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F1 and Sky

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posted on 6/10/11

If you owned Sky and had an opportunity to generate more Revenue by adding F1 to your portfolio, what would you do?

You have a choice to buy sky or not, but we all have to pay a licence fee to an organisation once we own a tv whether we watch anything on the boring channel at all.

That's the crime here, not a business expanding its portfolio.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

The crime here is F1 and the BBC going against a contract they have, not just with each other but with the british public. It is not for sponsors, its not for the sport its self as viewing figures have proven sky sports has not got close to the bbc's f1 coverage this year on ANY of their programming.

I would rather pay the license fee as it covers more than just whats on the box, like the BBC website, the world service I use when working away and also helping us fund our move to super fast broadband. What does the fee to sky provide us with apart from hundreds of channels with nothing on?


posted on 6/10/11

Perhaps now you can view F1 anywhere sky might not want it

posted on 6/10/11

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted 1 minute ago

The crime here is F1 and the BBC going against a contract they have, not just with each other but with the british public. It is not for sponsors, its not for the sport its self as viewing figures have proven sky sports has not got close to the bbc's f1 coverage this year on ANY of their programming.

I would rather pay the license fee as it covers more than just whats on the box, like the BBC website, the world service I use when working away and also helping us fund our move to super fast broadband. What does the fee to sky provide us with apart from hundreds of channels with nothing on?


I see you've avoided answering my question. The BBC couldn't afford the F1 coverage and you cannot blame SKY for wanting it.

The BBC did the exact same thing to Eurosport's motogp coverage and have since then destroyed the coverage. Eurosport's coverage was way better.

It's a tough world, if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. I hope they lose the motogp coverage as well as they are doing a horrible job.

I re-iterate, I am forced to pay a license fee for something I do not use, you can choose whether you pay a sky subscription or not.

It's quite simple really. I'm pleased the land lady won her battle but I cannot criticise SKY for wanting to monopolise the market and make money because if I was running SKY I would do the exact same thing.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

I don't blame sky for wanting it no, but its also a known fact that the BBC only got Sky in to stop C4 getting it. Also with regards to my not answering, you summed it up in your last paragraph, a monopoly, which as you probably well know that is also illegal so it does not warrant an answer.

Fully agree with the motogp coverage too, I try to watch any racing I can no matter how many wheels and the fact it gets bumped to the red button for things like eastenders re-runs is unforgivable.

Sorry but you have kind of missed my point on the license, the fee you pay for that is not just for the TV. I guess since you use this forum you also used to use 606? That was funded by it. Will you use the new super fast broadband network once installed? The license fee goes towards that too. Would you rather pay £120+ a year for all that even though it includes some bad TV programming or nearly a £1k a year for a full sky package with money going purely to sky and not invested back in to the tax payer like the license fee is supposed to be.

posted on 6/10/11

You're absolutely right. Still, in the current economic situ there will be those devoted fans that simply can't afford to pay a license fee and a SKY subscription into the bargain to watch F1 when every penny counts.

Also think that the BBC's coverage of half next seasons races is banging on ret'rded. Mind you this is the BBC we're talking of here. Never shy about going backwards.

Quick suggestion. If you have a family member or friend on SKY use SKYGO and get them to authorize your device. Up to 2 devices can be used this way. Just a thought. 

It's a solution for some and something we've done to help each other out. Works fine

But no arguing with your posting mate in regards to SKY acquiring F1. End of the day it's business to them, money talks, and easy to see where you're coming from.

Just disappointing more than any thing else that this is the direction its taken concerning the broadcasting of our sport.

That said I think we should find ways collectively to "hack" into SKY.

Little turning tables so to speak lol

posted on 6/10/11

Decent thread with decent points on both sides.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

Exactly Stevie, with a new born baby and a house to pay for its a luxury that some of us cant justify at the moment.

Good suggestion with skygo but then again sky are in bed with apple so no chance unless you are in the smartphone minority and actually own an iphone or ipad. Saying that it still gives sky the viewing numbers so would rather not.

