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La Liga Thread 2012/13

Page 274 of 519

posted on 3/1/13

UEFA coefficients are based on all of the results achieved in Europe by all of the teams from a given league. The most interesting pages in that link are the last 4:

"Country Ranking" is the page where you'll find the 'official' UEFA ranking, which is a 5-year rolling ranking based on all of the results over the past 5 seasons. This is a more stable ranking UEFA uses at the end of each season to assign each league the number of spots it holds for European competitions.

The Country Coefficient page gives the current season's ranking by country, with a breakdown of the points achieved by each individual team. This ranking varies hugely from one season to another.

Team Coefficient presents clubs based on results for this season alone; Team Ranking is for the rolling 5-year club ranking.

This year, the BL, PL and Liga are vying for top spot in both the individual season ranking and for the 5-year ranking, which is a pretty unique situation.

If you're interested, each one of those pages toggles back to the very start of European football competitions.

posted on 4/1/13

Hi y'all, hope you've all had a great holiday!

Found this article which made me lol. http://deportes.elpais.com/deportes/2013/01/02/actualidad/1357158786_798049.html

Story is about how Spanish clubs are not all following Barca/NT line & English & German leagues now more technical...

posted on 4/1/13


DrFeelgood, How do you manage to get up at something close to quarter past 6?

posted on 4/1/13

Haha, I'm starting to wake up around 5ish every morning, not sure why..

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I am a public nuisance.

posted on 4/1/13

Try sleeping pills or something? Surely you must be tired though from getting up that early?

Dot, Yes you are

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

Dr F, please do not deprave yourself of sleep in these dark days. Winter is for hibernating

posted on 4/1/13

I could go back to bed now if i wanted, I'm aching, just got things to do this morning and this afternoon.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I have a stupid throat infection that has ruined my voice. I sound like i did when i was 14.

posted on 4/1/13

Any cough medicine should do the trick. Just ask your local pharmasist what is the best source for a throat infecion and he'll help you. Possibly a Doctor?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I think i need an exorcist

The power of Pinky compels you to buy local produce.

posted on 4/1/13

Just ask your local pharmasist for the best source for quick heal, then you've done the job.

Surely he isn't that bad?

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I haven't been to a doctor or farm assist for about 8 or 9 years

posted on 4/1/13

Depends how long you've had this infecton for? If it's been closing in on a week, I'd recommend going, just for some advice maybe. If you've had it for a day or 2, just let it rest and see if it heals on it's own, if it doesn't, Doctor/Pharamasist useful.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

My brother had it for a week then it ran away. It will be a week on sunday for me so if it is still a problem then i'll go to a farm assist.

I've been in Edinburgh for 5 and a half years and never registered with a doctor

I forgot you were a real doctor

posted on 4/1/13

I'd do so.

Just a couple of 100 miles apart between us.

Not revealing where abouts I live though.

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I'm assuming you're to the south.....you can reveal the direction surely

While we're playing Doctor, can you tell me why i have a spherical lump on my right arm just below the shoulder?

I got a BCG jag on the other arm in the same place when i was in school, but after i left school this lump appeared on my other arm. It's not sore, but it sometimes gets a little inflamed and looks like i've just had an injection

Diagnosis : TERRIBLE

posted on 4/1/13

i have a v heavy cold, possible throat infection too

2nd day off work <ill>

uppy..i went over 15 years at one point without going to the docs !!

from the age of 15 to about 30

posted on 4/1/13

Sorry to hear that you are ill Peks

Lemsip should sort you out.

La Liga looks like a write off for Real M this season.
Barca wants it more (this season) especially from the 1st game.
Real M putting all eggs in one basket for the you know what!

posted on 4/1/13

well i hope you're right coolinter

if madrid fail to get to at least the semis in this season CL, the season would have been a complete failure

I hope they can raise themselves for big CL matches like the original galactico team were able to do 10 years ago...but I feel this Madrid team is less able to do that, due to the complete lack of match control they v often have

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

I may as well be off ill for all the use i am today.

I hope Real put Utd out then lose to Dortmund.

posted on 4/1/13

i think they will beat utd...

still put madrid as 4th possible 5th favourites though...behind farza, Bayern, dortmund and possibly juve

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

Will you swear if Barca win it?

posted on 4/1/13

i am resigned to the fact that this is farza's era

much like the late 70s/early 80s for lpool's

comment by ● (U4443)

posted on 4/1/13

....and next year

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