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Piroe goals

I'm really mystified by Farke's comments about Piroe actually being effective coming from deep, when asked why he wasn't played up top.

Piroe scores because he's up top, not coming from deep.

Please G-d let's not play this one out of position, he's a striker not a number 10, see the goals for yourself.


posted on 5/9/23

Ok, Els, having now calmed down (just a little) from your disgusting personal attack on me, I want you to know that I hold no ill feelings towards you at all. I don’t know you, never will, don’t want to, and wish you the best of fortunes in your life.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 6/9/23

comment by The Light Brigade (U22847)
posted 10 hours, 47 minutes ago
Ok, Els, having now calmed down (just a little) from your disgusting personal attack on me, I want you to know that I hold no ill feelings towards you at all. I don’t know you, never will, don’t want to, and wish you the best of fortunes in your life.
I don't condone abuse in here, it's usually directed at myself and I ignore it mostly, but when someone wants to leave I always think its a shame, can always get heated in here at time and sometimes we just need a breather, to step away.....I think all of us here add value in some way to someone, so hope Els realises that, take a little time out and comes back stronger.

Apologies if it came across in any way as something against yourself, it wasn't meant that way at all, I enjoy your posts in the forum.

Els, hope to see your posts again, TLB keep on making me laugh, ja606 is a better place with both of you here.

posted on 6/9/23

Light, you're an intelligent guy, you say so yourself, why do you think it's appropriate to deliberatly target and try to publicly humiliate others on a public forum, I took it personally and got angry others do not but you need to know the person at the other end of your witticisms.
You will note that, other than in error, I do not abuse others, because by and large and do not feel they are deliberately targeting what I have written. I am not, as you imply, stupid.
I will return but please don't analyse all of my posts looking for reasons to criticise or belittle me. I have made a little easier for you, by blocking you so it is difficult for you to comment on my posts. Do the same to me if you wish.
I apologise for tghe language used and am sorry for the offence I caused you.

posted on 6/9/23

because by and large and do not feel they are deliberately targeting what I have written. I am not, as you imply, stupid.


I need to proof reed more often, shocking sentence structure.

posted on 6/9/23

because by and large and do not feel they are deliberately targeting what I have written.


Should read by and large I do not feel they are deliberatly targetting what I have written but I sure you get the gist. Intelligent guy and all.

posted on 6/9/23

Jonty, many thanks for reaching out. It’s much appreciated. Sorry this played out on your thread - a good thread about Piroe’s goals😁👍.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 6/9/23

comment by The Light Brigade (U22847)
posted 2 hours, 39 minutes ago
Jonty, many thanks for reaching out. It’s much appreciated. Sorry this played out on your thread - a good thread about Piroe’s goals😁👍.

posted on 6/9/23

Jonty, this guy is pathetic and petty, and you are pandering to him.
I really cannot be bothered with this.

comment by Jonty (U4614)

posted on 6/9/23

Els, I dont know anything about any history with you and TLB, I'm not trying to pander or take sides just say you both add value in my eyes, and probably many other people's.

Sometimes just a step away from this forum is needed, I know I've done it in the past no problem.

Happy to talk offline if you want to jonathons@hotmail.com

posted on 6/9/23

comment by Jonty (U4614)
posted 4 hours, 33 minutes ago
Els, I dont know anything about any history with you and TLB.
Me neither🤷‍♂️

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