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DJ to weld the axe?

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posted on 9/11/12

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posted on 9/11/12

It isn't working.

I don't think we'll fare any better than mid table this season - this isn't a bad thing necessarily but the way that DJ is faffing about is getting on my nerves.

Personally, I think DJ has lost it. He has eventually, it would seem, settled on a team, of sorts, over that past four matches - and I think this is our best starting 11 in general. Its a sahme we have no better choices; but blame lies squarely at the doorstep of DJ and his ineptitude in the summer transfer market.

I do think however that DJ is not to be further trusted in the transfer market so I'd suggest that MM looks at a better way of doing player recruitment or get a manager in that is clearly more competent in this area of football managment than DJ.

The Champiobnship now is a tighter league than when DJ was at either Cardiff or Wolves.

Bothroyd, nothing personal but he is a dying flame at this level - ability he once had is on the wain well and truly.

I suppose the metaphor is this; its like giving your teenage daughter a fiver and asking her to pop to the shop and get a pint of milk and a loaf of bread, but instead she returns with half an ounce of Golden Virginia.

This is what MM in effect asked DJ to do in the summer - i.e. go and buy some good players, when DJ just bought some old journeymen/lemons that he knows will say 'yes sir, how high' in the dressing room when DJ asks them to jump.

For me there must be a better way if we are to be a contender in the next few seasons. As for this year, I'm still well and truly behind the team and giove them every bit of support possible - this despite expressing my opinion on message boards, which is fair game if you ask me.

We'll be fine and could finish top half - which wouldn't be a disaster for a newly promoted team.

posted on 9/11/12

Good post shibs, especially the analogy. I think DJ's come back with an ounce of smack though, judging by how motivated his boy Bothroyd looks.

Mega, int Gary Madine due in court? Actual bodily harm or some such. Either way, I guess he won't be playing, whether he's in the slammer or in Swindon (which is worse?).

posted on 9/11/12

Yeah agree with pretty much all of that Shibbs? However he has made good signings too in Kirkland, Gardner (if he keeps fit), McCabe, Corry, Barkley (albiet on loan) and Rodri (but not given him enough chances though). His bad singings Taylor (who I think is terrible), Mattock, Betty are for me what lets this side down, esp Betty who as ive said dosnt give a f c uk. The signings Lee and Maguire we dont know if they are as he hasnt given them a chance to show their abilities.

Id be over the moon if we finsihed mid table but if we dont bring in that Striker AND if we keep playing Betty then it will be a hell of a struggle this season, not singleing those two factors out for blame but as far as I can see at the moment those are the two things that are letting us down!!

posted on 9/11/12

Also, if MM is to wield the axe, we should hold on untill Adkins gets the chop at Southampton IMO.

posted on 9/11/12

Yeah agree with pretty much all of that Shibbs?


! I meant to put , good post that Shibbs

posted on 9/11/12

Thing is Prof, just becuse it worked at one club, dosnt mean it will work here, there's a totally different crop of players here than what he had at S'ton last season, albeit far better players than ours, but if he can bring Lambert with him then Im all for it

posted on 9/11/12

Oohh ... Adkins Hmmm. Interesting speculation there Prof. No comment from me other than I'd put him on a watchlist certainly.

Yeah, I agree about the purchases DJ made that have been good too - despite my reservations about how DJ goes about his business in the transfer market (weren't some of the deals primed before his arrival though??)

But he isn't playing half of them; so why did he appear (at least that what it is for me) to fritter away transfer budget on players that he clearly has no faith in putting in the starting 11 or even on the chuffing bench?

You need a depth in your squad in this division - DJ hasn't delivered on that element so far.

(P.S. it was an analogy Prof and not a metaphor - i doff my grammar hat to you!!! before some nitwit dingle pipes up)

posted on 9/11/12

Regarding Lee and Maguire, it makes me wonder if DJ acually wanted them, maybe MM had his twopenneth about them, who knows but it is funny that he has signed them and yet not even given them a chance, I feel for them really, though apparently Maguire has a bit of an attitude problem about him so I can only wonder that is why he dosnt get a chance but Lee definately deserves more game time than he has had, maybe LB if he can play there as Buxton looks untouchable there, you ask Poite

posted on 9/11/12

Good call prof if things go on as they are then DJ won't be here when the loan window opens and Adkins would be the ideal replacement.

posted on 9/11/12

No doubt he is is good manager and has done wonders for Southampton and is a good shout dont get me wrong, but we shouldnt talk new managers just yet...not till at least 10 o'clock tonight anyway

posted on 9/11/12

Dear Mr Jones,

If Mr Milan is correct in saying that maybe you read our boards can you please read this message.

It alright you 'swinging the axe' saying that strikers are here to score goals and need to do that but it might actually help them if you put them on the pitch for more than 8mins a game.

It would also be benificial to play a formation that actually looks to score rather than stop the other team scoring.

I totally agree that our run of 9 games (or whatever it was, i lost count) with out a win meant we had to stop the conceding rot and for this it has in a way worked but our own scoring threat was taken away to enable this. Now we have a back 4 who actually seem to know their ar5£ from their elbow, maybe we should play a more attack minded formation?

Hope this helps


p.s - I bet Lewis buxton would score if he was upfront!

posted on 9/11/12

Well it didnt do Mel Sterland any harm moving from RB to Striker in the 88-89 season

posted on 9/11/12

Paul Warhorse

posted on 9/11/12

In years to come we will all be saying "I remember all the real legends, Sterland, Warhorse, Waddle, Buxton"

Mark my words

posted on 9/11/12

God forgot about Warhorse, I remember when he got 12 goals in 12 games, why didnt fransis keep him there? He and Hirst could have made a good partnership, damn you Francis for wanting him back as a defender ...strangely, when he signed for Blackburn he played in defence

posted on 9/11/12

... Beswetherick (now a police officer )

posted on 9/11/12

He was released from Salisbury City in May 2008. He joined Bath City F.C. in July 2008 on a pre-season trial, but eventually joined Paulton Rovers. He was released in June 2009 due to work commitments. "The decision is just down to Jon's job as a policeman and being unable to commit himself for every game," said manager Andrew Jones. "It has nothing to do with his ability, as he is a quality player and did well for us."

"Quality Player????

posted on 9/11/12


posted on 9/11/12

Sorry if I sound a bit thick shibs but...tha what?

posted on 9/11/12

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posted on 9/11/12

All Coppers Are B


posted on 9/11/12

Think we should send Betty back to QPR, also agree about COG and really don't think he's up to the standard we need so I'd get rid.

Also like us to take a chance on Jose Baxter from Oldham, he's only on a 4 month contract (I think ) there and think he would score goals for us.

posted on 9/11/12

Floyd, do you mean Madine or Cogba? Don't think Didier has had a mention in this thread. I have a man crush on the guy he's dreamy

posted on 9/11/12


I meant I'd get rid of Cogba, jury is still out on madine but I still think he may come good and get us a few goals if he gets on a run.

Also agree with shib about coppers after getting home from work today and finding a speeding ticket for 35mph in a 30 limit!

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