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Finger up the Arris

It's been no secret that I've been in a pretty bad mood this weekend and I'd like to share with you all why that is. It's not just Leicester shocking performance against Boro that's got me reaching for the Xanax.

As you may know i went flooring shopping on Sat afternoon so missed some of the match action but that was after a trip to the urologist for what I thought was merely a 'consultation'. I'm only in my thirties but have had some issues with kidney stones and going for a pisss so the GP got me in for a Saturday AM appointment to discuss my symptoms with a specialist.

Anyway, the doctor was a nice Asian bloke and we had a chat about my symptoms. He then asked me to lie on the bed which I thought was a bit odd for a consultation but I figured maybe he just wanted to prod around my abdomen. As he put his glove on and reached for the jelly, I began to get a bit more concerned. Maybe he's doing an ultrasound thing I thought. Turns out I was wrong

He asked me to drop my trousers which I duly did. He saw my tackle and although he didn't say anything I could tell he was impressed. Anyway he then asked me to lay on my side and pull my knees up to my chest. That's when I began to panic. Without warning his finger went up my arris faster than Vardy chasing a long ball. Turns out he wanted to do a full prostate exam

He had a good wiggle of the finger and it felt weird. A bit painful but slightly arousing. At one stage I wondered if he was even a doctor at all - maybe the doctor hadn't arrived yet and this guy is the cleaner or something and just gets off on fingering strangers. But then he told me everything was fine and my prostate wasn't the problem. He still hadn't taken his finger out though which was weird.

The whole thing lasted around 30 seconds and afterwards I honestly couldn't walk particularly well. I seriously wonder if he put another finger up there or even tried to slip his hand in. My arris felt like a clowns pocket when he was done

Anyway, after that I was in a pretty bad mood so you can understand why Leicesters result didn't exactly go down well. Happy to take any questions.....

posted on 28/11/16

I used to have a girlfriend once who was quite fond of poking her finger up there (mine not hers) - love it, just love it. Not sure I'd fancy anything fatter up there, not without lube anyway <wink>

posted on 28/11/16

Bleeding hell BS - that sounds horrendous.

I absolutely hate shopping. Especially in B & Q.

posted on 28/11/16

To be fair BS you sound like you were the only one to take one for the team on Saturday and pull your finger out to ensure that you had a successful day.

posted on 28/11/16

Just one question BS, after your consultation do the Dr give you the thumbs up?
Or did you exchange numbers at least? .........

posted on 28/11/16

I thought this conversation would have turned to strapons by now.

posted on 28/11/16

Rather a finger up my arris than a camera down my jps eye. Trust me, you don't want that.

posted on 29/11/16

Very funny thread

posted on 29/11/16

comment by For Fox Sake (U4263)
posted 1 day, 1 hour ago
Bleeding hell BS - that sounds horrendous.

I absolutely hate shopping. Especially in B & Q.

posted on 29/11/16

I followed you in, I hope he changed gloves before he got me to say Aagh

posted on 29/11/16

I was going to ask if you felt CR had his finger on the pulse of things at LCFC but I don't want to cause any flashbacks for you BS.

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