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Page 43 of 43

posted on 26/9/12

Is this the most comments we've had for a match thread?

posted on 26/9/12

I think so TOOR! Can't remember 1000 being broken before.

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 26/9/12

Ooooh yeah, thanks for the match thread FBK!!

posted on 26/9/12

Was a great match thread, was amazing to see some optimism and less doom and gloom about the board. Less slating of the players, owners, system and manager too, which was great.

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 26/9/12

I reckon that's because of all the youngsters getting a run out with next to no bad marks against their names, well, not enough for them to get slated like carra etc.

posted on 26/9/12

Even the most negative fans must surely be able to see the way we are playing is the way to go now? It's exciting stuff.

comment by Reggie (U13390)

posted on 26/9/12

We get slated for saying it but we've just had some poor luck, it's not for the want of trying, given the possession we get and the chances on goal.

I hope it bucks some ideas up.

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