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posted on 30/5/12

Aye? Me too.

You cheated n frankly you should be ashamed of yourselves

You were gna get back in the league with a transfer embargo for a year n maybe a point deduction. Better than anyone else would have go, celtic aside.

Take your medicine, all you have done here is annoy the sfa, fifa and any of the clubs you may rely on to vote you back in should you go into a newco.

This was foolish imo.

posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12

This is a massive own goal by Rangers. The SFA have been backed into a corner and will not sacrifice themselves for any club, even Rangers.

posted on 30/5/12

I'm not saying we don't deserve punishment - of course we do. But we deserve a LAWFUL punishment, and there is no way that we should be punished further for pursuing the law and taking the matter to court.

Fifa seem to think they're above the law, at least that kind of explains how they thought they could get away with their shocking corruption.

posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12

This is a massive own goal by Rangers. The SFA have been backed into a corner and will not sacrifice themselves for any club, even Rangers.
bet you were beeling yesterday

posted on 30/5/12

But no, how can anyone be expected to take a punishment that is unlawful on the chin? It is not our faults that the SFA are completely inept and can't even give out proper punishments.

comment by (U6994)

posted on 30/5/12

well said curly

its fifa's game. stick to the rules, or you get booted out..

dont know what duff and phelps were thinking....again!

posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12


posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12

How long is it going to take for some Dhims on here to understand what's going on? Let's try to make this clear in very simple language.

We deserve to be punished for breaking rules. Nobody is saying we shouldn't be.

Why should we take an unafir and unlawful punishment which has not been meted out to ANYONE else in similar circumstances?

The SFA have been proved inept - Rangers should challenge this and have a right to do so.

The fact that YOU lauded YOUR club for challenging this so called "corrupt" organisation last year, just makes your complaints of "take your punishment" look even more ridiculous.

Got it? Probably not.

comment by St3vie (U11028)

posted on 30/5/12

"Why should we sit back and accept a punishment that was not in the rules of the organisation?"

Because the another option is getting turfed out on our backsides, something that a shed load of bears seem to think the SFA and others dont have the baws to do.

Well now we will see.....if we took the trasnfer embargo and the sanctions etc, we probably would've rode the storm for a year then got back on our feet without having to work up through the leagues.

Fck knows whats gonna happen now

comment by St3vie (U11028)

posted on 30/5/12

"Why should we take an unafir and unlawful punishment which has not been meted out to ANYONE else in similar circumstances?"

There has never been similar circumstances to this $hitstrom, thats the point!

We have done more than just go into adminstration and rack up debts here...we broke SEVERAL SFA rules

posted on 30/5/12

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comment by DC (U8199)

posted on 30/5/12


posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12

Claudio - <applaud>

Celtic fans want the rules when it suits them then dont want the rules when it doesnt! If we want to discuss wrongdoings how about the refs strike! Who caused that one?

Fifa perhaps may not like clubs going to civil courts but this wouldve been avoided if the silly cants hadnt just made up a penalty to fit a crime!

posted on 30/5/12

Aye, was thinking exactly the same.
While I think that it's some tabloid scaremongering, and a veiled attempt to get fans of other clubs to kick back, with the so-called "prospect of all Scottish clubs and the National team being kicked out of Europe and the World cup", if it is found to be true, FIFA will soon find out that they are not above the law.
If they come out with any official statement that appears to back ignoring a court decision in any way, then there will be plenty of grounds to take them to the cleaners.
The same decision would have been reached in our case no matter what court heard the evidence, because the punishment they chose simply wasnt the SFA's to impose...
This case is absolutely nothing similar to Sion's, which the tabloids keep appearing to compare us with.
I suspect, like most tabloid stories, that this is 10% fact, 90% fabrication.

comment by St3vie (U11028)

posted on 30/5/12

"That's only one of the options, and i believe an unlikely one to be taken."......and why's that, becasue you dont think they have the baws, which is precisely what I just said

WIth FIFA issuing warnings now, The Scotland team possibly being affected by this an all sorts.....how much do the think the SFA is going to give a monkeys about a TV deal or SPL clubs losing a bit of money now...thats the ONLY reason the SFA have for not turfing us out.

The country is much more important to the SFA than one club mate

posted on 30/5/12

Rangers have breached rules but its the volume thats the problem.

i dont think the embargo is unfair tbh, u owe clubs money and they should get it before you spend it on yourselves.

3rd division would happen to any club outside the old firm, getting to stay with a points deduction and 12 month embargo is a sweet deal quite frankly.

The multitude of wrongdoing is the problem here, and il be astounded if the sfa had anything in place to deal with this is terms of punishment, actions or reactions.

posted on 30/5/12

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posted on 30/5/12

The SFA have been proved inept - Rangers should challenge this and have a right to do so.

You have no right to challenge any football decision in a normal court. Its a bigger rule break than the one you got the embargo for.

You have proven the SFA rule that they can apply any sanction they see fit as unlawful and FIFA wont be happy with SFA for not allowing an appeal to the CAS but the fact is that you broke more rules, rules that will make FIFA will happily step in, you not remember Sion? How many court cases did they "win"? Apparently you could've appealed to CAS anyway, but that would've taken far too long.

The SFA can't give in to this decision as they will get hammered for it.

posted on 30/5/12

i'll be honest it wouldnt bother me if rangers went bust, the only reason i would maybe want them to stay is for guys like curly, stevie, zachsda ( who i disagree with on this issue...) and the other decent bears on here, and there are a great many.

iv been open on my feelings about it, im mainly about how this affected celtic in terms of league titles and potential money from automatic champions league qualification.

if i were a rangers fans i would have taken what was offered, do you think its the embargo they are appealing for or the fine.

maybe duff and phelps can pay the fine with all the money they are taking.

posted on 30/5/12

Aye, seeing the breakdown of costs, some of their guys have been coining in £650 AN HOUR!
...Duff and Duffer alright, no wonder they're dragging this on for so long.
It's only their protracted involvement, that is shrinking the pot down for creditors to pretty much peanuts...

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