241)
posted 28 minutes ago
Out is out son...no matter what that crp says. How the hell can they stop us leaving if we vote to exit?

What..point to a few words and say u cant leave?? Yeah whatever, it will take a few yrs to leave but we will leave
You can spell crap in full

comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 18/6/16

comment by selbstgerechtein (U7048)
posted 1 minute ago
Out is out son...no matter what that crp says. How the hell can they stop us leaving if we vote to exit?


Yeah that's not how the law works son.

Crap written down is kind of important in courts.
I'd say so, I just wonder if the EU would really force the UK to stay in the EU. Probably not.

posted on 18/6/16

They probably won't force us to stay but they would give us a terrible out deal to try and force our hand. Negotiations will likely take years, meanwhile our economy would be in turmoil, as would our government, as it would probably lead to a general election.

The leave camp are living in cloud cuckoo land frankly.

posted on 18/6/16

The fact a donkey like Got Better is in support of it should make any leave supporter seriously question their choice.

posted on 18/6/16


comment by Cloggy (U1250)

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Pride of the North (U6803)
posted 1 minute ago
My word

posted on 18/6/16

comment by selbstgerechtein (U7048)
posted 25 minutes ago
They probably won't force us to stay but they would give us a terrible out deal to try and force our hand. Negotiations will likely take years, meanwhile our economy would be in turmoil, as would our government, as it would probably lead to a general election.

The leave camp are living in cloud cuckoo land frankly.


IF the vote is out and I expect it will be to remain; the government will I hope use it to negotiate a better deal.

Either way it should help for a better deal for the UK moving forward

posted on 18/6/16

comment by selbstgerechtein (U7048)
posted 25 minutes ago
They probably won't force us to stay but they would give us a terrible out deal to try and force our hand. Negotiations will likely take years, meanwhile our economy would be in turmoil, as would our government, as it would probably lead to a general election.

The leave camp are living in cloud cuckoo land frankly.

I'm not sure basing one's decision on fear is the best thing either. It's starting to make the EU look like a dictatorship.

posted on 18/6/16

This will utterly destroy our economy for the next 5 or 10 years and it won't be a world recession this time it will be a localised one.

Project fear you say? Damn straight you should be terrified.

Vote out to kill Britain.

posted on 18/6/16

A bunch off bureaucrats sitting in Brussels telling us after a leave vote that we cant leave!!

Has David Cameron joined 606

Is remain that desperate

This time next week we decide our own destiny, not faceless greedy bankers, politicians and beaurcrats

One week to go guys and lets make it count, speak to your family and friend about this bloated, greedy, corrupt EU superstate that we can how vote to leave!!

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Better Call Martial - Football taught by Matt Busby (U11781)
posted 31 minutes ago
The fact a donkey like Got Better is in support of it should make any leave supporter seriously question their choice.
We need to look beyond personality in this as odd folk are on remain and leave sides, bud.

The whole Jo Cox tragedy should focus minds on respect for each other, and I say this as a patriot who supports leave, and hates racism and bigotry, extremism from left, right and ultra pc warriors.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Better Call Martial - Football taught by Matt ... (U11781)
posted 32 minutes ago
The fact a donkey like Got Better is in support of it should make any leave supporter seriously question their choice.
Hmmm, I'm still torn between siding with Got_Better and Nick Griffin, or siding with Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and most economists.

Decisions, decisions...

posted on 18/6/16

comment by 李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, Britain, use your brain and VOTE REMAIN. (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
This will utterly destroy our economy for the next 5 or 10 years and it won't be a world recession this time it will be a localised one.

Project fear you say? Damn straight you should be terrified.

Vote out to kill Britain.
Your opinion buddy, but half the Uk backs leave and we all meed to unite after next Thursday, for the good of the whole Uk.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Jalisco Red - Manchester's Improving Daley (U4195)
posted 49 seconds ago
comment by Better Call Martial - Football taught by Matt ... (U11781)
posted 32 minutes ago
The fact a donkey like Got Better is in support of it should make any leave supporter seriously question their choice.
Hmmm, I'm still torn between siding with Got_Better and Nick Griffin, or siding with Stephen Hawking, Bill Gates, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and most economists.

