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These 107 comments are related to an article called:

Handy Guide to: Nottingham Forest FC

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posted on 26/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 26/9/12

Sheep Botherer

Yes, but not at the uni - I was a registrar, mainly at QE, from 91-96. Lived in Kings Heath for a bit until Mrs Lastapostle ensnared me, then we moved to a flat in Edgbaston. Used to love going to the Triangle cinema (Withnail and I! Jean de Florette!) Used to drink in Harborne, or we went to the nice veggie place in Kings Heath to eat. Rams on Saturdays unless working, missus too.

Life, life.....

Good times. Not for Elwood though.

posted on 26/9/12

Not long after qualifying I was offered a job in Birmingham which would have nigh-on doubled my then wage, but turned it down as I didn't want Lil'Un cursing with that God-awful accent.. I can't abide it, not at all. It's only a marginal improvement on Scouse.

posted on 26/9/12

I know what you mean, 666 - I always said I'd move back before mine started talking like a simpleton, but sadly he's 6 now, so it's too late.

Still, at least he supports Derby, not the Blouses or, heaven forbid, the Vile.

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 27/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/12

I love cats

We are just talking platonically here, Strett?

posted on 27/9/12

Mr Botherer:

is he not bi-lingual? I presume you and the wife would speak English around the house rather than Brummie, so he must at least know some proper words..?

Still, as you say, he's six now and probably ruined. If you knock Mrs Botherer up again, for the love of all that is holy please move back to civilisation and either inists Lil'Botherer says nowt or, perhaps for the best, leave him behind. Sounds harsh but you HAVE to be fair on the youngest, give them the chances you had.

We shouldn't leave a Ram behind, but it's for the best.

posted on 27/9/12

Not senior clinicians Strett. The cat-fiddler works in the pharmaceutical industry. I find that socialising with such people gives me a sense of perspective and makes me realise how fortunate I am not to be like them.

Which is, I suppose, why I come on here and talk to the likes of yourself.

posted on 27/9/12

It may very well be why you started coming on here, but now you can't stay away despite the presence of the likes of Colbi, Colinateallthepies and Strett.

Vidals and Cosmo Smallpiece: it's like a cyber "Pretty Woman".

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 27/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/12


Now and again, you have something mildly amusing to contribute that is neither a tennis smiley nor compelling people to don fancy dress and arrive seven and a half minutes late to things.

You're quite like colinateallthepies though.

posted on 27/9/12


I'm a mild-mannered man, but that pustule gets under my skin like the mycelial threads infiltrating Strett's nethers.

Cyber Pretty Woman? He's Terry Fckwitt and Robert Mugabe rolled into one, but without the personality.

posted on 27/9/12

comment by 666: Unfiltered (U11795)

posted 16 hours, 16 minutes ago

On an article written about Forest, how could talking about ar5eholes be 'off-topic'?

posted on 27/9/12

Whatever happened to Cosmo..?

Ever since lastapostleofBurkeandHare took a dislike to him, we've seen nothing from him and yet, mysteriously, transplant numbers in the Shropshire area have rocketed.

I can't understand all the fuss over this missing Megan girl.. she's safe with her maths tutor, who is showing her how many times 30 goes into fifteen. This is what passes for GCSE maths nowadays?!! When I studied it we needed protractors, compasses, scientific calculators and to remember loads of theorems.. now all you need is a rubber.

That's my Megan sms joke list exhausted, seamlessly woven into a football thread

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 27/9/12

Comment deleted by Site Moderator

posted on 27/9/12

I presume you and the wife would speak English around the house rather than Brummie
Talk to the wife? What kind of matrimonial utopia do you think I live in?

‘Conversation’ generally involves shouted expletives from another room.

Anyhoo, I’m teaching Botherer Jnr to say ‘nine’ instead of ‘noine’, and ‘toothbrush’ rather than ‘tuthbrush’, so there may be hope for him yet.

posted on 27/9/12

It must be like a scene from 'George Of The Jungle'

We're all praying for him but, if it doesn't work out, perhaps considering smashing his larynx "against a cupboard door by accident" so he can have one of those cool voicebox things like Stevie Hawko.. I'm sure you must be able to get novelty voices for them, a bit like the TomTom ones, so in every conceivable way you'd be doing him a massive favour.

posted on 29/9/12

Just catching up on 606 ,fabulous thread.(i'm a sixties kid)

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 7/10/14

Why is this 'article' trending in October 2014???

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/10/14

Derby are generally behind.

posted on 7/10/14

It gives relatively recent posters, like me, the opportunity to give it 5

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 7/10/14

I'll give it a 'one', then

strett - seems to have been quite a bit of 'site moderation' for you on this thread. Were you going through your 'rebel' phase at the time?

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 7/10/14

the prize is in site...

comment by sph (U11456)

posted on 7/10/14

comment by Strett (U1462)

posted on 7/10/14

I asked the mods to delete all my posts up to a date.

I had my reasons.

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