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These 47 comments are related to an article called:

"It’s the scourge of modern football"

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posted on 5/10/12

I love how when they're quoted verbatim in the press it's full of (sic)

posted on 5/10/12

Don't understand all the fuss with the spat between Betty and wendyshites...

Wendies called Betty useless and idle...He responded by calling them thick.

Both parties...Bang on the money...

posted on 5/10/12

Well said poite Its the way of the world and players have the right as much as anyone else to use them to interact with friends, family & even fans, like you said DJ should lay down conditions on the basis that his players dont get into tiffs with fans or anyone else and definately should'nt be giving away any news regarding injuries ect. They should use it to interact with freinds, family and yes fans too and thats it, no scrobbles or giving away any information.

Think DJ does need to get a grip a little now, away from social networking but since our defeat to Palace he has seemingly caught the Megson bug where he makes excuse after excuse, blame it on the weatherman and the bog-cleaner ect, not once has he taken any responsibility! Yes our defence is shocking at present but it's HIS job to help the defenders play better and overcome this.

C'mon DJ you said & did all the right things last season and now your the opposite, pull yourself together man

posted on 5/10/12

DJ does seem quite fond of blaming the ref in every match doesnt he. I'll admit, we have had some absolutely shocking decisions against us so far but the blame for our losses doesnt go much further than having an absolutely dire defence. A decence that he constructed as well might I add.

Anyone noticed how we havent won a single game since Lewis Buxton got injured? Im not saying that Lewis back in the team guarentees a turn in results but the stats cant be ignored. We all love those dont we

posted on 5/10/12

What does irk me is managers that constantly blame refs for defeats, yes there are some Refs that are not up to scratch but by jove it must a hell of a hard job to keep track of everything that goes off, i've always respected referees, good or bad, as they are doing the best that they can, they have the hardest job I think, harder than any player out there and yet they get only a fraction of what footballers earn. I think amnagers and players alike should respect referee's more and DJ should start blaming himself and take some responsibility for once..after all it's his job and its his players he selects and its players he has signed!!

posted on 5/10/12

So you finally agree with my Jones the Moan title?

It takes time..but eventually you get there...

posted on 5/10/12

Well, i wont be calling it him but on the other hand that is all he has done since the palace game.

Dont get me worng I like the bloke and is a great manager at this level but he seemingly dosnt know how to deal with it when we/he goes through bad patches

Personally we'll get there, he's done one thing right in changing the formation to 4,3,3 (or 4,1,4,1 whichever) and we look a better attacking side but now he surely has to concentrate and put a lot of time into getting our defence to deal with crosses..esp Taylor!!

posted on 5/10/12

"Great" manager at this level???

Coppell, Warnock, McCarthy are "good" managers at this level, having won two or three promotions...One flukey play off final win does not make a "great" manager...

posted on 5/10/12

I agree with Dave Jones. We don't need social networking to relate players and fans. Whats wrong with having a once a year open day at Hillsborough, where fans can meet the players (mainly reserve/academy players as the first team would be on the golf course) and walk around the edge of the pitch before going to the canteen for a go on the fruit machines and a plate of chips? Now that's what I call interaction.

There should be a literacy test before being allowed a Twatter account.


Everyone knows that Colin is a below average manager and he will be fully exposed as a naive tactician come January where L***s will be mid-table.

posted on 5/10/12

C'mon sparty lets not start

Ok he had money to spend at Cardiff but he did take them on the verge of the premiership on a few occasions and took them as far as he could and never got them into a relgation scrap or mid table.

Also I would call a 3-0 play off final win v Blunts (who were a very good championship team under warnock) a "fluke" to be fair

posted on 5/10/12

Also I would call a 3-0 play off final win v Blunts (who were a very good championship team under warnock) a "fluke" to be fair

* I wouldnt call sorry *

posted on 5/10/12

I sit corrected they did finish 13th in one season and 11th in his first...yeah he's shitless at this level

posted on 5/10/12

sparty sparty sparty, there you go again spouting off about nowt. Same old dribble sparty. Anyway,enjoy your lofty perch in this league 'cause it's all yer gonna get! As far as DJ, he's a good manager and will do well for us as long MM keeps faith with him. MM track record with managers is a little worrying though. Have a great weekend.

posted on 5/10/12

Hey Milan... do you think we need a new defensive coach to sort this lot out? JJ at the back is as scary as sparty wandering around in the dark. Why is Madine being overlooked when Bothroyd is not doing enough.

posted on 5/10/12

Play off failure is no good for Mandy...He wants his last big pay day...and he wants it before football implodes, leaving him skint.

Reckon Jones has three game to save himself...Then you'll see another MM walk into Swillsboro...

posted on 5/10/12

sparty you talk a load of ******** again. Mind you, following Barnsley says everything that needs to be said.

posted on 5/10/12

Well our current defence coach needs to buck up his ideas quick on this seasons evidence. As for Madine, so far for me he has'nt shown what he is capable of. Personally im not that mad on Bothroyd either to be honest but from what I gather he did well the other night so I suspect that DJ will keep him in on the right and Coggy through the middle.

Not taking any sides here but Sparty does have a point, we all know what MM is like, if we dont get results in hte next three games then I think he will do something, hope he dosnt but you know MM, perhaps he'd go for his old buddy 'Arry

posted on 5/10/12

we all know that MM is trigger happy, but like you, I hope not in this case. Getting rid of DJ would be a poor decision for us.

posted on 5/10/12

The key for us is stability, something we havent had for many a year, if MM did sack him then 'Arry would get my vote...but like I said I hope DJ getting sacked wont happen

posted on 5/10/12

my vote 2. Hope not, let's keep DJ and get another defensive coach as it's becoming as desperate as sparty attracting friends.

posted on 5/10/12


Good un

posted on 5/10/12

sparty, yer finger slipped?

posted on 5/10/12

Sparty in "Banterish" mood again!! So would you laugh if he took over Barnsley then? A man that won Portsmouth the FA Cup, took Spurs to the Champions League, Finished 5th, 4th, 5th and 4th again...I would'nt to be honest mate i'd be jumping with glee if he ever took over us...not that it would happen like to be honest but if he did he would take us to the prem!! Just my opinion like...

posted on 5/10/12

Milan...For christ sakes read your last post...So a "professional" southener with his track record is going to up-sticks to a second rate northern club who haven't won owt since the 1930s?

posted on 5/10/12

sparty get your facts right. We won a cup in the 90's!!!!!

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