So i've seen that there's a Ja606 Pro club for the Ps3 and i was wondering if there was an Xbox one? or if anyone wants to start one for the xbox if there isn't?
posted on 20/2/12
id be interested it getting a team on the go.
Q: What is the difference between a PS3 and a hooker?
A: Nothing, they both suck and empty your wallet!
posted on 28/2/12
posted on 28/2/12
posted on 28/2/12
posted on 29/2/12
Xbox > PS3
graphics are better
interface is better
apps are better
services are better
control is better (for males with mans hands), ps3 controller is small and for little girls
only plus for the ps3 is the free online there is no other plus side to it
actualy, its pretty sh iet
posted on 29/2/12
owned both,ps3 looks amazing to be fair,the online gaming sucks
xbox all the way.
posted on 29/2/12
I've got both too and on my 42 inch plasma the xbox looks clearer and brighter
posted on 1/3/12
I've had both. I'd have the PS3 over the Xbox any day.
posted on 14/4/12
posted on 14/4/12
To be honest, I'd recommend starting your own article and double tagging it to the video games and premier league board. Not many Xboxians around here.