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When will our luck change?

With our crippling injury list that has long term and short term injuries on it, The run of games at the start of the season and now this serious lack of confidence the team has and also bad luck with decisions and red cards etc you have to ask yourself as a fan when will this end?

Injury wise when are we going to start seeing some of the players coming back to help the team out?
And the main question is when will we finally get a bit of luck on the pitch and get something actually go our way that leads to that win we might not deserve but we get anyway and finally boosts this teams broken morale.

I have never known a run of results like this before for any team that is an established premiership team before, obviously some teams that come up from the championship have dreadful records and go right back down after being bottom 3 all season but i cannot recall a team with 10 years experience spending a whole season in the bottom 3.
I really hope we can turn a corner and get some points on the board from these next 4 games and get out of the bottom 3, We have seen Wigan who looked worse than us to be fair a month ago get a win they did not deserve at Sunderland and then push on to go on a good run of results, If we could get a point from Fulham and a win at Ewood then we may get a win against a Newcastle side who are on a downward spiral now and then hopefully beat a Wolves side who normally do not do well at the Bok and then we would be on a good run and could take the game to Liverpool.
With a decent run of results and then a few fresh faces in early January and the return of some players we may be able to field a settled side and fingers crossed get the results we need to at least make a fight of this relegation scrap we are in now instead of writing ourselves of in December with more than half a season to go.

I like Owen Coyle but i too am at breaking point with him and have said many times it is time for a change but this is not our decision to make, He cares about the team maybe more than the players do at the minute and i really hope he can find a formation and tatics that suit what we have to work with here until the better players can return.

posted on 12/12/11

We need at least a couple of wins before Xmas or we're in an unrecoverable position.

posted on 13/12/11

Bolton will be ok

Wigan,Blackburn and 1 of the newly promoted sides are going down

posted on 13/12/11

On the McEachean loan thingy, I am afraid we CANNOT loan another Chelsea player this season, which just goes to show how much notice you should take of media gossip.

The rule is maximum four domestic loans in a season, no more than two at the same time, and no more than one from the same club throughout the season. Emergency goalkeepers excepted - get Kakuta fitted for gloves and there might be a chance!

See Rule 7.5 http://www.premierleague.com/content/dam/premierleague/site-content/News/publications/handbooks/premier-league-handbook-2011-12.pdf - go to p173

posted on 13/12/11

Kakutas only on a six month loan EIE, I think that this means we can send Kakuta back and get the other one?

posted on 13/12/11

I don't think it makes any difference Moses. Rule 7.4 says that the minimum loan period is from one transfer window to the next, and then Rule 5 says this:

"the maximum number of Temporary Transfers to any one Club registrable in the same Season shall be 4 and in no circumstances shall more than 1 be from the same Transferor Club save there shall be excluded from these numbers any Temporary Transfer of the kind described in Rule M.7.6.1 or M.7.6.2"

Those two rules refer to emergency goalkeepers and loans that are made permanent. I assume we will nopt be buying Kakuta on a permanent deal, so unless he gets some shot-stopping practice he is going to be our only loan from Chelsea this season.

posted on 13/12/11

Ahh, so we are only allowed one loanee from Chelsea for the season even if its only for six months.

Cheers for the clarification EIE

posted on 13/12/11

Yep, that's how I read it.

posted on 13/12/11

Moses is right once Bolton send Kakuta back to us,you are allowed to take another Chelsea player on loan.

posted on 13/12/11

I wish that was true, but I just cannot see how the rules allow it. It is Section M of the Premier League Handbook for 2011/12 that I am looking at - Rules 6 and 7 starting at page 172 of the pdf document that I linked to above. It seems crystal clear to me: we can acquire four different players on a temporary transfer during any one season, with no more than two at the same time; but no more than one of those four may come from the same club. If we send back Kakuta and swap him for someone else surplus to requirements, like Mata or Ivanovic say (a boy can dream), that would count as a second temporary transfer, it would not be a continuation of the first one. The rules are drafted so that you cannot temporarily transfer the contract of more than one player from the same club during the whole of the season.

I am so certain of this that if I am wrong I will eat an entire bucket of jellied eels and pretend to be Chas Hodges 24 hours a day from now until Christmas 2012.

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