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These 40 comments are related to an article called:

Is it Working?

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posted on 2/12/12

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posted on 2/12/12

Who can say Rev, maybe SOD is a visionary and is pioneering the all midfield 0-10-0 formation?

posted on 2/12/12

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posted on 2/12/12

Like I asked Rev,Do you think that we should have past up the op to sign Lansbury and Geddy and waited until we offloaded players first?

posted on 2/12/12

"Like I asked Rev,Do you think that we should have past up the op to sign Lansbury and Geddy and waited until we offloaded players first?"

Football is about opportunities, on and off the pitch, so if we sign a player that is better than what we already have, regardless of position, then it's probably the right thing to do - as long as you are not limiting your buying power to strengthen weaker areas, like defence. As I said before though, I expect to see more new faces next month.

posted on 2/12/12

Sorry Al,I worded my comment wrong,I wanted a response from Rev

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 2/12/12

You build a side. This is why QPR are likely to go down because they just sighed players that should be better than what they have without thinking about the team. It's the same thing we've done to an extent.

posted on 3/12/12

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posted on 3/12/12

Look I am a Rovers fan and I never thought I would give any sort of advice to Forest.

When I read comments like "playing 1 up front don't work" shows there is a total lack of understanding of how the master runs his team, I have watched and listened to the man for years and I just love the way he gets his teams to play. To get that kind of performance he needs time and supporters to understand what he is doing.
He beats Cardiff and he is the best. He loses two on the run and he should be sacked, thats football supporters.
Sean is a realist and knows if he fails to get in to the play off's he will face the sack.
I wish we still had him back at Donny but when the Chairman says "Your job is safe" Its the kiss of death as we all know.

I will leave you with one thought........ remember when we were bottom of the league and we beat you 4-1 (?) well we went on to have the best record in the league till the end of that season and just failed to get in the play off's. Before that run Sean had to endure the rants of "Sack him".

It takes time so give him the benefit of the doubt and get 100% behind him at least till the end of the season.


posted on 3/12/12

I agree alexmyhero

He needs time

Rumor is from inside the club that he is about to be given his marching orders.

posted on 3/12/12

Thats the madness of football Webbo.

He is the most honourable man in football and that doesn't mean to say he can't be ruthless if need be.

Cloughie had Taylor to protect him and Sean needs Richard O'Kelly from Walsall watching his back.

Sean will turn it around, he is not the best at talking the game up but he is the best manager in the Championship.

posted on 3/12/12

best manager in the Championship.


Not being disrespectful but how?

As he has no proven record in the championship.

posted on 3/12/12

Try taking this on board:

That he kept little Donny in the Championship on a shoe string.

We were the second most respected team in the division for playing good effective football, Swansea being the best.

He had bigger clubs chasing him to sign for them but because of his loyalty refused to go. I think he learnt his lesson from that experience.

It wasn't his fault we were relegated, but thats another story.

The fact that he kept us in the Championship for 3 seasons with league 1 players speaks volumes for him.

He is still greatly missed at Donny. I don't think I will ever see his style of football again here but you will if he is given time.

Don't forget that element of luck we all need at times. Sir Alex can thank Robbins for scoring that goal which kept him in a job at United. The rest is history.

posted on 4/12/12

I think your inside information was wrong, Sean is not on his way out!
Sean will make everyone of the sceptics eat their words of treachery by the end of the season, mark my words.
As for the twitter comments, the boy is an idiot and should be publicly flogged with a wet lettuce.

posted on 4/12/12

Hi Alex....

It did come from inside. I stick by what was put as I know the source would not say stuff to stir things up. On saying that it will be a 2 + 2 thing that probably started on twitter and has rolled down within and sent out by text.

I have no issue reporting stuff I hear and people on here know I don't just make stuff up for the sake of a reaction.

I'm glad, if true, that it is wrong and do not want him to leave!

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