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Millen's Gone - Official

At last.

posted on 3/10/11

At last,
How long have I been requesting that???
Nice Guy but was NEVER gonna do anything for this club.

I just hope that the board brings in the right replacement and NOT to cut corners.

I'm sure SL won't make the same mistake again (fingers crossed)

posted on 3/10/11

Good luck Keef - I sincerely mean that. Like Tinman, management came too soon. Take a rest for a few months then try again at a lower level.

Dave Jones please Colin.

comment by wizered (U1104)

posted on 3/10/11

Nice man but had to go,now let's get someone in to bring us all together......

In all honesty I'm glad KM has gone,average player,below average football manager but could come good with time.....

comment by (U7766)

posted on 3/10/11

Feel sorry to a point for Millen but the sad fact is that action needed to be taken.

Dave Jones is a good shout I reckon - he should have the stature to command respect which I think is what has contributed to Millens downfall in a similar way to Gary Johnsons. Looking at it objectively the problem could well be with the players' attitude, but in today's game they're the ones that hold the power, so it's the Manager that needs to go if the relationship turns sour.

Not sure about Billy Davies - not in regard to his managerial ability or track record which are good, but in that he's only been able to achieve this by spending considerable money for this level, which is not something he'd be able to do until our wage bill is trimmed further.

I wonder if Sean O'Driscoll might be worth a punt - he did a great job at Doncaster for years, then one poor start and he's been chucked.

posted on 3/10/11

Is Maynard not performing for you boys at present? I'm quite glad we didn't get him now; at least not for the silly money that was reported.

comment by daib0 (U3077)

posted on 3/10/11

Also feel sorry for Millen - only ten games gone, not even a 1/4 of the season. It's a cruel world - no championship boss has got to 4 years in the job at present, best is Jackett (Millwall) at 3 years and nearly 11 months. Grayson (Leeds), Clough (Derby) and Holloway (Blackpool) a little under 3 years. Poyet (Brighton) and McDermott (Reading) a bit under two years. So what about the OTHER 18 with all far less than two years at the helm?
It's a tough world out there in the 21st century, nothing compared to the 70s or 80s ... seems England is becoming a 'Latin' country in that (sackings) respect ...

posted on 3/10/11

It's all to cosy at Ashton Gate.

We need a new broom and get rid of the entire backroom staff as well. I know it's harsh and it'll cost money but we need a 'root and branch' clear out. To many 'hangers on'.

'Davies or McInnes would be great please!'
'Dave Jones please Colin'
Good shouts.

posted on 3/10/11

Managers with flair for me.

O Neil
Alan Curbishley
Sean O'Driscoll

posted on 3/10/11

Just been on the radio Sean ODriscoll is in for the job. If you give him time, he will be the best manager you will ever have.
Boring, honest, loyal but a brilliant manager on a low budget. He was treated very bad at Donny because two of the board members starved him out, only gave him 200 000 to spend in the closed season, chicken feed. He would still have been successful but for the record amount of injuries.
Sign him up, give him time and you will not regret it.

posted on 4/10/11

I stamped and shouted, and threw toys from pram in support of Millen, because I WANTED to believe, and because I watched a few idiots bring down our best chance in 30 years (GJ).
But the fact is that the longer into this season we went, the more it became obvious that Millen couldnt inspire the troops and his demeanour became increasingly hopeless and clueless. There were shafts of sunlight (last season) and they kept it going, but now the wheels have fallen off.

You're right, the club has fallen into cosy land. There needs to be a shake-up right through the staff. Too many players are taking the p___
My pick would be O'Driscoll or McInnes, but I have an uncomfortable feeling it will be Jones or Brolly.

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