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So how many of you forest, want Billy back

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comment by Boxer (U16501)

posted on 2/12/12

I'm happy with O'Driscoll thanks

posted on 2/12/12

Those of us with a brain cell, want O'Driscoll to stay.

The process at Forest will be a sprint, not a marathon. Our own fans need to realise it.

Future's still very very bright

posted on 2/12/12

SoD is the best man for us at the moment.

posted on 2/12/12

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comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 2/12/12

Few Forest fans want Billy back. But the ones that do tend to make a bit of noise about it. There's a hardcore that won't let him go. I understand why to a certain extent. On the pitch his time was the best we've had for years. To younger fans they were the best times they'll ever have known as Forest fans. But we can't afford him coming in a causing bother. We've got great owners who could be great for the club and we don't need him stirring it.

How many Derby fans want old non-league out? According to Ramdini none of you. According to twitter a lot of you?

comment by sutton (U3208)

posted on 2/12/12

I don't get the obsession with him though. Both from Forest and Derby fans. He's a decent manager at this level. He's not the genius a few forest fans think he is, or the devil with the evil powers brain wash tens of thousands of people as others would have you believe. He's just a bloke.

How long will it be before an ignorant sheep tells us he turned the fans against ND? Don't bother it's ridiculous.

posted on 2/12/12

Holloway done the business with a much lower budget and a lot less fuss,so have a lot of others. Ollie even managed to keep the media entertained with his post match interviews.

Cannot really fault Billy for looking out for himself though,some fans(as proven on here) and most owners show very little loyalty to managers. They get very little time to prove themselves.

posted on 3/12/12

Ilko - we should give SO'D much more time.

I had a feeling some fans would be impatient. Calling for his head is ridiculous.

HOWEVER....if a replacement was needed, I would not have problem with King Billy.

posted on 3/12/12

King Billy??

Oh dear

posted on 3/12/12

Never! Let him rot in Scotland.

One question you have to ask is ... Why hasn't he got a job? He has applied for them ... Bristol City being one

He is history. He did ok but failed in the playoffs twice.

He doesn't match the new owners setup for a start. The academy, the reserves, the backroom staff all in place.

Injuries haven't helped. To name one....If Hutchinson was fit I believe we'd be top 3. He oozed class in the shirt. Reid spoke well the other day. He said come January, some teams that haven't had suspensions, injuries could struggle to stay in touch as they have small squads. It's not often that SOD has been able to pick the same side match after match.

Give him time (SOD) and we will benefit long term.

As for the BBB boys, it won't happen even if SOD left.

posted on 3/12/12

Completely agree.
How many times has SOD managed to name an unchanged team? No team could perform consistently with such an inconsistent team sheet!

Like reidy said... Things will settle down.
We've got great owners, a really good manager & the basis of a very good squad.
I really feel that all areas of the club (inc youth, reserves etc.) are genuinely pulling in the same direction. How long has it been since that happened!?!

Remember where we were before we were taken over. Look at where we are & what we've got now.

Take a look at the big picture. These are exciting times.

We're in a useful league position. Mid table.... Flirting with the play offs!! Which (if memory serves me), is what most people who post on here, said they'd be happy with this season anyway!!

posted on 3/12/12


I hope the rumors we are hearing aren't true. Had a text saying he might be on his way

posted on 3/12/12

Who billy or Sod

posted on 3/12/12

IGOR..... Behave!

posted on 3/12/12

No thanks, we've got a decent manager. I respect Billy for the way he motivated an average Forest squad for two years. But I think it's clear that Billy doesn't have the ability to plan for more than a year. If things go wrong he demands more signings and if he doesn't get them then it all becomes about him. We don't need that at the club right now.

posted on 3/12/12

Would have him back in a flash, and we all know the reasons why as i have said them about a thousand times since he left

Also there would be no excuse this time around with Billy as the finances are in place but it would be great to see him have the chance with this team with proper backing again, because if he can produce the goods again, we will get promoted.

One last thing, even to the ones who do not like Billy. Who was the last manager to get players such as McGugan and even Chambers firing at the top of their game, if Billy can do it with the squad we have today, and get them firing at the top of their game then surely we would have a great chance at promotion?

