comment by The Verbal Jouster (U11370)
posted 14 hours, 4 minutes ago
Spewer Rat ✪ (U1517)
posted 10 hours, 1 minute ago
Has to be punnishment for bad behavior and a lot of people in Tottenham dont deserve a Carnival this yr
An excellent way to deter bad behaviour
i live in liverpool and the dead beats from parts of my great city jumped on the band wagon and started to riot after seeing what was going on around London.
why reward the vermin that continues to multiple in this country
get your facts right mate
I made those comments not Roland rat
Community spirit
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posted on 24/6/12
comment by The Verbal Jouster (U11370)
posted 14 hours, 4 minutes ago
Spewer Rat ✪ (U1517)
posted 10 hours, 1 minute ago
Has to be punnishment for bad behavior and a lot of people in Tottenham dont deserve a Carnival this yr
An excellent way to deter bad behaviour
i live in liverpool and the dead beats from parts of my great city jumped on the band wagon and started to riot after seeing what was going on around London.
why reward the vermin that continues to multiple in this country
get your facts right mate
I made those comments not Roland rat
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