The disappointment stems from the Concorde agreement that states in major territories that it should be FTA not PPV so we as fans been cheated so why not cheat sky.

There is no need to hack sky so to speak though, the easiest way is to vote with your fingers. Just don't watch the coverage if the viewing numbers aren't up to the 6million the BBC are pulling now sponsors will start to pull their products out and that is disastrous for a sport that relies on it as much as F1. Also there is enough sites out there where if you don't mind running the risk you can watch it for free anyway. I know its the option I was considering before the ruling this week.

posted on 6/10/11

You could watch it on RTL, but there are adverts.
I watch it on Polsat...no ads.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

I'd rather watch adverts than give Murdoch anymore cash anyways.

posted on 6/10/11

Yeah, you're right. Tbh next year is going to test me. I'm not going to pay for SKY. I'm on the road a lot and even if I wasn't I wouldn't pay for SKY just to watch F1.
I haven't had SKY previously and did just fine. Christ I work and hardly have time to watch terrestrial tv never mind anything else and so paying for something I'd hardly ever use doesn't make any sense. And certainly not at the annual price we're talking just to keep up with F1 on SKY.
That's my Silverstone money used right there. NO CHANCE.
Bad enough for some having to purchase a freeview box on top of their license fee just to keep their older style tv (no freeview built in) useable for anything other than a monitor for PlayStation, Xbox computer etc.
As for being cheated  totally with you there and yes mate I use an iPhone for the SKYGO authorized through my brothers SKY package.

Anyway mate, will see how it goes it's been interesting 
and if you meant yourself with the newborn, congratulations mate.

posted on 6/10/11

Shaken and Stirred
I'll keep that in mind 

posted on 6/10/11

I appreciate fully why people do not want to pay for SKY. The BBC was going to lose the F1 coverage without this deal because of Bernie's need for more cash.

I will miss EJ, DC and MB. I've become quite fond of the trio. Not so keen on JH.

Murdoch's a greedy git though. I also appreciate his position fully

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

Same for me Stevi, I attempt to get to a race every year, wether it be here or away and there is no way I could afford that as well as a full sports subscription. Its not like football which yes is expensive but not in the same league as F1, I can go watch Wednesday, have a pint and a pie for £30, that doesnt even buy us a round at Silverstone so how on earth are we expected to fork out even more now.

And, I did mean me with a new born, well 5 months now still only feels 2 mins ago though Cheers mate!

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

But Devil, Channel 4 have made it known they wanted it too. The only reason Sky were brought in, against the concorde agreement, was so the BBC could keep some races as they thought this would apease us after been lied to and screwed over for our fee. It was the BBC who brought them in after all, not Sky themselves.

I will miss them too and I would like to say I would boycott the beebs race's too but down to my love of that presenting team I don't know if I will.

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 6/10/11

Oh and the beeb wouldn't have lost next years coverage as they already owned the rights it would have just left them with a big budgetary gap. After that would have been a different story and still will be as the BBC will just be able to wipe their hands clean of it as their contract will have expired.

posted on 6/10/11

still only feels 2 mins ago though
I'll bet. But worth it mate. 

Yeah been enjoying the team, MB, DC ETC.
Ironic that just when it's come together nicely this happens 
Still, can't stand Murdoch but realize business is business.

Have a good one lads. Tacho's up 

posted on 6/10/11

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted 33 minutes ago

Oh and the beeb wouldn't have lost next years coverage as they already owned the rights it would have just left them with a big budgetary gap. After that would have been a different story and still will be as the BBC will just be able to wipe their hands clean of it as their contract will have expired.

Interesting didn't know that bit. Makes complete sense. Congratulations on the new born, just had a daughter as well, she's a month old today. Still remember the first couple of seconds. Changed my life and my bank balance.


posted on 6/10/11

Christ you too 
Baby boom on Ja606 eh !
Congratulations to you too mate.
I'm just practicing for now 

comment by Gloss (U6394)

posted on 7/10/11

Congrats to you too then mate!

Haha like you say changes it all but bet we wouldnt swop that for the world eh!!

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