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Article Rating 2 Stars

Completely Uninspiring

So today the Owls announce the new manager. We all know who it is now. I think MM and "the new guy" knew about 2 weeks ago. Well, can I just say, "whoop-de-friggin-do."

After completely taking the pee over the whole sordid affair, Wednesday name the oh-so-average Dave Jones as manager. Wow. Can't wait. But, you know what annoys me more? The whole charade SWFC have made about having to go through "talks" and then "advanced talks," when, clearly in my opinion, the decision was already made.

After the underhanded way they sacked Megson, I would have thought the very least they would have done would have been to bring in a manager who made us gasp with delight. Who made us think, "Wow, now we REALLY have a chance of going up!" of making us think, "Well, if we can get the likes of HIM to join us, i'm not surprised megson's going!"...

No...we get Dave Jones.

Yet again my beloved team have left me feeling disgusted, downbeat and Completely Uninspired!

posted on 2/3/12

Sparty & Sam Tyke are stood at each end of a field, Sam shouts "why dont you come over to the other side?" to which Sparty replies "er..der, im on the other side"

posted on 2/3/12

Oh Milton Mandolin what have you done,
You thrown out a scone and brought in a bun,
I can't see the difference in the change that you've tried,
Apart from one bloke being ginger and the other bog eyed.
(Milton Mandolin as her indoors once called him)

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 2/3/12

Well until Dull Dave makes me scream & shout with joy I will be staying silent.............so no pressure Dave Jones now crack on!!

Up the owls!!

posted on 2/3/12


posted on 2/3/12

Typical wendies...heads in the sand...You really should be nicknamed The Ostriches...

And for your lack of intelligence I wont let you in on Mandy's business plans, except that Wednesday are a very low priority...

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 2/3/12

Enlighten us Sparty i like a good story?

posted on 2/3/12

Gee whizz Sparty! They should put you in charge of the economy with your business nouse.

I hope you have a nice evening meal with Milan mandaric tonight, I am sure he will feed you some more valuable tid-bits of insight into his master plan.

I suppose he really has his eye on developing Oakwell.

Probably as a massive land fill site.

posted on 2/3/12

Afraid Oakwell's required for Championship football...Now there's a piece of scrub-land available in northern Sheffield....and Milan will want his dosh back...

posted on 2/3/12

I'm not sure who people were expecting- Mourihno? We often lose track of our current status League ONE, with no certainty of promotion. Paul Ince was in the running too?? Now, that would have been a disaster. We need to give Jones a chance, his record is actually much better than others that were mentioned.

posted on 2/3/12

Jones is better than megson for sure. I think you would of been better with a young guy or a foreign coach who would get you playing some good stuff

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