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These 29 comments are related to an article called:

The Project

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posted on 21/5/12

Avb calls everything a project, he said that all the time while he was here. After reading some reports today i think he'd be the worst thing for someone like Carroll as his man-management skills which i thought were good, are horrible

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

we've had more 5 year plans than i have had hot dinner

posted on 21/5/12

I would welcome AVB here. Yes he failed at Chelsea but I still think that in a few years' time he will be an established top class manager. If we had to wait a few seasons for him to make us fulfil our potential then I would accept that.

posted on 21/5/12

yea all fair points. I am worried about his man management - poor old lukaku made to swap teams... not nice being picked last in football lol. but i think in the modern game 5 year plans are a waste of time when success is expected so immediately. they say 5 years they mean 1. you have one bad season in todays game at a big club then that's it. look at dalglish, avb, rafa. if the owners didn't expect the title and everything else so quick then we could get somewhere. we need a tactical genius

posted on 21/5/12

If we had to wait a few seasons for him to make us fulfil our potential then I would accept that.



I worry a bit about how difficult it'll be for our next manager to follow Kenny in some of our fans' eyes.

Some of the reactions I've seen border on militant; look at someone like Tony Evans, who is the chief football writer of The Times - he's going absolutely ape about it and almost sounds as if he wants the next manager to fail so that he can continue banging on about Kenny. His tweets have been a bit ridiculous when you consider his position, he sounds like a child who's been shown evidence that Santa doesn't exist and doesn't want to believe it.

Judging by the amount of angry Facebook and Twitter comments I've seen, I think the new manager will be under immense pressure, and a poor start could be disastrous.

posted on 21/5/12

The problem with AVB at Chelsea was that he went in there and tried to change things too quickly and he didn't need to. It was a successful team. A season before they'd done the double with Carlo and then come 2nd. There was no need for drastic change. It was a solid, successful and experienced team that had had success playing in a certain way.

Our team is younger, less experienced and less successful, so it is easer to mould into his own style.

Hopefully he has learned from the Chelsea experience. I think he may have thought he was better than he actually was. That sacking may have taken him down a peg or two.

It may work.

posted on 21/5/12

I don't think Kenny should've gone, but the fans really need to get behind whoever the new guy is. I think it's just the constant speculation etc that's led to impatient and militant fan reactions. I dunno, everyone needs to just wait for the appointment and try not to create a divide at the club.

comment by blav23 (U3068)

posted on 21/5/12

I agree with some Kenny should have got at least another year< but i rather Martinez than AVB, young , hungry,ambitous, and look and the football he plays with wigan. He deserves a shot and i for one would think he do well.

posted on 21/5/12

Yeah some people have overreacted massively to it. I personally didn't really know whether I wanted Dalglish to stay or go, I could see arguments for both options so I'm not overly surprised that he has gone.

I would think and hope that most sensible fans will give the new manager time to settle in and get us going. People might read this and think "well you never gave Hodgson time". Well that to me was different, he was playing a horrendous brand of "football" and came out with some of the most embarrassing comments ever in interviews.

I think both Martinez and AVB like to play good passing football and the players will have the same idea, so this should avoid players like Daniel Agger becoming frustrated with the style of football again. If the players, manager and fans all stick together while he settles in then that will help a lot.

posted on 21/5/12

AVB's project at Chelsea was alienating all the senior players.

The transformation once he was sacked really was amazing.

Can you imagine the likes of Stevie me and Cara being told they are surplus to requirements.

posted on 21/5/12

and look and the football he plays with wigan.


Apart from the last few weeks, how can we talk about the football Wigan played? Defending is as much a part as attacking and they were poor. Swansea and Norwich did better with weaker teams.

Martinez will be a good manager but this step is too bigs. If I was him I'd go to Villa for a fee seasons, prove yourself there before moving to a bigger club.

posted on 21/5/12

VC, me may have learned from that. Who's to say he'll make the same mistake twice. Carra is already playing less and less, and Gerrard is still only 31. He's still got a few years in him.

posted on 21/5/12

comment by FatJanMolby (U4297)
posted 6 minutes ago
VC, me may have learned from that.


You would hope.

posted on 21/5/12

But those players at Chelsea need to be replaced; I felt sorry for AVB because his remit was to refresh Chelsea, and this was met with what nearly amounted to a strike action from Chelsea's senior players

Granted, things like reportedly making Alex train elsewhere were mistakes, but Chelsea's players come out of it looking poorly in my view. Take Drogba for example, I remember him sulking like a brat, putting in barely any effort and playing like a pub footballer under Scolari as far back as 2009!

Chelsea's senior players are like an old boys' club, Di Matteo has said that he massaged a few egos when he came in and suddenly they start caring again! How do they eventually get replaced, if the whole squad stops playing once there's a threat of a manager upsetting the apple cart?

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

vidicschin carra knows he is now not going to be playing every week and is more a squad player, he will be at the club until he retires and could more than useful in many other areas of the club.

And Stevie, he is far from surplus to requirements, he is still a massive player in that team. He lifts everyone in the club just by his sheer presence around the place.

He never made anyone at chelsea surplus to requirements, he was trying to phase them out a bit more to build for the future.

posted on 21/5/12

He never made anyone at chelsea surplus to requirements
Not true

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

who was surplus to requirements? i thought he just liked rotated and phased them out

posted on 21/5/12

He refused to play Kalou from around October onwards because he was stalling on a new contracts

Stopped Anelka and Alex training with the first team as they were surplus to requirements and didn't let them attend the christmas dinner and park there car with the first team

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

completely forgot about anelka and alex.

posted on 21/5/12

AVB, Where do I start with that walking disaster.....

posted on 21/5/12

Fat Jan got it spot on in his first post by the way

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

mr chelsea, i do think he could be a very good manager though. I know he failed at chelsea, but surely if you win 3 trophies in 1 year at Porto you can't be bad?

posted on 21/5/12

Lfcbow. He could be good. No doubt. You don't win a treble by not having some sort of potential but his time at chelsea was littered with one disaster after another. Tactical mistakes, wrong line ups being picked, didn't handle the media that well, horribly mismanaged some of our players like lampard, torres, lukaku, kalou, mikel. He even told drogba he's finished at the start of the season. Fat jan already said it. He had an overinflated opinion of himself and pretty much was a one man wrecking machine at chelsea until he was sacked.

I don't know too much about the ins and outs of his time at porto so can't comment on it. I can only go by what he did at chelsea and the bad outweighed the good let's put it that way

comment by lfcbow (U12388)

posted on 21/5/12

ye fair play, i just hope if he does come to chelsea he has been knocked down a bit and has learnt a few lessons about management.

posted on 21/5/12

Your press conferences will make for horrendous viewing too

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