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Yeah I know it's all doom and gloom from me at the minute but yesterday just finished off any hope I had of us turning this around. Why? Because Ranieri has no answers.

He doesn't know why it's gone wrong. His only solution is to play the same way with the same people in the same formation every week. It's all he knows. He doesn't understand that now teams have stopped the one truly creative source in Mahrez we have, that they have sussed us out completely. We can't score from open play in the league. We have nothing to offer creatively anymore and he hasn't figured out how to adopt a system to combat the gaping hole left by Kante

This guy is every bit as clueless as I felt he would be when taking over. What he did last season was basically to leave a winning formula alone and make some key tweaks. But the test of a good manager isn't when things are going well - it's when things are going badly. It pretty much floored Pearson as well who with 9 games left resorted to drastic changes to save our situation. I'm not sure Ranieri will even do that

I do feel the club have massively let him down because he doesn't have enough quality at his disposal in midfield and defensive areas but the fact is that he has to deal with that - and he can't. Yesterday proved he can't. The west Brom game proved it. We all knew what he would do with Drinkwater suspended. Play 4-4-2 and stick Amartey in. Pathetic.

Mendy needs to come back quickly because as it is we are getting fack all from the next 3 games. How has it come to this

posted on 27/11/16

comment by Cook My Sock (U1103)
posted 1 minute ago
I get that BS but as someone who manages a group of people about the size of a football club in numbers I can assure you that you cannot do that whilst being clueless and you most certainly cannot get those people to achieve if you are clueless as they will simply not perform for you

What Ranieri achieved last season is one of the greatest managerial achievements ever

Whether he can continue to do that is another story altogether but it is not right to sully what he has achieved
Out of interest - what if in the business world someone puts in a series of operations and processes to make a company brilliantly successful but they don't stay on long enough to see its fruition?

I've worked in organisations where a new CEO has come in and reaped the benefits of what has been done before him without really having to do too much. Staff recruited in the right positions before he arrived and processes and ideas which are far ahead in the marketplace - driving huge growth

My point is couldn't Ranieri have benefited from what was put in place before he arrived? Steve Walsh has been regarded as one of the best recruiters in Europe.

In a company I worked in before, there was a CEO who reaped the benefit of all that had been done before him. When things started going wrong, he didn't know how to counter it. In the end he facked things up and got found out

I'm just wondering if that's possible in the football world too.....

posted on 27/11/16

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posted on 27/11/16

Good point and I probably am over reacting. It's a bad weekend on all kinds of fronts so emotions are running pretty high at the minite

posted on 27/11/16

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posted on 27/11/16

None taken pal - it's an OTT thread

posted on 27/11/16

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posted on 27/11/16

BS - your passion certainly cannot be questioned!

I've also been criticised in the past for suggesting that Pearson deserved a lot of credit for our title win. It's absolutely right to give him credit in my opinion. Under our owners leadership he rebuilt our club and without that work Ranieri could. It have achieved what he did.

But I also think that Ranieri added a tactical element to our organised team that took us to that new level.

Can he keep it going? We don't know. All clubs go through phases. Ours is between the 1st and 2nd division, Liverpool and Man Utd is between winning things and finishing in the top 8.

It happens and we will fall. But I don't think we made that many mistakes, and Ranieri has done a lot of the right things this year. But they've not worked recently, so we now look to him and see if he can keep a team motivated under pressure like Pearson did.

Try not to get too worked up by it and hope that your week improves next week. Put on the Everton game from last year and remember how wonderful that felt. This is the best time there's ever been to support our club. Try to enjoy it mate 👍👍

posted on 27/11/16

Cheers Mersey.....

Always appreciate your posts mate.

posted on 27/11/16

.....some bad stuff going on at work at the moment which is stressing me out so hasn't helped.

I also had a comical but slightly traumatic Saturday morning as well which I've shared on another thread. I guarantee no one has experienced that this weekend!

posted on 28/11/16

To be fair BS its a good job you aren't joining Dunge sitting on the fence after your weekend experience

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