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F1 and Sky

As this has not been noted yet, the verdict in the Sky Vs Pub Landlady case has to be a positive for all F1 fans. We can now be free to buy our F1 races from who ever we wish. This is another great excuse to stick it to sky and really punish them for trying to privatise all our sports.

posted on 6/10/11

Yeah, you're right. Tbh next year is going to test me. I'm not going to pay for SKY. I'm on the road a lot and even if I wasn't I wouldn't pay for SKY just to watch F1.
I haven't had SKY previously and did just fine. Christ I work and hardly have time to watch terrestrial tv never mind anything else and so paying for something I'd hardly ever use doesn't make any sense. And certainly not at the annual price we're talking just to keep up with F1 on SKY.
That's my Silverstone money used right there. NO CHANCE.
Bad enough for some having to purchase a freeview box on top of their license fee just to keep their older style tv (no freeview built in) useable for anything other than a monitor for PlayStation, Xbox computer etc.
As for being cheated  totally with you there and yes mate I use an iPhone for the SKYGO authorized through my brothers SKY package.

Anyway mate, will see how it goes it's been interesting 
and if you meant yourself with the newborn, congratulations mate.

posted on 6/10/11

Shaken and Stirred
I'll keep that in mind 

posted on 6/10/11

I appreciate fully why people do not want to pay for SKY. The BBC was going to lose the F1 coverage without this deal because of Bernie's need for more cash.

I will miss EJ, DC and MB. I've become quite fond of the trio. Not so keen on JH.

Murdoch's a greedy git though. I also appreciate his position fully

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

Same for me Stevi, I attempt to get to a race every year, wether it be here or away and there is no way I could afford that as well as a full sports subscription. Its not like football which yes is expensive but not in the same league as F1, I can go watch Wednesday, have a pint and a pie for £30, that doesnt even buy us a round at Silverstone so how on earth are we expected to fork out even more now.

And, I did mean me with a new born, well 5 months now still only feels 2 mins ago though Cheers mate!

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

But Devil, Channel 4 have made it known they wanted it too. The only reason Sky were brought in, against the concorde agreement, was so the BBC could keep some races as they thought this would apease us after been lied to and screwed over for our fee. It was the BBC who brought them in after all, not Sky themselves.

I will miss them too and I would like to say I would boycott the beebs race's too but down to my love of that presenting team I don't know if I will.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

Oh and the beeb wouldn't have lost next years coverage as they already owned the rights it would have just left them with a big budgetary gap. After that would have been a different story and still will be as the BBC will just be able to wipe their hands clean of it as their contract will have expired.

posted on 6/10/11

still only feels 2 mins ago though
I'll bet. But worth it mate. 

Yeah been enjoying the team, MB, DC ETC.
Ironic that just when it's come together nicely this happens 
Still, can't stand Murdoch but realize business is business.

Have a good one lads. Tacho's up 

posted on 6/10/11

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted 33 minutes ago

Oh and the beeb wouldn't have lost next years coverage as they already owned the rights it would have just left them with a big budgetary gap. After that would have been a different story and still will be as the BBC will just be able to wipe their hands clean of it as their contract will have expired.

Interesting didn't know that bit. Makes complete sense. Congratulations on the new born, just had a daughter as well, she's a month old today. Still remember the first couple of seconds. Changed my life and my bank balance.


posted on 6/10/11

Christ you too 
Baby boom on Ja606 eh !
Congratulations to you too mate.
I'm just practicing for now 

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 7/10/11

Congrats to you too then mate!

Haha like you say changes it all but bet we wouldnt swop that for the world eh!!

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