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What's the Blue Union website?

I've heard a lot of talk about the "Blue Union" but don't actually know what it is they want. I know they want the board out (not anti-BK of course) but I've not heard how they want this to happen. Only a total idiot would assume it's as easy as them just resigning.

I look forward to reading their plan of action on their website, with a detailed step by step guide to moving the club forward. I don't know the first thing about turning a skint club into a rich one, I look forward to being enlightened.

posted on 8/9/11

awd here,here.
Me too, COYB

posted on 8/9/11

It's been said before, and I'll say it again: "Kenwright/Board out!" is not a solution/option without suggestions/candidates for a future Chairman/Board.
BLUE UNION. Name some names of serious candidates to take over the club, and you'll get more interest and maybe support from the Everton fans. COYB! IMWT!

posted on 8/9/11

Romania name the serious efforts the board have made to find investment? After all under oath they swore it was not. If you want to sell you advertise name a price and use a third party to help not some puppeteer impressionist.
Fans could help find investment if maybe the club I don't know named a price and advertised the sale

posted on 8/9/11

we're talking about taking over the whole club, not bits of it. With all due respect to our fans and their contacts, I don't think we can just say "I know somebody who has a few hundred million to spare....and he's an Evertonian etc.
Buying the present Board's shares has been estimated at around 80 million thus "owning" the club. (don't nail me down on that figure). The necessary investment in the team - not to mention a new stadium - is anyone's guess. But be careful, do you want a Venky type, a Lerner type, a Yeung type a mad-dog type like Hearts....or just a Sheikh ya Money from Dubai?
It's not an easy one to answer, and as much as we all want to see Everton at "the next level"- money is the key, and we ain't got none. And if BK resigned tomorrow, we still wouldn't have any.

posted on 8/9/11

if BK resigned tomorrow, we still wouldn't have any.


If all the board stepped down would the interim board find buyers?

posted on 8/9/11

Only one way to find out

posted on 8/9/11



Anti BK March.......sorry, board march

posted on 8/9/11

made bbc main page news


posted on 8/9/11

"The Blue Union say the group's aim is not to force Kenwright to leave but want the sale of the club to be taken out of his control."

He is a major share holder, you cant just move him out of the process!

posted on 8/9/11

"No Evertonian wants the club to spend money they have not got."


But will moan when funds raised are used to repay bank loans

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