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Silva Question ?


A genuine question here and I am sure several of you can answer this one.

With regards to the Adrien Silva saga, if Leicester City and / or Sporting Lisbon terminate his contract by mutual agreement does that make him a free agent ?

If he became a free agent would LCFC be able to sign him outside of the transfer window without needing the deadline consent from FIFA ?

I am sure the clubs have already thought about this but if someone can enlighten me I would be grateful.

comment by Jobyfox (U4183)

posted on 22/9/17

I can understand FIFA's position on this. If they perceive the documents are late then does it really matter whether it's 1 second, 14 seconds, 10 minutes or 3 weeks?

If we do find a solution/loophole to push this through then great but, I think as a minimum, FIFA should find a way to be able to let Silva train with the squad if he's our player. Outside of the legalities and rights of wrongs of the issue there is a player who has been left in limbo, in a World Cup year, through no fault of his own.

posted on 22/9/17

Yeah, I think everything necessary has been said in the various comments above. This isn't going to get around the issue. The best way looks like launching an appeal as best they can and, if that fails, just having to wait until January.

It doesn't help Silva in the short term of course. He's the one to feel sorry for in all this.

posted on 22/9/17

Having worked closely in employement law, preventing someone from working isn't generally accepted in any profession. It's a breach of human rights.

If this did go to court, he would eventually play for us. However, that could create a very bad relationship between the club, FA and FIFA.

I hate FIFA. Disgusting and self protecting organisation that care little for the good of the game.

posted on 22/9/17

Does anyone know whether the registration issue also stops Silva from playing for the Development Squad? Keeping him match sharp for the next three months is going to be really tough if he can't play in games at any level. UTF

posted on 22/9/17

I would imagine if he can't even train with the club he definitely can't play for the development team

posted on 22/9/17

Why on earth can't he train with us? Ridiculous rule.

posted on 22/9/17

Insurance reasons, YH. I'm not entirely sure of the details and consequences but apparently no registration means no insurance.

posted on 22/9/17

It must be down to Brexit.

Let's get David Davis on the case, or better still Boris!

posted on 23/9/17

There's a lot of speculation and pure guess work from fans on the internet, its time the club publicly clarified the facts on the issue

posted on 23/9/17

comment by nuneaton_fox (U7936)
posted 16 hours, 19 minutes ago
It must be down to Brexit.

Let's get David Davis on the case, or better still Boris!

We need to negotiate a transitional period whereby Leicester have the advantages of playing Adrien Silva, whilst not actually playing Adrien Silva.

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