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These 137 comments are related to an article called:

Daniel 'The Man' Levy

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posted on 6/7/11

I tried to find Levy on Google Maps, you don't find Levy...he finds YOU

posted on 6/7/11

But an anagram more on-topic, he's our Envied Ally

posted on 6/7/11

You can't search google to find Levy Messiah, Levy finds you.

posted on 6/7/11


posted on 6/7/11

Satan you totally ripped me off there

posted on 6/7/11

Daniel Levy invented windows 7

posted on 6/7/11

When Daniel Levy went swimming off of Amity Island, Jaws thought... "I think we're gonna need a bigger ocean!"

posted on 6/7/11

In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Levy, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.

posted on 6/7/11


posted on 6/7/11

I'm Daniel Levy and I invented Transfer Windows.

posted on 6/7/11

Daniel Levy let the dogs out.

posted on 6/7/11

At age 5 Daniels mother gave him a Toy Shovel,He gave the world the Grand Canyon.

posted on 6/7/11

posted on 6/7/11

Did you know Levy had a role in Star Wars?!?! He was THE force

posted on 6/7/11

There is a page missing from the front of The Bible. It says "Written by Daniel Levy. Any characters portrayed within this book are purely fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental."

posted on 6/7/11


Levy is what Willis was talking about

posted on 6/7/11

If you have five pounds and Levy has five pounds, Levy has more money than you.

posted on 6/7/11

Did you know Levy has a website?! It's called the Internet

posted on 6/7/11

When he saw Daniel Levy approaching BA Baracus willingly got on that plane.

posted on 6/7/11

Levh can touch MC Hammer.

posted on 6/7/11

Daniel Levy told the terminator to come back............ he did

posted on 6/7/11

Daniel levy has an Xbox live account,On PlayStation!

posted on 6/7/11

Levy CAN eat breakfast in McDonalds after 11am

posted on 6/7/11

In 2000 it wasn't George W Bush or Al Gore who won the US Presidential election....... It was actually Daniel Levy but he didn't wan't the job.

posted on 6/7/11

john terry wouldn't even think about mrs levy !!

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