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The Shebby effect?

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posted on 24/9/12

I would have thought 'arry would be fairly comfy on his MOTD sofa now.

posted on 24/9/12

Despite crossing everything physically possible without causing long-term damage, I am feeling very positive that something big is on the cards here.

Yes there have been a few false dawns so far, but as you say the Shebby-factor has been more encouraging then I initially expected.

I just hope that with Shebby now calling more of the shots we don't see the Venkys sack Keanius and replace with another yes-man or unproven candidate. Allowing 'Eric Black to prove himself' is not a phrase that warms the heart.

McCarthy would be pragmatic and not unrealistic, though can't see Redknapp move up here. Trouble is what manager worth their salt would step into the lion's den, knowing how the Venky's regime has operated previously?

I would love a big, experienced name come in, preferably with the authority and motivation to keep momentum (Souness-type figure). I suspect though it may be another Kentaro-esque douchebag.

posted on 24/9/12

Fetish, I agree with what you say and ideally, we would have a manager with experience, who actually knows how to set up a team and make pragmatic decisions to influence a game during it.

However, despite the mess behind the scenes, I really do think that for 90 minutes, if we had anyone other than Kean calling the shots, we'd stand a real chance of automatic promotion. The problem as you say, is the impression of the club to an outsider. The debacle of the last 2 years has not gone un-noticed nationally, and as we all know there will be plenty of trigger happy premiership chairmen looking for a new manager between now and the next window.

We won't look a good prospect to a manager being tempted by a well run premiership club, but I still think the club have a good enough long term reputation, a strong squad and enough money to be able to tempt someone significantly better at managing a football team than Steve Kean.

That said, he's not gone yet. If recent history is anything to go by, he's probably stalling over terms on a new improved 5 year contract...

comment by (U10878)

posted on 24/9/12

Yeah Redknapp will come to Ewood

comment by $ka (U3522)

posted on 24/9/12

Alan Curbishley would be all right.

posted on 24/9/12

PNE Dave would do me fine, he certainly seems to know his rs from his elbow, which is a good start.
I will be pretty much happy with anyone who can stabalise the club, and unite the fans, I think I could even settle for another season in the championship, but with the history of the Venky's we will get gary megson or some idiot like that.
Someone who is a sports journo told me Hughes is about 4 or 5 games away from the chop, but that is all talk.

posted on 24/9/12

Redknapp would accelerate our demise nicely. Bankrupted every club he's been out except Spurs.

Don't think we would have to look solely at out of work managers. We should still be enough of a drawer to tempt many a manager away from his current job.

posted on 24/9/12

1) Di Canio, 2) Solksjaer or 3) Robinson.

Di Canio got Swindon promoted from League 2 with relatively few hiccups last season, I expect with our budget he'd do exactly the same for us.

However I feel we need a young manager for a fresh attempt at the premier league next campaign. No point in using McCarthy he's already been up and relegated Wolves.

posted on 24/9/12

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posted on 24/9/12

I'm not a fan of 'Shabby' Singh. He strikes me as the type of guy who has made a living in punditry on TV in nations that know very little about football i.e. Malaysia. Could you imagine if he had worked on MotD and broadcast some of his half-baked ideas? He would be an abolsute laughing stock and would never get an advisory role at a football club. If he is having a say in transfers (I hope not) then this is also undermining the manager.

posted on 24/9/12

Maybe, but if he's taking credit for Gomes and Rhodes (despite the pricetage) then so far I'm quite happy for him to push through signings over our current manager.

posted on 24/9/12

Maybe the boycotters should take some credit too, they've certainly taken enough stick from some quarters. Seems an unlikely coincidence though that Venkys were prepared to let the bald idiot pick up less than a point a game for 18 months, and then suddenly he's expected to pick up more than 2 a game. Something's spooked them, and the crowds are a likely contender.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12

I'm not a fan of 'Shabby' Singh. He strikes me as the type of guy who has made a living in punditry on TV in nations that know very little about football i.e. Malaysia.

Your amazingly spot on with your 'Prediction' seen as it has been well mooted in the press and Sky Sports his previous jobs.
Tell me WoW, are your powers of observation beyond us mere mortals?

posted on 25/9/12

'm not a fan of 'Shabby' Singh. He strikes me as the type of guy who has made a living in punditry on TV in nations that know very little about football i.e. Malaysia.

Are you saying malayasians know very little about football?

posted on 25/9/12

"Are you saying malayasians know very little about football?"


Yes. Why? Can you prove otherwise? Oh, excuse me, I forgot about the wealth of Malaysian talent in the Premier League...oh, wait. #doh

posted on 25/9/12

Why, because saying malaysians know nothing or very little about football is quite an out of date statement to make, we are not living in 1920s Great Britain anymore you small minded idiot. The East India Company has gone, we have no empire anymore. Malaysia has a population of about 30 million and I am going to take a random guess that at least 20% of that country know alot more about football than you or I.
Your silly little bigoted random statements make you look a fool.
Can I prove otherwise, no because I dont need too.
Your comment about the wealth of Malaysian talent in the premier league is even more out dated. Does a countrys knowledge of football become greater by the amount of premier league players it has in its population?
In the modern world WOW we have technology, information at our finger tips, we beam the game of football to every country on the planet, you are a narrow minded fool, your views and opinions are out of date.

posted on 25/9/12

I'm not a fan of 'Shabby' Singh. He strikes me as the type of guy who has made a living in punditry on TV in nations that know very little about football i.e. Malaysia. Could you imagine if he had worked on MotD and broadcast some of his half-baked ideas? He would be an abolsute laughing stock and would never get an advisory role at a football club. If he is having a say in transfers (I hope not) then this is also undermining the manager.


Actually agree on that one. Nothing to do with him being Malayasian but he's like all Venkys appointments: underqualified, inexperienced and talentless.

Kean, Hendry, Agnew, Shaw, Anderson, Singh. A sorry, pathetic bunch of wasters. Lightyears below the quality of personnel we used to have at the club.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12

Miles this idiot will never change, like I said before his work placements must have been in a nursery because he certainly isn't capable of debate without resorting to the "Your wrong" "Prove it" and other pathetic sounding put downs i.e. #Helmut, ha whats the hashtag about.

posted on 25/9/12

A helmet is someone who is a bit daft or stupid.

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12


posted on 25/9/12

You asked what the term 'helmet' meant, so there you go

comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12

Bet your still single wow go on admit it?
You still come across as an arrogant little twerp just like last season.

posted on 25/9/12

"You asked what the term 'helmet' meant"

When did Damian ask what helmet meant?


comment by Damian (U9247)

posted on 25/9/12

Exactly Rover i was waiting for him to elaborate on how he can class me as daft/stupid because my opinion differs to his.
Strange boy indeed.

posted on 26/9/12

I have a gf thanks v. much

Quite why you're interested in my personal life, I don't know...

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