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These 59 comments are related to an article called:

Dave Pundit's Predictions

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posted on 27/4/12

"1. Yes I know, which is why I suggested I wouldn't read it again. Not sure that was too tricky to comprehend but obviously it was for you

2. Yes 'egotistical'. There are plenty of online dictionaries you could use to work this out, but I would suggest that repeatedly requesting the multi-boarding of a weekly article all about your own self styled character 'Dave Pundit' shows an exaggerated sense of self-importance."

Both your previous post and this one suggest you have read Dave Pundit's articles on more than this occassion though so it seems a little bit odd if you knew you didn't like it to read it again. And then tell us you'd never read it again.

And why is posting an article on more than one board egotistical, the article relates to more than one team therefore it's only sensible that more than one set of fans gets the chance to deride it.

Is not declaring that you will never read it again, as if your opinion has some kind of weight, and then trying to belittle my intelligence a little more egotistical than posting an article on more than one board on a forum?

posted on 27/4/12

probably just a speller...I think he meant egotesticle

posted on 27/4/12

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comment by MBL. (U6305)

posted on 27/4/12

Tottenham are my team of the year. Except for all the other better teams of course

posted on 27/4/12

comment by JohnJensensGoal (U6334)
posted 33 minutes ago
"1. Yes I know, which is why I suggested I wouldn't read it again. Not sure that was too tricky to comprehend but obviously it was for you

2. Yes 'egotistical'. There are plenty of online dictionaries you could use to work this out, but I would suggest that repeatedly requesting the multi-boarding of a weekly article all about your own self styled character 'Dave Pundit' shows an exaggerated sense of self-importance."

Both your previous post and this one suggest you have read Dave Pundit's articles on more than this occassion though so it seems a little bit odd if you knew you didn't like it to read it again. And then tell us you'd never read it again.

And why is posting an article on more than one board egotistical, the article relates to more than one team therefore it's only sensible that more than one set of fans gets the chance to deride it.

Is not declaring that you will never read it again, as if your opinion has some kind of weight, and then trying to belittle my intelligence a little more egotistical than posting an article on more than one board on a forum?

A pattern is emerging that certainly makes it easy to belittle your intelligence.

Nowhere does it suggest I've read this drivel more than once. I see 'Dave Pundit' article titles shown on the United board every week, but I've never bothered reading one of the articles until now as I was curious to see what it was like.

After doing so IMO it's drivel, and I'd rather not read another one. This really does seem to be a challenge for you to comprehend.

Maybe you think only positive, adoring comments are allowed.

As for posting on more than one board being egotistical, I never said that just doing that was. This is something you've twisted in a child like way to suit your weak attempt at an argument.

I suggested (after you asked me to explain a long word i.e. egotistical) that IMO repeatedly (one key word you've missed) requesting the multi boarding of a weekly (another key word you've missed) about your own self-styled character (more key words you've missed) 'Dave Pundit' shows an exaggerated sense of self importance (add those all together and you've ingeniously missed the whole point).

I'm fine with you disagreeing with that view, but it's one you asked for, and the result of posting articles on a discussion forum is you get comments, both positive and negative. This I suggest is something you need to come to terms with.

You can of course try another feeble comeback on this matter, but I assure you it wont get another reply from me, as I've already wasted for too much time both educating you and dignifying your cack-handed (maybe another vist to the dictionary will be warranted here) comments with a response.

posted on 27/4/12

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posted on 27/4/12

lost the will to live three lines in

posted on 27/4/12

ohhhh....get her

posted on 27/4/12

JJG, I'd ignore Little Pea if I were you. He says he's doing a psychology degree, which makes me very worried.

posted on 27/4/12

Too much thinking outside the box eh....

posted on 27/4/12

"A pattern is emerging that certainly makes it easy to belittle your intelligence."

Funny, I was thinking the same thing. The other day you were on about urinating in a sink having more input to a football team than that team's manager and now you're putting a sword through an imaginary character who, despite your protestations, is actually one of the more entertaining elements of this forum.

I think it's time you go and have a lie down, mate, because you appear to be under some considerable stress.

posted on 27/4/12

I think the sweet little pea has a little too much time on her hands

posted on 27/4/12

"I suggested (after you asked me to explain a long word i.e. egotistical) that IMO repeatedly (one key word you've missed) requesting the multi boarding of a weekly (another key word you've missed) about your own self-styled character (more key words you've missed) 'Dave Pundit' shows an exaggerated sense of self importance (add those all together and you've ingeniously missed the whole point)."

I never asked you to explain the word egotistical. That's something you inferred from what I wrote. As I inferred you had read Dave Pundit before from what you wrote, it appears we were both wrong.

The other key thing you've got worng is believing that Dave requests that this be multi-boarded every week, he has been given the power to multi-board articles himself.

But you still haven't given an adequate explanation as to why this would be an egotistical thing to do unless you think all creative endeavour is egotistical? Which of course it is to some extent, but surely anyone who posts an article on a public forum does it because they want it to be read? Why does putting it on more than one board make it any more egotistical than putting it on a single board? Do you get this annoyed in bookshops? All those egotistical writers having the temerity to sell their writing anywhere other than in their own town?

I'm not sure why the word weekly changes anything either. Would it be ok if this was just a one off? Would that make it less egotistical.

In fact it seems to me that the only reason you think it's egotistical at all is because you don't like it. Which is perfectly fine, lots of people don't like it, humour is subjective after all. But if you found this funny would you still be berating me for my ego-driven desire to have something I write read by people?

It's a shame you won't answer any of these questions, I guess I shall left here being all unintelligent without you to enlighten me.

posted on 27/4/12

Oh snap.

posted on 27/4/12

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posted on 27/4/12

in fact I'd rather see John Terry lift the CL trophy than read another one of these egotistical articles, and that's saying something.
it's very easy to not read it.... simply don't click on it and read it. If you can't trust yourself to do that, you could alwyas filter dave and never see them again....

posted on 27/4/12

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posted on 27/4/12

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posted on 27/4/12

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posted on 27/4/12

"& as for that idiot Shakespeare....

well words fail me frankly....

posted on 27/4/12

Wasn't Dave multi-boarded in the first place at users' request? Seems the sweet little ego would rather have him water-boarded. Which Dave probably wouldn't mind if it was beer. Beer-boarded. Could go for some of that myself

posted on 27/4/12

one thing is for sure... 'sweet' isn't the right word. several could be used instead... the one coming to mind first and foremost being 'obnoxious'.

Personally I find Ricky Gervais to be terminally unfunny. I would be delighted if he announced he had had enough and would never make any of his 'comedy' ever again... but i still have the humility to realise i am not the only person in the world with a sense of humour, and some people must find him funny.... so i don't write to him and ask him to never make any more, as that would simply make me look bitter and a little bit obnoxious (which i am, but that's besides the point)

posted on 27/4/12

I have a suspicion the sweet little peanis has filtered me because I argued with him once before. I'll soon find out, I guess...

posted on 27/4/12

You know what they say

A leopold never changes it's spots

posted on 27/4/12

"A leopold never changes it's spots"

I always say, there's nowt like a good pun. And that was nowt like a good pun...

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