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Team For Newcastle

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posted on 7/4/12

I'd like you to find where I've said us not playing to Ngog strengths has nothing to do with Coyle. Its due to the tactics and players we have available, pretty sure ie been saying that, again Petrov ignoring stuff so you can feel better about your own opinion.

posted on 7/4/12

I hope we offer SKD a contract, just so he can see out his career with us and he still has a role to play, lets face it hes a club legend.

posted on 7/4/12


Playing the way we do and I'd bin SKD... Tight 433 as discussed previously, and he's worth a 12 month lower term deal?

Especially in the Championship....

HH - not suggesting you're fence sitting, but if our problem with scoring goals is soley around our use of the only striker we play..... We have to look at the manager for that? In which case, he's to blame?

And if he is....... What should happen...?

posted on 7/4/12

I will have a lot less patience with Coyle next season regardless of what league we are in. I do think he inherited a nightmare squad with regards to age, ability and length of contract and this season in particular he was further hampered with the injuries and fixtures. But next season if the football is this poor most weeks I will be as unhappy as the likes of Petrovino and Bricks have been this season.

Yes he will still have a shoestring budget this Summer but that three year cycle with the players contracts will have come to an end and he knew he would have no money to spend when he took the job.

I think Fulham were fantastic in both games against us this season but at the same time I don't expect us to be hammered by anyone but the 5 or 6 very rich clubs, and even then it should only be 3-4 times a season, and it has happened a little too often in 2011-12.

posted on 7/4/12

I do think Coyle hasn't used Ngog correctly all season, shown glimpses but hasn't been able to show what he's actually capable of, I also think his hands are somewhat tied due to the lack of personnel in midfield. Cannot play 442 with Mavies and NRC as midfield is then exposed, Pratley isn't as good as Mavies with the ball, but none of the three has a final ball anyway.

I would have had Sordell and Ngog from Jan up top though, get them stretching defences and linking up.

posted on 7/4/12

Sordell and Ngog cost £7m...

Alonso £2.5m...

Mears and Eagles £3.0m...

It's not massive but it's not a shoestring.... I'm not sure what to make of those figures, other than to say they've all been slightly disappointing or injured..

posted on 7/4/12

It's shoestring in the fact we've had to sell before we buy. The transfer budget was £0 when summer started.

I'd say it's been disappointing, but I think that everything that could have gone against us this season has done, and it's something that has made Coyle's mistakes look even worse. But I have to say that we're playing the team and formation the majority of fans would have wanted this weekend and we lose, so the majority have looked to moan about something else because their own 'ideal' team under the circumstances has under performed.

posted on 7/4/12

NSMB of course it's shoestring. He's raised 90% of that through sales. I'm not even debating that, it's a fact.

posted on 7/4/12

Of course people are moaning HH, what a bloody daft thing to say... Fulham's away record is pathetic and we lost 3-0 and looked terrible...

What do people really expect?? Fans aren't taps, you can't switch em on and off...

My views on OC are dated back to Oct/Nov....

posted on 7/4/12

I know he's raised 90%..... He could raise and spend £100m.... If he ain't signing the players who contribute to success, it shows the mistake to be more expensive... He at least had the choice of how to spend that money.... I just think that investment hasn't worked....

Or has it..?

posted on 7/4/12

So you accept it is a shoestring budget then?

There's a saying in business which you have probably heard. "Turnover is vanity but profit is sanity". Before we debate the merits of his signings an transfer policy, which is a fair question to raise, we need to accept that he is one of a very select number of managers operating in the PL today (I can think of Wigan and Everton who are the same) who spend no net money on players over the last three years. It is a factor.

posted on 7/4/12

Of course it's a factor, it's basic economics that most clubs seem to avoid in the premiership...

But these little amounts all add up... Eaves, Alonso, Ngog, Sordell, Eagles, Mearsetc etc... He's had to juggle and as they like to say "Trade".... I just think his activity in the market has been poor...

Yes he's had some bad luck, but so do most teams... I honestly think his tactics and transfer activity are really really suspect...

If cash is so precious in our club, then the decision to extend the contracts of Blake and Bibi must have rested with OC....? Has that worked?

I'm sure there are other views and ways of thinking to the above, but it's how I see it.... And when I see us 1/2 points from 2nd Bottom with a few games to go.... Something is bloody wrong ?!

posted on 8/4/12

I think they are only moaning though because they're chosen formation etc has led to a defeat and their view was wrong. Therefore they've moved to blame something else because the formation and team of choice has failed.

At end of day, football isn't played on paper, Fulham have a far superior starting 11 at the minute, despite both teams form going into it. I only think Ricketts could get into their starting 11, possibly Bogdan, but no-one else. They have a £24m former Real Madrid midfielder, we had Pratley. Gulf.

posted on 8/4/12

"At end of day, football isn't played on paper"

"They have a £24m former Real Madrid midfielder"

Make your mind up..........

posted on 8/4/12

I don't blame the system I blame coyle for playing pratley who I have never ever said was good. I am disappointed in Alonso who after nearly two years in the pl looked totally out of his depth. I was also sad to see sordell get no game time. Coyle looks to have made a decent signing in ream. I though the subs today were wrong and made no difference.

I am with hat totally on the spankings by non top 4-6 teams. Fulham may have a superior 11 but look at Wigan giving Chelsea a game at Stamford bridge.

I don't want coyle sacked but expect if we stay up that he is told there has to be serious improvement or it is the door for him. If we go down he has until crimbo to make a serious challenge for promotion or it's the door.

posted on 8/4/12

I don't blame the system I blame coyle for playing pratley who I have never ever said was good. I am disappointed in Alonso who after nearly two years in the pl looked totally out of his depth. I was also sad to see sordell get no game time. Coyle looks to have made a decent signing in ream. I though the subs today were wrong and made no difference.


So who would you have played in place of pratley then?

Alonso is 21 years of age, and has played 7 league games for us, not exactly like he has been in the league for ages has he?

posted on 8/4/12

Pratley has got better...

Alonso will never be a premiership player.. Suited to Spain..

posted on 8/4/12

Alonso will never be a premiership player.. Suited to Spain..


I do love how you are making that judgement after 7 games, give him a decent run in the team before you judge ...

posted on 8/4/12

Glad you love that...

How many games have you seen him play? Live...

posted on 8/4/12

I would have gone for either a cardboard muamba cut out or vela and give the kid a chance. Pratley is flogging a dead horse.

posted on 8/4/12

No reply Moses...?

I suspect you've not seen Alonso live..?

I've more knowledge of La Liga than you have of your family... I've seen Alonso on TV and live many times and have watched English football for 30 years.....

It's no wonder you love my judgement... It's no worse or better than yours.... But I'd not be as rude..

posted on 8/4/12

Good morning Mallorca, just seen your comment ....

Anyway, from what I have seen, he has been quite inconsistant, has played well, but like yesterday, has played quite poorly as well.

I wasn't criticising your knowledge of football at all, all I was saying is that he hasn't had much game time in England yet and might turn out to be a consistent performer at this level ....

posted on 8/4/12

Moses he might do and has had injuries but he has also been with us for nearly two years and yesterday looked as bad as dare I say it robbo

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