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These 622 comments are related to an article called:

Live Money In the Bank - Spoilers

Page 18 of 25

posted on 16/7/12


posted on 16/7/12

I don't think the pre-show match was actually for the title.

posted on 16/7/12

was it not?

posted on 16/7/12

It wasn't. I think?

posted on 16/7/12

ah who cares

posted on 16/7/12

I'm sure one of the commentators said this would be a great opportunity if Hunico and Camacho were to win and put their names in the hat for the titles or something along those lines.

posted on 16/7/12

Hunico & Sin Cara would have made a great Tag Team

posted on 16/7/12

Hunico Made a better Sin Cara than Sin Cara

posted on 16/7/12

True Sir Digby. True

posted on 16/7/12


posted on 16/7/12

nah, just lame

posted on 16/7/12

i reckon you could stick a sin cara mask on anyone other than sin cara and they would be better than sin cara

posted on 16/7/12

so we've had the best match of the year to these 2

posted on 16/7/12

Boom Shaka Laka

posted on 16/7/12

i reckon you could stick a sin cara mask on anyone other than sin cara and they would be better than sin cara


the great khali?

posted on 16/7/12

yea hmm that might be pushing it a bit

posted on 16/7/12

would be hilarious to see one week though

posted on 16/7/12

The Great Khali is really good...

posted on 16/7/12

What happened to Evan Bourne?
BTW didn't Barret technically hold the title during a Championship Scramble?

posted on 16/7/12

man this show has really plummetted after such a good start. the thread has been entertaining though

posted on 16/7/12

Bourne is supended and I don't think that counts OXO.

posted on 16/7/12

I thought his Suspension was over?

posted on 16/7/12

I dunno then, it could be.

posted on 16/7/12

Bournes suspension ended ages ago, He was in a car crash or something and really messed up his foot

posted on 16/7/12

TeeJay you're probably right, but then again these are the same people who made Hornswoggle the GM

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