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Lucas moura?

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comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 20/7/12

I can't get over excited about it, but if we were talking about Sahin them yes he's perfect.

posted on 20/7/12

Yes it was but I think he's not what we need, he's a winger.
He's not what we need but i wouldn't lose sleep if we bought him. Fergie would have a plan for him if he is bought

comment by VCG © (U13761)

posted on 20/7/12

Surely 35 million is better spent on someone we need though. ???

posted on 20/7/12


I think it`s painfully obvious by the amount of CM`s deployed in the friendly the other night that Sir Alex won`t be strengthening that part of the team.

He has stowed a lot of faith in Ando, Clev and Carrick and will use Petrucci, Lingaard and Tunniclife and more likely than not Jones.

posted on 20/7/12

Apparently, Bob Cass (mail on sunday journo) has had a sit down with SAF today (he's in South Africa with the squad), during which Fergie confirmed that he is trying to sign Lucas, Baines and Van Persie but will not pay over the odds for any of them.


well if this is true why not just give up on one and put the money towards the others? Last I heard on baines was we hadnt even contacted Everton so this report seems rubbish to me.

comment by SJS81 (U3898)

posted on 20/7/12

SgtBoscoBaracus - sorry, having a bad day. It's unusual for Fergie to say something like that, especially knowing it would very quickly be in the public domain, but maybe thats the tactic he is trying to use to let the other clubs know that he's not messing around and try to force their hand a bit. I don't think we'll get all 3 (although what a summer it would have been if we did) but i'd be happy with Moura.

posted on 20/7/12

if SAF has confirmed we want all three imagine how depressing it would be if we didnt sign anyone

posted on 20/7/12

Why do people think if we sign a cm we will suddenly be problem free? It isn't some sort of magical solution.

Yes we do not have world class in that department, but Clev and Anderson do have enough potential to be longstays, Carrick is solid and Scholes still dictates better than anybody in the PL (for 60mins). I don't believe in Giggsy anymore and Fletch probably won't play again. Yes a midfielder would be nice, but I I can't name a player othher then modric who would imrpove us and he's off to madrid. I'd sooner spend 30m on a lucas type player than moutinho who is not worth it.

posted on 20/7/12

SAF should give me £30m and I will come in a solve all our midfield problems...

posted on 20/7/12

lol how adamant were the tabloids we were signing moutinho only a week or so ago!

posted on 20/7/12

SSmith29 (U3898)

No worries mate, we all have them

I agree. It would be great to get some bodies in.

BusbysBabes (U9083)

Agree whole heartedly with all you posted there.

As i said prviously, i think Sir Alex has a lot of faith in Ando and Clev and will promote the youngsters to fill the CM holes.............shame pogba was such a richard head really.

posted on 20/7/12

comment by SgtBoscoBaracus (U11220)

posted 44 minutes ago

Romans bank manager (U14644)

A bit early to say that.
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comment by Captain Charisma (U15233)

posted 44 minutes ago

Romans bank manager (U14644)

I didn't know you could predict the future, can you tell me tonight's euro millions numbers?


I take it neither of you have seen him play then. If I came out tomorrow and said "well Victor Moses could be as good as Messi" I would be laughed at, its an unfair comparison.

Like I said, Lucas us a very good player but nowhere near Messi- I don't think anyone will be near him in my lifetime tbh- he really is that much better than just about everyone else out there.

Just be happy that you've looking to bring in a good player- don't make comparisons that the kid will never meet, its not fair on him.

posted on 20/7/12

Romans bank manager (U14644)

I am happy that we could be bringing in an exceptional young talent but to write him or any other players off so early in their career is just plain daft.

CR7 wasn`t fit to lace Beckham`s boots i remember one or to million saying at the time.

comment by SJS81 (U3898)

posted on 20/7/12

Romans bank manager - i agree to an extent, expectation should not be placed on players so early in their careers. However, hope is a different thing altogether. I will say though is that Moura is already significantly better than Ronaldo was at the same age. If he could be developed in the same way at United as Ronaldo was he could be just as good if not better, but at the moment he's just potential, and hope. If United do buy him I'd be very happy but would not expect him to be a starter. He will be eased into the team like Ronaldo was to ease some of the pressure on him.

posted on 20/7/12

comment by SgtBoscoBaracus (U11220)

posted 2 minutes ago

Romans bank manager (U14644)

I am happy that we could be bringing in an exceptional young talent but to write him or any other players off so early in their career is just plain daft.

CR7 wasn`t fit to lace Beckham`s boots i remember one or to million saying at the time.


REALLY? I always thought he'd go far TBH, surprised your fans didn't rate him!

posted on 20/7/12

comment by Very_Cleverley_Done (VCD)
posted 27 minutes ago
Yes it was but I think he's not what we need, he's
a winger.


He is not a winger. He is versatile and literally undefined in his position. What is known is he is uniquely talented, size, speed and right mentality. He can be moulded into anything.

Whats more, we dont need status quo players, we need game changers. A new central midfielder will change nothing. Fergie will still rotate in giggs and scholes and cleverly, they are not going anywhere. But if the chance to get a player who when all else fails we say "take it do something" is unpassable. Its what we have missed since ronaldo. No one can be that for us. The best option is nani and half the ppl here hate him. We need a moura, sanchez, hazard type player more than a midfielder.

posted on 20/7/12

Romans bank manager (U14644)

Oh behave! Everyone said he wasn`t going to be good enough and mocked us for letting becks go and replacing him with a relative unknown.

comment by SJS81 (U3898)

posted on 20/7/12

comment by Redasarabiantomatoes (U12026)

Top post. Spot on.

posted on 20/7/12

Mæstro (U8867)

SAF should give me £30m and I will come in a solve all our midfield problems...


I may lack a bit of Mæstro's class, but at £22m I believe I represent better value.

posted on 20/7/12

comment by SgtBoscoBaracus (U11220)

posted 11 minutes ago

Romans bank manager (U14644)

Oh behave! Everyone said he wasn`t going to be good enough and mocked us for letting becks go and replacing him with a relative unknown.


Honestly I liked him! But then again I was about 16 and liked any player that could do step-overs

posted on 20/7/12

How long till City bid for Moura?

Cant see it being long now our interest has been confirmed

posted on 20/7/12

Lucas is basically a Younger Nani and he is not an attacking midfielder strictly speaking. He is more a wing forward who roams in matches.

I would rather see the dosh spent elsewhere but getting hi would be a bonus

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