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Bamford - right or wrong?

Just read that Begovic’s red card has been overturned as there was no contact with Bamford (I thought that was the case when watching, but couldn’t be sure).

Is he just “trying his best for the team" when he play acts and tries to cheat his way into fooling the ref into a decision or is he an embarrassment to the club when he does these things?

Me - I think it’s not a good look for the club and he should be given a smacked bottom for it. He’s becoming cringeworthy.

comment by Batty (U4664)

posted on 7/10/23

He's a cheating malcontent, who's vastly overrated.

Glad when he's no longer at LUFC.

posted on 7/10/23

comment by Batty (U4664)
posted 33 seconds ago
He's a cheating malcontent, who's vastly overrated.

Glad when he's no longer at LUFC.
I heard you rated him Batty?

posted on 7/10/23

3:35, that annoyed me more than the red card offence


Every player should just button it and let the ref deal with it the way he sees fit!..

posted on 7/10/23

From where I sat it looked a foul.

Replays illustrate differently & as a result Begovic I’m pleased to see has had his card rescinded. His unblemished record, over a long career, has remained in tact.

Only Paddy knows what his motivations were.

I’d say leave it as a subject as any form of justice has been done. PB I suspect (actually would want) would have been punished for cheating, but he hasn’t been that I’m aware.

Bristol next …. Move on 👍

posted on 7/10/23

He went down a bit earlier from another hefty tackle, was it Adomah? Looked injured managed to run it off but, and I am not saying this is the case, I wonder whether his injury record is playing on his mind.
I have read a lot of posts on a few forum which draw attention to Bamford recent record, how he only he needs the slighest knock and he is out for weeks.
That might be having a psychological impact on him.
As a runner and an ageing one to boot I know it only takes a slight knock or an ankle turn, or the old problem with the Plantar fasciitis or shin splints and I am out for what seems ages.
These things play on my mind and I wonder if his injury record plays on his, hence his reaction to the lunging keeper's straight leg and studs.

posted on 7/10/23

comment by The Light Brigade (U22847)
posted 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
comment by Wheelchair Dave (U23090)
posted 11 minutes ago
As a wheelchair user I envy all these players abilities and what I would give to swap places with Bamford. despite his injury problems he's still a very capable footballer at championship level and he may not be everyone's cup of tea but Im prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and not think of him as a cheat although his dive a few years back to get the Villa player sent off was not something he can be proud of.

The ref saw it at the time just once the same as most of us did without a tv reply as a red card offense but we've all now seen the keeper didnt actually touch PB and that's that and so as far as Im concerned we move on.

Anyway I'll introduce myself, Im a 40 something Leeds fan and Ive been reading this forum with a lot of interest for a few years now and I finally got myself access to a computer so I can register and join in now.

Welcome to the madhouse Dave👍😁.
Welcome Dave.

posted on 7/10/23

High and dangerous tackle from Bergovic he should be thankful that Bamford had the presence of mind and agility to get out of the way of his flying studs.

Bergovic should thank Bamford for taking necessary action of avoidance and saving Bergovic from having red card confirmed.

posted on 7/10/23

comment by montleeds (U18330)
posted 1 hour, 2 minutes ago
comment by The Light Brigade (U22847)
posted 1 hour, 48 minutes ago
comment by Wheelchair Dave (U23090)
posted 11 minutes ago
As a wheelchair user I envy all these players abilities and what I would give to swap places with Bamford. despite his injury problems he's still a very capable footballer at championship level and he may not be everyone's cup of tea but Im prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt and not think of him as a cheat although his dive a few years back to get the Villa player sent off was not something he can be proud of.

The ref saw it at the time just once the same as most of us did without a tv reply as a red card offense but we've all now seen the keeper didnt actually touch PB and that's that and so as far as Im concerned we move on.

Anyway I'll introduce myself, Im a 40 something Leeds fan and Ive been reading this forum with a lot of interest for a few years now and I finally got myself access to a computer so I can register and join in now.

Welcome to the madhouse Dave👍😁.
Welcome Dave.
Greetings Dave!

posted on 7/10/23

Thanks for the welcome guys and a great 3 points too so all's well and all that!

posted on 20/10/23

"...Begovic’s red card has been overturned as there was no contact with Bamford..."

This phrase is hugely problematic. It results, in my opinion, from having tv commentators who are ignorant of the Laws of the Game.

Following is an excerpt from the IFAB Laws of the Game (https://www.theifab.com/laws/latest/fouls-and-misconduct/#direct-free-kick):



Direct and indirect free kicks and penalty kicks can only be awarded for offences committed when the ball is in play.

12.1 Direct free kick

A direct free kick is awarded if a player commits any of the following offences against an opponent in a manner considered by the referee to be careless, reckless or using excessive force:

- charges

- jumps at

- kicks or attempts to kick

- pushes

- strikes or attempts to strike (including head-butt)

- tackles or challenges

- trips or attempts to trip"

Please note that for 3 of the actions, the word "attempt" is included.

Accordingly "contact" is not required for the action to be a foul.

So, I suggest, the applicable situation needs to be viewed differently by some that have factored "contact" into their thought process.

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