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Nev's Monday Moan

Good morning spent the whole of the second half and extra time listening whilst waiting for my luggage at the Heathrow.
Puel has found out what the previous two managers have learnt that apart from a Marhez and Vardy we have players who aren't good enough Ndiddi is great find but the lose of Kante and Drinkwater has underlined that. So we are doing well under the circumstances.
Puels critism comes from the media and the former club fans.. His interviews are dull because his English is pants and he has to be careful after his previous treatment in what he says.

He will not be fired he will get the chance to buy the players he needs and he will have to cope without Marhez.
The usual suspects blame Marhez for the first goal. where was it where he lost the ball? on the edge of Chelsea's penalty area where he is allowed to lose it the rest of the team then have to do their job.
Not enough quality going forward from midfield and not taking our chances.

Kasper saved his blushes knowing if we went into a penalty shoot out he would not save one where as his opposite numbers shoot hot at penalties.

But seriously kasper's antics cost us the match and is the equivalent of an own goal if you still think hes good enough for us and now we have got Morgan and Simon back our defense is to slow then i can't help you.

posted on 20/3/18

It's all about the overall picture and opinions Nev, yours are obviously very blinkered towards Kasper as they are in other ways to other players as we all do to some extent but yours do seem to be so black and white you don't let any other opinion into your mind even when evidence proves it, you're either totally for something or totally against, there is no in between.

Kasper is far from bang average but he is having a bang average Season as is just about every other player, as has always been the case since NP built the Club back up ( ) the sum of the whole is far greater than the individual, something that MO did as well extremely well in our last sustained period of success.

posted on 20/3/18

I wish Kasper had stayed on his line on
Sunday !


posted on 21/3/18

comment by Legless Fox (U21476)
posted 10 hours, 37 minutes ago
I wish Kasper had stayed on his line on
Sunday !

I'm not sure about that, I was praying for a win either way in extra time, I think I'd have had frostbite if it had gone to penos - and we'd definitely have lost on them in any event!

BS - in regard to Kingy (Mr Marmite) you remind me of the guy who sits next to me - he was forever saying that King goes missing, too lightweight etc. But when I pointed out a decent bit of last ditch defending and asked 'who cleared that ball off the line?' or 'who got back for that crucial tackle?' he didn't know - yes it was our Andy. Perhaps if he'd grown his hair longer and dyed it blond he might have been noticed more.

Anyway that ship has sailed. Re Kasper Nev, he's anything but bang average. The problem is that in shot stopping and one-on-ones he's excellent, distribution is variable but decent overall, but at commanding his area and shot stopping from free kicks he is absolute pants.

Realistically he's about as good a keeper as we can expect to keep hold of in the medium term, so I'll normally accept his faults although he does appear to be struggling this season. I suspect that those who have said we need to have a better alternative reserve keeper to put pressure on him are not far off the mark.

I wonder Nev if you have been a bit spoilt by the fantastic goalies who graced Filbert Street in the past. One wonders why they weren't snapped up by the top clubs at the time? In this day and age of media hype and agents I doubt that Banks or Shilton would have stayed as long as they did.

posted on 21/3/18

Andy Andy King

posted on 21/3/18

I was hacked off when Shilton forced Bank's out because we could not afford to lose him as he was the future. He then went to a bigger club Nottingham Forest!
How many clubs have come in for Kasper?
If he left us would he go to a bigger club?
To say he's the best we can get is a bit ingenuous to our club owners and fans.
He's Like Andy King a good club servant but never going to be a top progress upwards at this stage of his career even with a younger model pushing at his heels.

posted on 21/3/18

Nev - I was thinking the other day actually: We don't have a highly-rated young keeper coming up through the ranks and indeed haven't for a long time now. Regardless of the Kasper situation and individual views on it, this does seem like something we're missing.

posted on 21/3/18

What happened to Jakupovic? I’d honestly have him in goal over Kasper right now

posted on 21/3/18

How many Leicester Players have ever gone onto Bigger and Better things, very few.

Kante is probably the first in a generation, even Mahrez is struggling to clinch himself a deal so that’s no black mark on Kasper.

Of course, maybe he’s also more loyal to his Club and doesn’t get his agent to tart him out to everyone and his dog as well.

posted on 21/3/18

I wonder Dung if that's the issue that Kasper does not want competition and Stowelly (havn't said that name for a while protecting or fear he might go.

But think we have had keepers that haven't pressured Kasper Rocket Ron did not do it and the Jakupuckavich feel out with everyone?

posted on 21/3/18

TB Well if he's agent isn't "tarting him around he's not doing his job.
Very few leicester players go on to bigger and better things as most of them even if they think they are, arn't as good as they think they are "Drinkwater" is finding that out.
Except for the likes of Shilton Linniker,heskey Kante who was always going to go not many do and Kasper probably knows that to,anyway he has a premier league medal courtesy of the most successful manager we ever had so i'm sure he is happy

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