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Live Money In the Bank - Spoilers

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posted on 16/7/12

Imagine if it had have broken while jericho was swinging on it

posted on 16/7/12

Anyway Im going to head. Night all

posted on 16/7/12

decent Pay Per View, 2 good money in the bank matches

posted on 16/7/12

Another good live thread, Thanks guys! night

posted on 16/7/12

Oh man I wouldn't have gone to bed if I had known Kaitlyn was wrestling next!

posted on 16/7/12

so what is the conclusion then? Botched finish? I think it was botched but Cena was going to win it anyway

posted on 16/7/12

Yeah I think that as well Makar, Wonder what would have happened if it had have broken for someone else

comment by GGC (U14249)

posted on 16/7/12

Good PPV. Punk-Bryan match of the Night easily. Cena's face when he won.

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/7/12

I always feel silly calling shows like these PPVs, living in England and all

Hopefully it'll be a good watch tonight. Heard phase one of Rock vs. Cena II has been placed in motion

posted on 16/7/12

It was great to see The Miz back and doing a usual sterling job with the microphone. It was pretty obvious from the outset that Cena would win though.

I thought the Smackdown MITB match was better overall though. Ziggler winning was good, although I would have preferred an upset/surprise.

The two title matches were a bit on the 'meh' side and the rest wasn't particularly interesting. Although, Ryback always amuses me. Overall, an average PPV.

posted on 16/7/12

the smackdown money in the bank i reckon was probably the best money in the bank i've ever seen, So many big big moves, pretty much everyone is taking multiple big bumps and the timing of it all was incredible!

posted on 16/7/12

Does anyone think the Rock might win the title of CM punk on Raw 1000, setting up a Rock/Cena 2.

posted on 16/7/12

Rock and Cena at Summerslam??

comment by Devil (U6522)

posted on 16/7/12

Does anyone think the Rock might win the title of CM punk on Raw 1000, setting up a Rock/Cena 2.


Probably yes

posted on 16/7/12


posted on 16/7/12

just watched it decent ppv, and my accy was correct won £43

posted on 16/7/12

posted on 16/7/12

Cena tweeted saying he has a major announcement tonight on RAW to do with the briefcase

posted on 16/7/12

He'll probably cash in to get a proper match for the title.

Like RVD did against Cena at ECW One Night Stand in 2006

posted on 16/7/12

Yeah probably at the 1000th episode

posted on 18/7/12

He saw right through his plan Imy

posted on 18/7/12


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