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Attempt to curb swearing in football

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posted on 6/6/12

Why dont they first try it out in the womens game.Seems they wanna turn the real game into that

Is swearing a manly thing to do then ?

Does swearing make someone a real man ?

posted on 6/6/12

Its a nice idea but my thoughts are something like "f-ing good luck!". Amatuer football in this country has long been a classless, thuggish, unattractive spectacle. And having played in many a league the participation experience aint the most pleasant either.

I've long thought there's a link between the state of our amatuer game and the general lacking in technical ability of our top players. The finer arts of football are ignored in favour of getting stuck in and intimidating the opposition. This along with decades of no backbone refereeing means behaving like animals is pretty standard among many teams and usual gives an advantage. Constant swearing is part and parcel of all that.

posted on 6/6/12

"It's a competitive game, people are going to swear".
Maybe, but it disgusts me when i see players, strangely Ronney springs to mind, that eff and jeff it at the referee's and officials. Ferguson also does it to the fourth official whenever he thinks that too much or too little additional time has been played (depends on if they are winning at the time) so he sets a good example to his players.

posted on 6/6/12

Apparently, the police no longer classify foul language as an offence so this scheme can technically go nowhere as anyone told to stop swearing can say they are doing no wrong. This really annoys me as I can no longer tell people to stop swearing in front of children and so on. I didn't do that too often though as the people swearing are usually likely to continue their diatribes against me which is uncouth.

posted on 6/6/12

Plus I really hate seeing Carroll & Henderson swearing after they've messed up a chance. Terrible advert for LFC to have its players & role models behave in this way. Hope Rodgers instills some discipline in the side.

posted on 6/6/12

"the police no longer classify foul language as an offence "

has the law changed, or have the police made a policy decision to no longer enforce the law in this area ?

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