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 3/12/12

caniggiaforforest said:

But I think it's clear that Billy doesn't have the ability to plan for more than a year. If things go wrong he demands more signings and if he doesn't get them then it all becomes about him.

If I may say, that is a perceptive take on Davies that sums him up as a manager .

posted on 3/12/12

Billy Davies seems to be the target of unfair criticism from fans of clubs he has managed. At both Forest and Derby he took struggling clubs and made them into play off contenders. This is more than either clubs' current management have achieved.

He was however a cheque book manager and his success was built on large debts. Also for some reason his later signings for both clubs never proved to be as good as his earlier signings; spectactularly so in the case of Derby (Claude Davies, Eddie Lewis, !!! Teale?? etc). He was also excellent at organising defences but at the expense of attacking flair.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 3/12/12


Interesting article contrasting Davies & o'Driscoll, their different approaches, it is a Forest fan's personal opinion but I thought it was a good read.

I think you get two types of managers, the 'micro-manager' who tries to control everything, gets results/short-term success, which fans want & then the other type who tries to empower his players to think for themselves/some freedom & attempts to build a club.

That is not to say So'D is not without criticism as you need to buy players in key areas & there is no point having good strikers if they don't get service from wide areas.

Still, I think it is an intelligent, well-written article. It makes points that Derby fans should bear in mind, having had the dubious fortune 'to get lucky'.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 3/12/12

Maybe one of the reasons Davies got immediate results is that he was given some backing. He was the best backed Derby manager since Smith & Forest supported him. Your second paragraph describes him as 'a cheque book manager' . The signs of his profiligacy were already there at dcfc (Ryan Smith £600k.)

He does have the ability to bring the best out of limited players (Leacock) & McGugan thrived under him.

But he rarely did at either Derby or Forest what he did at Preston, which is source 'gems' like David Nugent.

posted on 3/12/12

Paul Jewell was backed by the board and almost lead us into division 1.

posted on 3/12/12

The Forest fans should consider carefully the gulf between Premier League and Championship.

As Cap'n rightly states 'getting lucky' isn't necessairily as lucky as it seems. Consider you own strikers, for example. Cox has looked likely to be one of the Championships most prolific marksmen, yet he couldn't get a look-in at West Brom. Look at how easily a Wigan reserve side (I mean, WIGAN for crying out loud!) brushed you aside in the league cup; Wigan "shouldn't" be able to sustain a Premier League team and yet the vast gulf in revenue means they have a huge advantage over even the bigger Championship clubs, where fanbase, history and tradition count for absolutely nothing.

Getting up without a backer who is prepared to throw countless millions at the squad, and you WOULD need a whole new squad, is a recipe for humiliation.

The only hope is that it's a hard first step and that you manage to yo-yo, ever-shortening the gap between yourselves and the EPL strugglers. That takes money and nerves of steel from owners, a rare combination.

Putting Billy Davies into that mix isn't helpful. He will always blame everybody but himself, will always demand more and more, and his repeated attempts to blame the playing personnel in his brief tenure at a Premier Pride Park did nothing but undermine their confidence. He's not a bloke you'd want in those trenches with you, I assure you of that.

This isn't 'having a pop' at Forest; the majority of the Championship are in the same boat.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 3/12/12

Davies was backed by £20m, Jewell given January & the summer, basically the second parachute payment (£10m) plus money generated from the sale of Davies's players.

Hindsight's easy, but the club was in turmoil after relegation, there were too many freebies (Jordan Stewart), average players, & loans that didn't work out & players who joined with the wrong attitude (Sterjovski).

I don't attach blame to one individual rather it was a catalogue of one mistake heaped upon another, but it began with Davies' awful buys. It even began before that with Davies & Mike Horton falling out over the promotion bonuses given to our new January signings.

comment by CapnBob (U1696)

posted on 3/12/12

Esp the gulf between the two top tiers. Swansea have bridged it by having a particular style. It's almost as if you have to build one type of team to get out of the Championship , say the team spirit of QPR with Derry, Hill etc or our own play-off team, & then dismantle it/totally overhaul it to survive in the PL (your point about a whole new squad).

posted on 3/12/12

i would welcome billy back anytime

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