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Chelsea 2-3 Man Utd Official Match Thread

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posted on 28/10/12

Chelsea - United 2-1

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 28/10/12


posted on 28/10/12

Chelsea win?

posted on 28/10/12

When Smalling, Jones, Vidic and Kagawa are back we have the best squad in the PL and maybe our best squad ever in terms of depth.

posted on 28/10/12

Niall Quinn

posted on 28/10/12

99 team Rob? I still believe that was a better squad that the one we have now.

posted on 28/10/12

I have said from day 1 we will win the league, we win today, we win the league

posted on 28/10/12

Hope for a cracking game.

comment by DTM (U8348)

posted on 28/10/12

so all this handshake things was bull?

comment by Diggler (U4142)

posted on 28/10/12

Why is my Sky Sports starting to play up now FFS

posted on 28/10/12

Chelsea's bench is rubbish

posted on 28/10/12


Maybe the strikers were better but we had the luckiest ever season in terms of no injuries so never used it.

Be a good article to discuss

posted on 28/10/12


comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 28/10/12


posted on 28/10/12


will be back at half time...cant be on here and watch the game

posted on 28/10/12

for the love of god please win

posted on 28/10/12

Oscar close

posted on 28/10/12


posted on 28/10/12

easy for big Rio

posted on 28/10/12

comment by Red Rob (U9808)

posted 2 minutes ago


You'd really have Welbeck at left wing over Young? I know Young hasn't played much but it's not like he was on the treatment table last night. He's been training long enough for Sir Alex to think he was ready.

And remember in all those games you alluded to at the beginning of last season where we played great football? Young was on the left wing then too.


If only training was what fergie uses to judge who he chooses. I do not think we would ever see a scholes or giggs or even a rio play ever.

We are going to need players able to get stuck in. Young has not kicked a game in anger for a while and before then he was pretty woeful. This game is going to involve a lot of chasing and I will take welbeck over young and even nani in that situation. he has the ability to make a tackled player stay tackled with his size and pace. Also tries to win the ball upfield unlike the constantly back tracking young. We also need to maintain possession in this game and I do not trust a fit young to do that let alone one who is just coming back from injury.

Just one of fergies new penchant of attempting the "genius move" hoping that young curls in one of his finesse shots and he will make all the questions of his selection worth it. Same logic he uses with giggs, scholes and park from back in the day.

posted on 28/10/12


posted on 28/10/12

Great turn.

posted on 28/10/12


posted on 28/10/12


comment by Ruiney (U1005)

posted on 28/10/12


Page 11 of 40

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