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Completely Uninspiring

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posted on 2/3/12

Who were you expecting - Fabio Capello, Pep guardiola?

We are a 3rd Division Club with not a great deal of money. We have a chairman who is as predictable as the British weather. Hardly a magnet for the great and good.

Jones isnt the greatest but he isn't bad and has a relatively decent record of working with clubs on a shoestring.

lets get behind himn and the team - both will need all the help they can get.

posted on 2/3/12

Jones isnt the greatest but he isn't bad and has a relatively decent record of working with clubs on a shoestring.


Lets see, replace the word 'Jones' with 'Megson' and the justification for employing Jones is what exactly?

posted on 2/3/12

I'll get behind the team, but I will NEVER get behind Jones! We'll rot in league one.

posted on 2/3/12

Bit harsh Steel, we NEED to get behind him whether or not we weaned here or not, we'll only suffer even more if we dont

posted on 2/3/12

Justification isn't the point here. Its been done and thats the end of it - whether it is right or wrong is now academic.

A lot of people seem to be judging him before he has even started work.

See how the next 13 matches go and then we can form an opinion..

posted on 2/3/12

Normally, yes, I'd give any new manager a chance, but the way this has been done, Dave Jones shouldn't even be here in the first place. Nothing against the bloke personally, I just don't think he's anywhere near the right man for Owls manager know matter what the circumstances.

posted on 2/3/12

Its not a case of Jones been better or worse for me. Its the fact that he seems to have replaced Gary Megson with a man identical to him only that the the new guy lacks the love for the club. Its not an improvement, its a continuation, so whats the point in it?

As others have said, Il back him 100%. I hope we win 13/13 games and go up and he will win me over if that happens. You never know do you. Look at Alan Pardew at Newcastle! Hes been amazing and no Newcastle fans wanted him etiher. But as of right now Im not happy at all.

posted on 2/3/12

Jones couldn't get Cardiff over the final fence in all his 6 years there. I'd give him less than 18 months under Mandaric. Jones is not a name associated with innovation, success, tactical nouse etc. etc.

The future's looking bleak today.

posted on 2/3/12

"Jones isnt the greatest but he isn't bad and has a relatively decent record of working with clubs on a shoestring."

Sounds like damning with faint praise

posted on 2/3/12

Looking at the press conf on Twitter it looks like I called it right about the run of form and the chezzy game being the final straw.

posted on 2/3/12

Completely underwhelmed by the appointment TBH, suppose I'm still grieving for the atrocious way that the ginger one has been treated. However its been done, like Jones or not he needs our wholehearted support to help try and get us over the line in May. Lets get behind the team for the next 13 or 16 games and see what happens. WAWAW?

posted on 2/3/12

Mike, you couldn't call a two headed coin toss right...It was a case of Smeg or Aldridge leaving...Mandy chose Aldridge as he did at Leicester forcing Pearson to leave.

Recent results were a tenuous but convenient excuse.

posted on 2/3/12

Ah! twotface the expert speaks, what is the real story then?

posted on 2/3/12

Simples...During the last window, with Mandy pre-occupied, Smeg and Aldridge were literally at each others throats...Mandy and Aldridge are very close...Ta ra Smeg...

Common knowledge amongst the Wendies I know....mind you they are real fans...

posted on 2/3/12

So the fact that we were on a dodgy run of form had nothing to do with tension between Aldridge and Meggy? Or were at each others throats for no reason

posted on 2/3/12

The clue is in the word ... window...

Blimey, you're dim...

posted on 2/3/12

OK wasted enough time on you today, ta ra.

posted on 2/3/12

Two Barnsley fans walk into a sports bar giving each other high fives and screaming "51!". Another Barnsley fan joins them and the scene repeats with high fives and very excited screams of "51 yea!" A bystander is so curious that he has to ask the question, "What are you Barnsley fans so excited about and what does this '51' mean?" One of the Barnsley fans explains proudly "We just finished a puzzle in only 51 days and the box said '3 to 5 years!'"

comment by owlstom (U4754)

posted on 2/3/12

Real fans? That's a good one

I'm not exactly overwhelmed with the appointment but then again who else were we going to attract to Division 3? There's a clue in that sentence.

Megson wasn't exactly given the red carpet welcome when he arrived and he won a lot of us over. So let's give Jones the chance he deserves.

Anf that is to finish what Megson started, then we can raise a glass to both of them come the end of the season.

Up the owls!!!!

posted on 2/3/12

Sparty & Sam Tyke are stood at each end of a field, Sam shouts "why dont you come over to the other side?" to which Sparty replies "er..der, im on the other side"

posted on 2/3/12

Oh Milton Mandolin what have you done,
You thrown out a scone and brought in a bun,
I can't see the difference in the change that you've tried,
Apart from one bloke being ginger and the other bog eyed.
(Milton Mandolin as her indoors once called him)

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 2/3/12

Well until Dull Dave makes me scream & shout with joy I will be staying silent.............so no pressure Dave Jones now crack on!!

Up the owls!!

posted on 2/3/12


posted on 2/3/12

Typical wendies...heads in the sand...You really should be nicknamed The Ostriches...

And for your lack of intelligence I wont let you in on Mandy's business plans, except that Wednesday are a very low priority...

comment by Dewalts (U2131)

posted on 2/3/12

Enlighten us Sparty i like a good story?

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