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Ultimate winner ??

After Anges comments this week, it appears he sees himself as having this kind of ultimate winners mentality- “I just wanna win mate"
Ok Ange I’m a bit confused !!

You basically threw us out of the Carabao at first attempt
You play tactics that frankly will not win shiiit in any of the big leagues
You won’t change any of your tactics to win a game. Ever

Sorry mate but you’re basically waaanking yourself off to playing some kind of heavenly attacking football while putting winning way down the list mate

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by Kamikaze Blue (U7450)
posted 9 minutes ago
comment by fridgeboy (U1053)
posted 4 minutes ago
Isn't this a massive non-story really? I mean, it's fine for him to have a winning mentality and not be happy with the atmosphere yesterday, it's fine for the players to be professional and competitive with a real desire to win, and it's also fine for fans to not really care all that much about losing given the circumstances. What Ange hasn't realised is that really we had to win that game to see any tangible benefit so going 1-0 down meant that in order to get in the CL, we needed to get at least 2. We all knew that wasn't going to happen so if the fans want to use that moment to laugh at Arsenal, so be it.

The thing is, you can't really whine too much about club/fan mentality because it's results on the pitch that change it. Under Poch we competed at the very top. We didn't care about Arsenal or anyone else. We were just focused on winning games. So ultimately it's down to Ange and the players to produce the goods, pick up the points and give us something to play for at the end of the season to avoid this situation again.

For what it's worth, I wanted us to win but I certainly don't hold anything against those that chose to support City. Win more games to make our success the priority, not others' failures. In short, it's on Ange, not the fans.
Spurs fans are just like all football fans. We love it when a local rival facks up. But you’re right. I bet if Spurs had had a shout of winning that game the crowd would have cheered them to the rafters. You’d think after his time in Scotland he’d understand rivalries a bit better, having been smack in the middle of the most ferocious of them all.
100%. I only switched when we went 1-0 down and believe it or not, when Son went through for the equaliser, instinct took over and I was annoyed for a fleeting moment that he missed, because there would have been time for a winner.When the penalty was given, of course the fans are going to sing about Arsenal's demise. There was no way back so what else were they going to do.

It's extremely naive of Ange to think this way. He hasn't taken into account the emotional complication of supporting a team for a lifetime. Players and managers come and go but us lot, we're always here. Our love for the club is higher than theirs will ever be and, by definition, hate for a rival is just as potent. To not have the emotional intelligence to understand that is frankly bonkers

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

wild wanting your team to throw a game

you want your players to have a winners mentality.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by JFK (U8919)
posted 9 minutes ago
wild wanting your team to throw a game

you want your players to have a winners mentality.

Take a look at the archives mate. Every club in the same situation has a fan base that would, and have, done exactly the same. There's nothing unique about Spurs fans here.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

i get why in your head you would be like "ok, well its stopped them at least" , consolation prize.

no going to dance around in my own stadium because my team are getting beat though, that's wild man

i think if you want a team of winners you have to want them to be dedicated to every match and thats exactly what ange wants to build.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by JFK (U8919)
posted 4 minutes ago
i get why in your head you would be like "ok, well its stopped them at least" , consolation prize.

no going to dance around in my own stadium because my team are getting beat though, that's wild man

i think if you want a team of winners you have to want them to be dedicated to every match and thats exactly what ange wants to build.

That was three fans

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by JFK (U8919)
posted 2 hours, 12 minutes ago
3 places up from last year, in spite of losing a world class striker.

need to be realistic, where did fans expect to finish at the start of the season?

Some fans just have a sort of recency bias in how they are assessing the club, manager and players,

Forgetting the great start to the season and only seeing the current problems.

To me it just goes to show what we are capable of but also the issues that need addressing if we are to achieve those levels over a season.

Others see it only as failure, that our recent form is our true level and a reason to make a change already.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

For me, yday went as perfect as it could have really. The players actually played well, and showed we can compete

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by BISS Bash BOSSED (U8366)
posted 12 minutes ago
For me, yday went as perfect as it could have really. The players actually played well, and showed we can compete
We competed well against the best side in the premier, possibly Europe and some fans think Ange can't cut it at this level, what do they want?

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by EastUpper (U11623)
posted 39 minutes ago
comment by BISS Bash BOSSED (U8366)
posted 12 minutes ago
For me, yday went as perfect as it could have really. The players actually played well, and showed we can compete
We competed well against the best side in the premier, possibly Europe and some fans think Ange can't cut it at this level, what do they want?
To win games.

posted 3 weeks, 5 days ago

comment by BISS Bash BOSSED (U8366)
posted 57 minutes ago
For me, yday went as perfect as it could have.
Yes, all the negativity and toxicity is just perfect.

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