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The Dream Of EPL Football

Driving home from the ICT game the other day, I was chatting to my son about playing in the EPL. I said to him that when we consider ourselves to be playing in that league, we always assume that we will be challenging for the title after a few seasons of bedding in and acclimatizing. But what if we were not? What if we were forever consigned to be mediocre mid table teams like Blackburn or Bolton? Would the lack of titles, cup finals and European football be worth it to be facing the likes of Wigan, Sunderland and Everton every other week? Let us assume for arguments sake that both Celtic and Rangers would fare as well as Newcastle United have done over the years, never really competing for the title but always assured of mid table safety. Would this be enough for us or should we be happy with our lot in the SPL, where we are in cup finals and picking up titles and facing European opposition every season?

comment by atheist (U2783)

posted on 28/9/11


All good and valid points. Not that we would ever be allowed into the EPL, but if we were, it wouldn't be for me.

Of course the money would be great, but doubt it would bring success.

posted on 28/9/11

Ten years ago Rangers and Celtic might of had a chance of competing even within a few years now it would take another ten years to break the top four.

I really think that some sort of Two tier Euro super league is the future and if Rangers and Celtic dont rid themselves of baggage they have and dont start to improve their Euro performances. They would struggle to get invited even to the 2nd tier!

posted on 28/9/11

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posted on 28/9/11

i agree with no.7 i would rather be a large fish in a little pond than be a mid table struggling team like villa, everton or newcastle, all huge clubs like ourselves and celtic!

posted on 28/9/11

Interesting debate

I've got fed up of the "Big Fish in little pond" league up here and I would prefer to move to England, and have more competitive games in a more competitive league with greater broadcasting incomes (and better players) which would mean we wouldn't have to suffer the likes of Dan and Glenda every week.

I know the flip side is we would be unlikely to win anything and not have European football for possibly a long period. For me, it would be a long term project of continual improvement (higher league positions every year) with the aim of eventually challenging the top clubs. Who wouldn't be excited about seeing players of the quality of say Luka Modric in the Hoops eventually. Know it's never going to happen tho' so it will remain a pipe dream.

comment by (U6568)

posted on 28/9/11

ps, Newcastle are only a big team in Newcastle.

Celtic and probably Rangers aswell, will have 5/10 times the amount of fans that they have over the whole of the UK. Never mind worldwide.

I wouldn't draw comparisons betwenn the old firm and Newcastle.

posted on 28/9/11

If we moved down there it would open us up to the possibility of being bought by some arab or Yank with a few billion to spare. Going by current examples I wouldn't welcome that!

posted on 28/9/11


Valid point about becoming a rich person's playtoy. Still prefer to move tho'. Game is stagnating/dead up here and nothing is going to change.

Going to England in my view opens up a world of opportunities which we're never going to get here. At the very least, we would have the opportunity to say to the rich Sheikh "**** off"

posted on 28/9/11

Yes, I wouldn't mind seeing how we do down there. Just as long as we avoid being floated on the stockmarket and becoming vulnerable to Sheikhs and mad yanks.

posted on 28/9/11

Maybe we should look at the constant numbskulls solicitors who keep getting the top jobs up here and have hee haw experience about marketing.

We should get that guy who managed to revive darts in charge.

Darts was on a very slippery slope, until this man came along(cant remember his) but he revoutionised the game and now as big money pumping into through sponsors and has major tournaments all over the world!

Listened to him on a BBc five live interview, and he quite clearly said, give the audience what it wants.

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