Decisions, decisions...
Remain have Gerry Adams, Geldoff lol, Corbyn who was always anti-Eu, Cameron, WMD Blair, German bankers, Imf, MI5,the generals, Bank of England....do not focus on personality imo, or the fact the rich who control us want status quo globalization to remain.

Both sides can chuck names around.

Think for yourselves.

posted on 18/6/16

For those in the leave camp,I would be worried considering GB is ib the same camp.He half gets it wrong, doesnt he

posted on 18/6/16

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by 李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, Britain, use your brain and VOTE REMAIN. (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
This will utterly destroy our economy for the next 5 or 10 years and it won't be a world recession this time it will be a localised one.

Project fear you say? Damn straight you should be terrified.

Vote out to kill Britain.
Your opinion buddy, but half the Uk backs leave and we all meed to unite after next Thursday, for the good of the whole Uk.
I'd pretty much have to leave the UK if our idiotic population votes to leave. Unfortunately the huge majority of this country, who have to make this x decision are a bunch of uneducated politically ignorant morons.

posted on 18/6/16

comment by Arouna Jagielka oooh I wanna take ya, Heitinga... (U1308)
posted 18 minutes ago
comment by selbstgerechtein (U7048)
posted 25 minutes ago
They probably won't force us to stay but they would give us a terrible out deal to try and force our hand. Negotiations will likely take years, meanwhile our economy would be in turmoil, as would our government, as it would probably lead to a general election.

The leave camp are living in cloud cuckoo land frankly.


IF the vote is out and I expect it will be to remain; the government will I hope use it to negotiate a better deal.

Either way it should help for a better deal for the UK moving forward
So if we vote out we get get the chance a better deal but vote in and we are stuck with the shiity deal we were offered??

And your voting in!!

Your not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer are you

posted on 18/6/16

comment by 李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, B... (U3979)
posted 29 seconds ago
comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by 李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, Britain, use your brain and VOTE REMAIN. (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
This will utterly destroy our economy for the next 5 or 10 years and it won't be a world recession this time it will be a localised one.

Project fear you say? Damn straight you should be terrified.

Vote out to kill Britain.
Your opinion buddy, but half the Uk backs leave and we all meed to unite after next Thursday, for the good of the whole Uk.
I'd pretty much have to leave the UK if our idiotic population votes to leave. Unfortunately the huge majority of this country, who have to make this x decision are a bunch of uneducated politically ignorant morons.
Shut the the door on your way out mate................

posted on 18/6/16

We negotiate the terms of our exit. But exit we will. The notion the EU could force us to stay is laughable.

posted on 18/6/16

VoteLeaveEU- TakeBackOurCountry

This time next week we decide our own destiny, not faceless greedy bankers, politicians and beaurcrats

This time next week could see my life put in the hands of Johnson and Farage. The thought terrifies me more than any immigrants doing their bit for England.

posted on 18/6/16

李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, Britain, use your brain and VOTE REMAIN.

comment by thebluebellsareblue (U9292)
posted 4 minutes ago
comment by 李贝 If anyone can, Emre Can... For once, Britain, use your brain and VOTE REMAIN. (U3979)
posted 7 minutes ago
This will utterly destroy our economy for the next 5 or 10 years and it won't be a world recession this time it will be a localised one.

Project fear you say? Damn straight you should be terrified.

Vote out to kill Britain.
Your opinion buddy, but half the Uk backs leave and we all meed to unite after next Thursday, for the good of the whole Uk.
I'd pretty much have to leave the UK if our idiotic population votes to leave. Unfortunately the huge majority of this country, who have to make this x decision are a bunch of uneducated politically ignorant morons.

The Jeremy Kyle types will be running the country. At least they will not have any excuse for not working if there are no more immigrants coming in.

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