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Mike Dean "saving his mate"


This is precisely why people have said that regular match day referees should not be on VAR.

How exactly was he saving his mate from grief by ignoring a clear foul anyway?

posted on 25/8/23

comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 18 minutes ago
Am I the only one who doesn't get the article?

Dean says he 'missed the stupid hair pull' - how can he send the ref to review something that he himself had missed?

Or is it just badly worded by Dean?
He can’t miss something that was replayed to us all and was so blatant

Guessing worded wrong

It’s the clear and obvious that annoys me

If it’s a wrong decision it’s wrong

Review it / send the ref to the screen ….whatever but no excuses

It’s the clear and obvious error that’s a major issue for me

posted on 25/8/23

Every club gets good and bad decisions, but what we do know is, Varpool & Penited enjoy a far greater proportion (around 90%) of bad decisions going in their favour over everybody else.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 25/8/23

comment by D'Jeezus Mackaroni (U1137)
posted 20 minutes ago
comment by Jalisco Red (U4195)
posted 6 minutes ago
Am I the only one who doesn't get the article?

Dean says he 'missed the stupid hair pull' - how can he send the ref to review something that he himself had missed?

Or is it just badly worded by Dean?
Think he meant missed as in missed reporting it rather than not seeing it.
It is interesting wording because if you look at it literally, there is (excuse the pun here) nothing to see. The fact that he bought it up coupled with the way he has worded it means there is potentially more behind this or VAR in general that we may not be aware of. Or simply that he missed it originally but saw it on VAR, either way, why describe the hair pull as stupid?

posted on 25/8/23

comment by Scott Tiffoney (U1734)
posted 15 minutes ago
It was like when I was stabbed a couple of years ago. The police officer saw it at the time but the stabber threatened the officer so he didn't do anything about it. However the police got hold of CCTV from a shop and the police guy's boss reviewed the footage and saw that I got stabbed but then he didn't want to get his mate into bother so he just said nothing happened and ignored the footage. I am pretty happy with that as people are just human and should be open to intimidation and be able to protect each other in these kind of things.

The last thing I want is for someone independent to be looking at the CCTV footage so the stabber can be put in jail.

I do not want to have to wait ages for the footage to be reviewed just to come to the right decision. We want people arrested on the spot and if the policeman decides at the time not to, then that's the stabbing we all have loved for so many years and hope it continues.

That’s a travesty, surely the stabber deserves a medal? I would be livid if I was him

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 25/8/23

comment by K7-0ptimus Primal (U1282)
posted 38 minutes ago
Every club gets good and bad decisions, but what we do know is, Varpool & Penited enjoy a far greater proportion (around 90%) of bad decisions going in their favour over everybody else.
Billy in damage control mode now a ref has admitted helping Spurs. Again.

posted on 25/8/23

The problem is that had Chelsea won that game, maybe the season would have been significantly different. Results and performances declined because results didn't go their way. I think they have to take responsibility for decisions that could make the difference between relegation and staying up for example. Wolves were denied the opportunity to get a point at Old Trafford, what happens if they get relegated by one point? Dean was an awful referee anyway. He alwayts got the United Chelsea games and we always knew which way his decisions were going to go. I just think there should be more scrutiny on referees and VAR. VAR is a great tool if used by professionals, not monkeys.

posted on 25/8/23

Yes, what Mike Dean has done is an absolute disgrace, but I’m amazed by how many stupid people there are looking to scrap VAR.
The real question is :
Does VAR mean we end up with more correct decisions?
Answer : Unquestionably YES.
End of discussion. 🤷🏻‍♂️

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 25/8/23

comment by ItsAboutTheBackFour (U9916)
posted 20 minutes ago
Yes, what Mike Dean has done is an absolute disgrace, but I’m amazed by how many stupid people there are looking to scrap VAR.
The real question is :
Does VAR mean we end up with more correct decisions?
Answer : Unquestionably YES.
End of discussion. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Most of the so called Var decisions arr discussed for weeks, but it's not just about what it gives to the game, it's what it takes away from the game. I for one think the gains are not worth the cost and I'm happy to challenge it.

posted on 26/8/23

comment by JFDI (U1657)
posted 22 hours, 41 minutes ago
comment by ItsAboutTheBackFour (U9916)
posted 20 minutes ago
Yes, what Mike Dean has done is an absolute disgrace, but I’m amazed by how many stupid people there are looking to scrap VAR.
The real question is :
Does VAR mean we end up with more correct decisions?
Answer : Unquestionably YES.
End of discussion. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Most of the so called Var decisions arr discussed for weeks...

Most controversial decisions were discussed for weeks before VAR - the only difference with VAR is that a higher percentage end up being RIGHT.

comment by JFDI (U1657)

posted on 27/8/23

comment by ItsAboutTheBackFour (U9916)
posted 5 hours, 9 minutes ago
comment by JFDI (U1657)
posted 22 hours, 41 minutes ago
comment by ItsAboutTheBackFour (U9916)
posted 20 minutes ago
Yes, what Mike Dean has done is an absolute disgrace, but I’m amazed by how many stupid people there are looking to scrap VAR.
The real question is :
Does VAR mean we end up with more correct decisions?
Answer : Unquestionably YES.
End of discussion. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Most of the so called Var decisions arr discussed for weeks...

Most controversial decisions were discussed for weeks before VAR - the only difference with VAR is that a higher percentage end up being RIGHT.

If they were right there wouldn't be a discussion.

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