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These 36 comments are related to an article called:

Why oh why??

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comment by Steve (U2327)

posted on 12/9/12

Don't know what your seeing as the page comes up ERROR

posted on 12/9/12

Hmmm...maybe they took it down as they realised it was'nt true <crosses fingers>

It basically said that he was looking to go out on loan and that us, Leeds, Dingles and Derby were keen on signing him, cant see how he would improve us up front...esp as we dont need improving, 5 strikers is enough, besides I'd rather have heskey than him...and thats saying something

posted on 12/9/12

Try this


posted on 12/9/12

Ahem ...

... "has suffered two torn Achilles tendons and a dislocated knee cap which has meant he has not played since August 2010"


etc. etc.

posted on 12/9/12

Exactly, why our good name is even associated with this stupid "rumour" (which I hope against all hope is all it is) is beyond me, id be amazed if it turns out DJ really wanted him when we have 5 strikers already

posted on 12/9/12

Could be worse; we could've been linked with Heskey

posted on 12/9/12

Ha, that'll be the next rumour i suspect!! , then Robbie Fowler, just coz he trained with us in March , Hell why dont we go for the jugular and swoop for Viduka or even Neil Shipperly on a 5 year deal or summat

posted on 12/9/12

I loaned Sidibe on footy manager, he was woeful. For that reason, I'm out.

posted on 12/9/12

If I was Duncan Banatyne, i'd say "Marmedy, you've not played for two yeyors, had enjury after enjury, had baron spell after baron spell, your goal record es shorken, Et's absolutly perposterous, Ets ludacrus, and for that reason, am oot!!!"

posted on 12/9/12

That's what the Dave Richards regime used to say when the crocks rolled up at S6, except it ended with 'for that reason, you're hired!'

posted on 12/9/12

Dave Richards now runs a Donkey Sanctuary in Dungworth.

posted on 12/9/12

Ha, even that's too good for that 5hith3ad!!

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 12/9/12

Welcome to the "Sir" Dave Richards Donkey Sanctuary.

Let me introduce you to our first case, this is "Sir" Dave.

He had a tough life, champagne in the directors box, prawn sandwiches and boots lined with Pandas ears.

He sold his soul to Sky and now spends his time searching for a real knighthood and someone to love and respect him.

"Sir" Dave came to us after several incidents of abuse he encountered on trains. People wearing blue and white kept slapping him and calling him rude names. "Sir" Dave got very depressed and threatened to take his own life.

We are trying to help him. So if you have any spare asprin, mogodon, hemlock etc, please give generously.

posted on 12/9/12

I can donate some digitalis tea bags (they're organic) , allegedly and a . he can use the how he wishes, a small 'toy' for his golden days.

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 12/9/12

The digitalis tea bags are most welcome shib.

I've no idea what to with the , except feed it to Tony Adams. Yes, he's in our care as well after an unfortunate incident with Gabby Roslyn on Final Score.

posted on 13/9/12

You mean Gabby Logan?

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 13/9/12

I might

posted on 13/9/12

You might what?

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 13/9/12

Mean Gaby Logan

posted on 13/9/12

I'm sorry, it is a 'No' for me. I'd just see her old man's face, so would buy her one drink only at the bar and order my own cab immediately afterwards, whilst politely fending off her unavoidable advances.

comment by Greno (U2127)

posted on 13/9/12

I'd do her from behind so no risk of seeing her old man's face.

posted on 13/9/12

Hmmm... there's an argument for that type of 'out of the box' thinking.

But its still a No

posted on 13/9/12

I'm sorry, it is a 'No' for me. I'd just see her old man's face

Nah not for me either, not my type, plus its THAT voice too

Gimme Keeley Hazzel or Katie Downes anyday...or both

posted on 13/9/12

Are you more of a Clare Balding man Shibs? Bear in mind, she's a very giving woman.

posted on 13/9/12

im sure she's the offspring of Ann Widercombe

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