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flawless performance by GB!

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posted on 28/7/12

It was a good show, living up to the Beijing show was always going to be difficult.

I did find the 007 & Queen segment funny.

posted on 28/7/12

Mr Bean stole the show.

posted on 28/7/12

And the Mr Bean part.

posted on 28/7/12

The music/film segment was good, and the Bond helicopter jump was qulaity.

On a side note,the people who put money on sir steve redgrave to the light the torch must be fuming now!

posted on 28/7/12

On a side note,the people who put money on sir steve redgrave to the light the torch must be fuming now!

posted on 28/7/12

6/10 compared to beijing

posted on 28/7/12

I'm sorry that opening ceremony was garbage. Started well then went downhill after the rings were made.

Complete and utter shambles.

posted on 28/7/12

imho knocked the Chinese into a 3 cornered hat. made me proud to be British even tho im not.

posted on 28/7/12

I just don't know why people give 2 tosses about opening ceremonies. I've never had any interest in them. If I wanted to watch a choreographed performance, I would go to the theatre. Same goes for at football tournaments too.

posted on 28/7/12

Barcelona give a choreographed performance every time they play!

posted on 28/7/12

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posted on 28/7/12

And I would go to the theatre to watch a show. And Barcelona have opponents who can beat them. Very different.

posted on 28/7/12

If I wanted to watch a choreographed performance, I would go to the theatre.


And I would go to the theatre to watch a show.


If you wanna go to the theatre, just go to the theatre goddamnit!!!!!!

posted on 28/7/12

that wasn't intended with malice by the way

posted on 28/7/12

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posted on 28/7/12

If you didn't watch it then you don't have to worry about it then.


What then?

posted on 28/7/12

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posted on 28/7/12

I'm sorry, it was garbage, wtf did the nhs, gosh and 007, harry potter, twitter and badly coreographed dancing have to do with the olympics.

posted on 28/7/12

Of course I have a right to comment. What is the point in posting an article if you just want everyone to agree with you. Moreover, I know football is one of the (less significant) Olympic events but I really don't see a link to Man United and hence our board.

posted on 28/7/12

Oh and shgnji no worries mate. I knew it wasn't a dig

posted on 28/7/12

The Industrial Revolution, the forging of the rings and the lighting of the Cauldron were the highlights - Queenie looking bored and Macca being wheeled out again to play "Hey Jude!" (again!) and turning it into a lame karaoke, were the low points.


comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12

Absolutely brilliant. Put the Chinese to shame that. 10 on 10. (Not surprised some younger people didn't get it. What's the industrial revolution duuuur? ....and can only relate to Bond Mr Bean and Beckham)

Shame the Queen cant smile or even pretend to enjoy /connect with it.

posted on 28/7/12

It's not about getting it. It's not about age or "getting it." Yet I have seen you make jibes about people for being young on numerous occasions, simply because they don't share your opinion. You're typical of a lot of older people, thinking age gives you superiority. Ironic that one so old can be so immature in their attitudes to those younger than themselves.

As for the opening ceremony, it is just a waste of time in my opinion (and I am entitled to my opinion). I want to see the greatest athletes in the world compete. Not a performance dreamt up at an art college

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12


Re me slagging young people....have you? you must show me an example, instead of gobbing off.

Fact is that kids today are taught very little and are over influenced by the rubbish end of media. Most influential people in education acknowledge this and are currently working to roll back education to what is was.

Im entitled to my opinion and I don't need your approval, thanks. I have not had a go at yours. However, while I am at it, your post above about the value of the ceremony and art colleges, seem to point to the fact that you might be a bit of a philistine.

comment by Spurtle (U1608)

posted on 28/7/12

The Industrial Revolution, the forging of the rings and the lighting of the Cauldron were the highlights - Queenie looking bored and Macca being wheeled out again to play "Hey Jude!" (again!) and turning it into a lame karaoke, were the low points.



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