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Be Careful What You Wish For Arsenal Fans!

The latest coming out of Real Madrid is that they are setting their sights on getting AW to replace Mourinho, who has indicated he will leave in the summer.

Judging by the reaction to the recent defeats, a section of fans want Wenger out. Well I would just caution you to be careful, you might just push him out the door and then who knows?

Mourinho might come in as his replacement, would you like that?

I for one think Wenger is restricted in what he can spend by the Board, his loyalty to Arsenal is unquestionable and I think he takes a lot on his shoulders.

Football is cyclicable, and clubs have downturns both financially and in playing terms.

Arsenal are a very well run club, in fact I think only Spurs could lay claim to be as well run. However you guys have had an incredible run over the past 15 years and it would have taken a genius and a lot of luck & money to sustain the high standards you have achieved. With other clubs (like Spurs & City) coming to the fore, it also makes life more difficult for a club to continue to dominate.

To be honest I do think AW needs a fresh challenge, in fact I would go so far as to suggest he would be a great replacement for Harry, should we lose him to England etc................................................AW to Spurs is highly unlikely and I don't think we could compete with Real in terms of money etc. Mourinho is I believe on something like £10-11m, Harry gets £3m from us & correct me if I am wrong I think AW is on around £5-6m at Arsenal?

So? Do you really want AW to leave or is it just frustration at not being in the top 4 currently & the prospect of no CL football next season?

Over the years you have produced some of the best & most invigorating football in the PL, that is one thing even a Spurs supporter can appreciate. It is ironic that at present the team being talked about for creative attacking football is not Arsenal, but Spurs.

Constructive responses please, this is a genuine post from a football fan!

posted on 25/1/12

Dawn if you like.

posted on 25/1/12


posted on 25/1/12

Dukuzumuremyi....................You were very lucky to get out. Don't know exact numbers but I understand somewhere between 500,000 and a million people were massacred.

Good on you for escaping

posted on 25/1/12

Yes I'm Dawn. By your reaction I feel that you might have heard of me before but hey it's a new year.

posted on 25/1/12

If you lose Wenger then you'll be losing much more than a manager. The modern day Arsenal IS Wenger. A lot of younger Arsenal fans have only known his era and think the style of play he espouses is the 'Arsenal way' when in fact the 110 years of history prior to his arrival established Arsenal as the true example of negative but effective football (like Stoke are today). George Graham is more the traditional Arsenal manager. Wenger is a genius for getting a club with that image to so effectively adopt the Tottenham way of playing.

posted on 25/1/12

genius Thanks,

Miss Wong CT, yes I have heard the myths.

posted on 25/1/12

Hey,I post what I think and never provoke. If I'm wrong then I'm wrong. I'm a lonely character here in Switzerland and use this site as my only real means of communication with others. Like most women I prefer the company of men so here I am. I can also let off steam on here but I mean nothing maliciously and never have.

posted on 25/1/12

The myth of the Dawn Wong.. fabled across JA606.. Profetically speaking I cant imagine there can be any other.. cos two wong's dont make a wight.

posted on 25/1/12

There's no way Wenger would go to Madrid because even he knows that he won't even last a season there. The expectations of the Madridistas are way too high and his philosophy is never going to work there.


His philosophy?? Wenger has no qualms about spending big to land top quality players! Do you really think he's trying to bring youth talent through to prove a point??

It's out of necessity that Arsenal have to blood young talent...or try to. If he went to Madrid he would be more than happy to put a team together using funds...just like he did pre-Emirates move.

The idea that he would go to R Madrid and then have a transfer policy like he does at Arsenal is wrong. IMO he would relish the chance to show what he can do with one of the top clubs in World football.

posted on 28/12/13

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