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flawless performance by GB!

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posted on 28/7/12

It's time McCartney left front of stage. He is becoming a bore and to insist on displaying him at every big event is boring as well. Same goes for SrElton.
Come out if they must but save the performing for those who can still do a bit.
I was there when they first began and dislike seeing them turn into what someone just described as bad karaoke.

But enjoyed the show apart from that. Stunning!

posted on 28/7/12

Whiteside, if there was nothing wrong with your comment, why was it deleted?

As for the philistine comment, I just have no time for big money being spent on arty events. Even on a lot of monuments. They built those big balls in Belfast. Would we have been any worse off without them?

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12

Whiteside, if there was nothing wrong with your comment, why was it deleted?

I really don't know. Probably because someone complained?

posted on 28/7/12

Well I didn't. Never have complained, never will. Interesting that it was deleted nonetheless.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12

what comment deleted?

Would we have been any worse off without them?
If you appreciated culture heritage, history and a sense of collective identity, yes. If you dont care about anything except yourself, the probably not.

posted on 28/7/12

So you really think those two monstrous balls off the westlink add anything to Belfast? Hideous.

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12

Its art merry. Its not just superficial. They are modern and thought provoking. I have seen a lot worse sculptures in my life. Its a much different and positive image of Belfast than we have been used too in the past thats for sure. Embrace progress and change, don't be scared of it.

posted on 28/7/12

I don't often agree with RBW but I thought the ceremony was brilliant. In 2008 everyone was so impressed with the chinese opening ceremony but I thought as impressive as it was it struck me as soulless and more of a 'peenis size' style show.
This (like every country that hosts an Olympics) showed just what makes Britain great. Not everything was perfect but then again you could argue that not everything in Britain is perfect so it was accurate.

Bond, the NHS, the Industrial revolution, all the music and everything else that was put forward as the best of British was spot on.

For all the doubters/haters, cheer up! The whole country (or everyone I know which numbers at like 604 facebook friends ) watched it and it brought people together like few events do. The feedback was universally positive.

Well done Danny Boyle and everyone who worked hard on it

posted on 28/7/12

Oh don't get me wrong. I prefer that to the murals. I can't stand murals. Even one that is inoffensive in theory, I feel just cheapens an area. But that's maybe getting a bit political!

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12

well said funrob

posted on 28/7/12

I think that the main thing is that the event last night will make young children ask about the NHS, Industrial Revolution etc. I don't think that they know enough about recent history that shaped the way things are today.

The only disappointment for me, being Welsh, was that the opening sequence showing people from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales signing was that the Welsh bit was not a Welsh song sung in that language. As well knows as Bread of Heaven is, I think they should have used 'Calon Lan'. A lot of the public may be aware that this song was sung by the Boys Choir on Britain's Got Talent.

However, it's over now and I'm looking forward to a fortnight watching sports that I wouldn't usually watch.

posted on 28/7/12

I'm a cynical old batstard, but I actually enjoyed most of it except Paul McCartney.

Don't think much of the new Bond girl though.

posted on 28/7/12


I agree. Though she was younger than most of his usual ones, there was a notable lack of charisma on her part. It may have just been my TV.

comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 28/7/12

I thought it was fantastic.

The world media are raving about it, a success all round.

posted on 28/7/12

I was also dissappointed that Congo weren't in single file.

posted on 28/7/12

Does anyone know who did/where can I buy the instrumental music from near the beginning of the ceremony (during the Industrial revolution bit) with the whistling amongst the melody?

posted on 28/7/12

it was brilliant, makes you truly proud to be british, although theyve got to stop wheeling out macca, he cant do it anymore, he was never the greatest singer anyway but now his voice is so weak its untrue.

posted on 28/7/12

These shows are inevitably a bit cheesy and I can't say I enjoyed all of it. But I did really like the 'democratic' emphasis: not presenting the UK via a series of famous Great Men (although there were nods to Shakespeare and Brunel) but through collective achievements like our industrialisation, popular culture and the NHS. I really liked the fact that the anthem was sung by a choir of deaf kids in pyjamas and the fact that it was athletes of the future who lit the cauldron. Visually, it was the cauldron and the forging of the Olympic rings that stole the show.

posted on 28/7/12

I have to admit, never found Mr Bean funny and he made me cringe. And the Queen looked as cheerful as ever.

posted on 28/7/12

I'm sorry, after the rings were forged, the rest of the opening ceremony was useless. If someone else had put together that opening ceremony we would all be laughing at them.

What was the point of the night club and love story ballacks?

Let's be honest with ourselves, ithad some good bits but most of it was rubbish

posted on 28/7/12

Agree a lot with what you've said RR, still do not see why the NHS or GOSH were part of it

posted on 28/7/12


The theme of the ceremony was about protecting and nurturing the youth of today and the future. The Great Ormond Street hospital is one of the worlds great hospitals for children and is known worldwide as well as the NHS. Things that make Britain 'great' in the eyes of millions of people who watched the ceremony.
The love story was there to show how modern technology plays a big part in peoples lives and was trying to reflect the modern British society.

The most inspired part of the night for me was foregoing a huge celebrity sportsman/woman to light the flame, and instead choosing a number of young athletes to do it thus continuing the theme of nurturing the youth and inspiring a generation.

Only a true cynic would go against the prevailing public satisfaction and call it a shambles!

comment by RB&W (U2335)

posted on 28/7/12


one think that both sides of the H of Commons are agreed on... the NHS is one of our greatest achievements... and GOSH is a centre of World excellence...thats why it was (rightly) celebrated.

It was an amazing show from beginning to end. (the rings was the best thing like that I have seen) And what an end. Dark Side of the Moon.

posted on 28/7/12

I was out seeing Batman so didn't get to see it Caught the end as the athletes were parading out. Will probably be released on DVD or something eventually anyway...

posted on 28/7/12

I guess the kind is person who posts on the Mail and Telegraph comment sections would disagree with me (indeed, I understand that much horror has been expressed at so many black faces being on display and Doreen Lawrence being saluted) but as well as the NHS being something we can be proud of, I think this is an incredibly important time for the country to be reminded of it. Cuts and free market ideology threaten the principle of 'free at the point of delivery'. Last night made it a bit harder to dismantle it. Even if the rest of the world was mystified, it was worth it for this reason.

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