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These 51 comments are related to an article called:

Be Careful What You Wish For Arsenal Fans!

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posted on 25/1/12

Madrid have been after Wenger for years. I think this might be the year they get him. There's already big cracks in the Madrid/Mourinho relationship. Its only a matter of them before it all ends in tears. Even if they do win the league, either He'l go himself or he'l get sacked.

posted on 25/1/12

Mourinho has already said in an interview that he will leave in the summer.

posted on 25/1/12

I agree!


We need to start a revolution and hit the board in their pockets. ll they love is money so lets take it away from them.

posted on 25/1/12

Yeh. Mourinho will leave. Take a two year break from management and then come back to take the United job.

posted on 25/1/12

you keep booing him and he'll be in madrid quicker than you can sing you dont know what you're doing

posted on 25/1/12

You seriously think Wenger will go to Madrid? a place he has no control?
A place where if you don't win you get sacked?
A place where he can't nurture the next generation.
The Arsenal philosophy we have to day is Wengers, Madrid ain't into that!

Apart from Iker, when was the last time they had a youth come through from their ranks?

Sorry, I just can't see it!

If you said Barcelona, then yes more likely but Madrid, No way Jose Mourinho !

posted on 25/1/12

Good article regarding it comes from a Spurs fan . To be honest I dont think apart from what Arsenal will achieve this season that Wenger will leave. The pressure now is the same than at the beginning of the season where we were in the relegation zone.

And to be honest I dont want him to leave but I see him more critical than before.

posted on 25/1/12

The trouble is, a sizable number of supposed Arsenal fans are hanging on the coat tails of the untouchable season. That means they are essentially plastics. Fans that supported the club throught the GG years and Bruce Rioch years know a good thing when they see it.

We all know Wengers faults. He's tactically inept, stubborn, and a tight . But he's the greatest Arsenal manager, ever. Those fans that booed and jeered and shouted those words need to learn a bit of fecking respect and shut the feck up. Just because they pay money to see matches doesn't give them the right to verbally abuse and insult Wenger. If they actually concentrated on supporting the team instead of spouting drivel, then we might actually have a half decent atmosphere in the stadium.

Simple fact. Arsenal have the worst home support in the PL. Why? Because of fans. How about they do their job, and support the team, and let Wenger do his job.

posted on 25/1/12

Apart from Iker, when was the last time they had a youth come through from their ranks?
Isn't Sergio Ramos a youth player?

posted on 25/1/12

Sergio Ramos was a big money buy from Sevilla.

posted on 25/1/12

Serial WUManiser - Disciple of Boy Bastin - Free Mandela - In Arsene we trust - Sack Gazidis - Eat, Drink, Poo M3NTAL 5TRENGTH (U1410)

We all know Wengers faults. He's tactically inept, stubborn, and a tight . But he's the greatest Arsenal manager, ever.

Herbert Chapman is Arsenals greatest ever manager, he did not go out and purchase the French World Cup Winning Team to build success.

Wenger had it easy from the start with his obvious French connections and happening to be at Arsenal at the time of the greatest ever French National team.

posted on 25/1/12

What about Cristiano Ronaldo? Didnt he come through their academy?

posted on 25/1/12

I can see why he might be suitable for Barcelona, however the chance to go head to head against Barcelona would appeal to him & I think that his next position will be his last anyway, so he might just want to finish it at a club that has an even greater history in Europe than Barcelona or indeed any other club.

posted on 25/1/12

Is Mourinho definetley leaving at the summer?

posted on 25/1/12

We, as fans, can only guess at what restrictions the board places on Wenger and what restrictions Wenger places on Arsenal in terms of transfers, wage structure etc.
I do feel, however, we need something to change. And it won't be the board.
A new number 2 to Wenger may be the answer, and a overhaul of the staff under him.
A new manager may be the answer, someone like Bilic, Low or Paulo Bento off the back of Euro 2012. Someone young, with fresh ideas and new contacts to bring to Arsenal, but managers who still play the "Arsenal way".

I do not agree when people say we cannot let Wenger go because of what he has done for us. Yes, Wenger has been amazing, our best ever manager imo. But everybody has to go at some time, and this may be the right time. Brian Clough was a Forest legend, but he went on too long and took them down. Sir Alf Ramsey was an England legend, but it became apparent when his time was up.

By saying you want a change should not be interpreted as disrespect towards a legendary manager, nor as a sign that his achievements have been forgotten.
It is just acknowledgement that time moves on.

George Graham turned Arsenal into also rans in the 80s to double title winners in 89 and 91. We still respect and appreciate his achievements, but we also acknowledge that his Arsenal were in decline as a league challenger. The same, I feel, can be said about Mr Wenger now, and there is nothing wrong with change.

posted on 25/1/12

Herbert Chapman is Arsenals greatest ever manager, he did not go out and purchase the French World Cup Winning Team to build success.
And nor did Wenger. He took French players and turned them into World Cup winning players.

Pires and Henry were the only French world cup winners Wenger signed...

posted on 25/1/12

Dukuzumuremyi Jesus Mackanakaron Jr.

By saying you want a change should not be interpreted as disrespect towards a legendary manager, nor as a sign that his achievements have been forgotten.
It is just acknowledgement that time moves on.

Its not wanting change that is the problem, it is how this is voiced!
From what I have been told by my friend (a season ticket holder there) the abuse heaped on Wenger was quite vitriolic from some quarters.................something I do not think he deserves at all.

posted on 25/1/12


That is true, and I have never, and will never criticize Arsene.
But on JA606 at times, and in the media it seems that to question if Wengers time has come to an end is a disgraceful act.

Acknowledgement that an era is coming to an end, imo, is not attacking Wenger but being realistic.

Although if Arsene stays then I will continue to back him.

posted on 25/1/12

There's no way Wenger would go to Madrid because even he knows that he won't even last a season there. The expectations of the Madridistas are way too high and his philosophy is never going to work there.

posted on 25/1/12


Yes that is your right as a supporter and paying fan. Its the nasty jibes I do not like.

I fully expected Wenger to move upstairs at Arsenal, maybe then bring in a younger manager like Brendan Rodgers or Roberto Martinez...................

posted on 25/1/12

Wenger's main issue is that he is proud and stubborn! That is what is affecting us, if he can humble himself I believe he can change Arsenal!

It hurts me to see that not only he's messing up Arsenal but his own legacy.

I hate when fans say how George Graham was better, or what Wenger did wasn't that special anyway, because it's not true when you know the facts.

I really hope he turns it around

posted on 25/1/12

hate when fans say how George Graham was better, or what Wenger did wasn't that special anyway, because it's not true when you know the facts.
If this is aimed at my comment then it is not what I said.

If it wasn't

posted on 25/1/12

Why cant the arsenal "supporters" who jeer your most successful manager realise that your club is going through a transitional stage?
Success at football clubs in this country is fairly cyclical. Look at the like of Liverpool, Chelsea, Spurs, Leeds, Newcastle everyone has their ups and downs.

posted on 25/1/12

Pires and Henry were the only French world cup winners Wenger signed...
Wiltord, Petit?

posted on 25/1/12

Petit was at Arsenal before the World Cup win.
Wiltord was not in the World Cup squad.

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